Saturday, February 21, 2015

mmmmm .... It must not be very smart Fernando Alonso, because if has taken up residence in Switzerl

And to you, and the other ... Today I read in the newspaper something that annoyed me: Fernando Alonso, without waiting for her to finish the race, ran out of Montmelo to catch his private plane and land in Switzerland in time to watch the match Real Madrid.
Being Spanish, why is domiciled in Switzerland ?. Simple. Here you can evade taxes legally. While all the fans who cheered from the stands will pay their taxes, this good man is insolidariamente takes all your money out of Spain. Do not pay a single hard.
Meanwhile, suffered españolitos we are drowning in them. We pay with our sweat and effort hospitals, roads, schools ... And this man unsupportive, along with other media "stars" not working.
Today also appeared in the newspaper other news that surprised me: the government steba sous vide review will forgive tribute to the state of all tax havens funds that invest in government steba sous vide review bonds. You and I will be taxed at 18%. The rich, those who do not pay taxes, in addition to receiving state interests, this tax will save.
Do not blame only to Fernando Alonso, an important steba sous vide review part of the blame lies is a state that allows that. In addition, non-defend, keep in mind that this man does not live in Spain and is hired by Spanish companies. In Spain has some of the companies that give coverage if taxed here.
There is robbing you or you or any Spanish, if anything is stealing the French or British citizens, as it is hired by a French team based in England. Not because Spanish has to pay tribute steba sous vide review to the Spanish state, but the state where you are hired. A little more intelligence steba sous vide review in the next reflection would be appreciated. A greeting!
Under that rule of three, Mark, all Spaniards who work for Spanish companies here (Google, steba sous vide review Microsoft, Renault ...) should be taxed in countries where was the headquarters of the company.
Having no place of residence in Spain is not taxed like you and like me. It is a Spanish like you and me except for "acoquinar" as you and I do. And neither does in Switzerland, by the way, where "lives" (in that country is not taxed to the state), or France, the country where Renault has its headquarters.
Thanks for your opinion.
mmmmm .... It must not be very smart Fernando Alonso, because if has taken up residence in Switzerland, scares me the taxes that will be paid there ... I think there are taxed rather more than in Spain If you'd tell me Monaco, Andorra, etc ... but Switzerland! !!
HOla: One thing that sets her habitual residence in one place (as I said before each has done want or where their work permits, and more if you do not have economic problems as fernando alonso steba sous vide review and you can afford to go to your work in another country) and quite another to assert that live elsewhere this disappointing hacienda. They are two totally steba sous vide review different things
If you are not Swiss, do not work (you wish to take your retirement in Switzerland for example), and hold a B or C permit, you can choose the lump sum tax. This amount is based on your rental payments (or the rental value of your home), and has no relation to your real income or wealth.
Besides that everyone does what they want freely (always steba sous vide review within the law, of course) ----------------
of course, within the law is selling at a high price drugs that help treat AIDS, tamiflu fucking balls is a pharmaceutical company and within the law is surely kill your own dog anytime. The problem is that is not within the morality of respect for the lives of others and their work. That's the problem, within the law is that an employer take you from your job giving you an allowance of shit or a guy take up residence in Sealand or where he comes from eggs pa not taxed taxes either FRANCE, BRITAIN O ALBURQUERQUE. The sympathetic is that ilk of such people (not if FERNANDO ALONSO does) is what contributes to that you have to like 20 years from ruining you to treat stomach cancer steba sous vide review as in the US. It is very handsome push a button to start a nuclear war you do not see and it happens thousands of miles away, the ugly is sticking the knife kill and smelling the breath of the dead, but both are ways of killing
I very much like to pay their taxes in Switzerland or wherever !! I think to encourage Ferrari to do fichen once could put a box in the declaration of income to finance the operation. As is done with the church or social purposes steba sous vide review because FERNANDO NO SHOW WIN

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