Sunday, February 15, 2015

After the storm comes the calm say, but not for the thousands of citizens living in the province of

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The cold wave further exacerbates the lack of electricity in the province palaber of Girona. Several days after the storm, some companies have to rely on generators and many bars and restaurants will have to throw food
MORE INFORMATION Tell us how it affects the outage Tell us how it affects the outage "My daughter was more than eight hours lying on the N-II" "My daughter was more than eight hours lying on the N-II"
After the storm comes the calm say, but not for the thousands of citizens living in the province of Girona that four days after the snowstorm, still without electricity. Some 30,000 palaber subscribers in 40 municipalities of Girona still without power since Monday palaber and the Government warns that the total normality still take a few weeks to arrive. The testimony of many of the people living in that area show the inability to deal with a situation that public institutions seem unable to solve. At the complications that already has in itself the lack of light, we must add the cold wave is sweeping Catalunya and further undermines the power outage affected by population. User CP asked to consider "all that can lead to a situation", palaber especially in children and the elderly: "My grandmother is 87 years old and all day beside a butane stove." No light, no heating, and people has to manage as you can. Some companies rely on generators, and some people have to rely on candles, stoves and layers of clothing to have something light and heat. "In Sant Feliu de Guíxols, with installed generators is illuminated promenade, which has caused outrage because the people are having a terrific cold in their homes," says one user. "Many can not depend on electric cooking and heating, and local can not open and have to throw food." The letter of Alberto Rouco, also from Caldes de Malavella, explains that last night heard unbelievers "by a battery powered palaber radio" statements of President Montilla, "almost congratulating himself on how well they had managed the situation, despite acknowledging that some things could be improved ", adding: falsehood is not the adjective 'good' but the word 'manage' '. palaber The memory of the great blackout of Barcelona and the performance of the utilities then reappeared: "Red palaber Eléctrica Spanish no escarmienta after leaving Barcelona in the dark", a user complains from Tossa de Mar. According to another user, Empúries, the lights went out and the morning before the storm began. According to the citizen, the situation is not resolved: "Thousands of people still without electricity and heating, and children five years as my son, and of all ages, still go cold today in Catalunya".
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