Tuesday, February 24, 2015

But ... as could be 1200 euros in coins ... I find it unthinkable that night that amount being left

EDITORIAL 25/09/2014 The National Police qt gold coast buffet has arrested a 19 year old boy on suspicion of a crime of burglary in things, after breaking into two banks of Castellon Valencia Avenue the night, of which subtracted a bag full of brochures and 1,200 euros, respectively. About three in the morning, qt gold coast buffet officers qt gold coast buffet were alerted through the operating room of 091 for borrowed on Valencia Avenue, where apparently he had just produced a robbery at a bank branch. Upon arrival, police found that the door was forced and the glass was lying on the ground. Once inside, they located the now detained "squat" in one of the bathrooms upstairs of the entity. The young man resisted the police action, but eventually was taken to police stations. Given what happened, the officers arrested him on suspicion of a burglary, incautándole qt gold coast buffet 1,200 euros in coins. "Soon another call was received reporting that another entity in the same avenue was forced" and after the first inquiries at the scene, officers confirmed that the theft had been committed by the same person who had been caught qt gold coast buffet in the bathrooms of the other entity. This bank fled taking a cloth bag large, "but realizing that contained only papers left him with a container". After that he tried to commit another robbery in the second bank, where he was arrested. The arrested have police records and has been made available to the Judicial Authority.
But ... as could be 1200 euros in coins ... I find it unthinkable that night that amount being left out of the safe ... It is certainly very strange strange. I understand I walk into a branch, a jacket blurb takes ... And not the alarm and gives you time to get to another branch, like glass and pillar loaded money Where were the security forces .... I repeat that strange or will be to rob a bank is very simple

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