Friday, October 31, 2014

Store food in such a way as to ensure retention buffet roll for timely and replace the shelf life o

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Estonia buffet roll is not a major environmental catastrophe on a global scale yet experienced, and our analysis of the situation is not expected, too, that we should be very afraid of nature. All our dangers are caused by our own - sea-going oil tankers and hazardous cargo by rail and road, hazardous substances in warehouses, industrial plants pollute, etc. unsanitary landfills. The impact of storms and floods is there, but it is small compared to the hurricane.
Our biggest problem in the future, however, it may be that we are building up their entire lives depend on electricity, and information systems. A lot of people are going to behave outrageously, even then, when the computer is within 5 seconds of a web page, or MSN will not open. However, you have thought about what happens if, for any reason will not go away for a few days, not only the Internet but also electricity? Your living room is still warm in the winter? There you have stockpiled food or cash to buy it, even if someone else is selling? Does the tap water is still coming? Does the drainage work? Does the petrol to drive to the land of her grandmother provider - if there is such a place even exist? And whether, if the systems are knocked out punched, you can stay calm and act accordingly?
Of course, it is highly likely that in such a case will never ever shall be. But sellst be given a list of one American family should have in stock all the time - because, buffet roll for example, in California lurk both large earthquakes, forest fire, hurricane and terrorist threat. Think about it, because this is the life!
There are six main areas where the resources should have: water, food, first aid equipment, clothing and magamisvahendid, tools and related equipment, and special buffet roll equipment. The main things should be packed in such a way that, if necessary, housing could abandon them now to take - for example, in a backpack.
Store food in such a way as to ensure retention buffet roll for timely and replace the shelf life of the food exceeded. This could be at least a 3-day margin. Small children must be, of course, buffet roll specific stocks.
Medication backup - if you take the medication, then these stocks, as well as spare glasses or -läätsed. Entertainment - games and books, drawing materials. Documents: Passports, sünnitunnitused, educational certificates, marriage certificates, credit card statements, housing loans and other documents, medical records, etc. kindlustusdokumenid. First aid equipment.
When Preparing a Disaster Supplies Kit, review the Checklists provided. That Gather the supplies are listed. The items May be needed if confined to home. There are six (6) people shouldnt basics in stock for their home: water, food, first aid supplies, buffet roll clothing and bedding, tools and emergency supplies and special items. Place the northeastern supplies l

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Under the law of comparative advantage, division of labor is even then possible. True, the law is a

"Higher labor productivity, resulting largest beetle in a system of division of labor, has a unifying character. It leads to the fact that people perceive each other, rather as comrades in a common struggle for a better life, but as rivals largest beetle who are struggling for survival. It turns enemies into friends, the war in peace, individuals in society. "
Thus, Mises here assumes that people must have at least a minimum of intelligence that would enable them to realize the benefits of division of labor, and in addition also means that people largest beetle must have the desire to take advantage of this intelligence for practical purposes. 2
When an individual decides to replace their isolated work by working together, he immediately feels all the benefits brought by the division of labor. largest beetle The advantages that they bring with them cooperation and division largest beetle of labor are universal. These advantages will feel immediately; will feel the benefit every generation, not just future generations. Everything that an individual give up for the sake of cooperation with others largest beetle - will return him many times. His sacrifice is only apparent and temporary; he renounces small gain and later had a big gain. No reasonable being can not help but see this obvious fact.
The point is so obvious because if the natural conditions of production all over the country were exactly the same, and if everyone were exactly the same - it is quite clear that the division of labor would never have occurred largest beetle because people since it would not benefit.
With the disappearance of feudalism disappeared largest beetle and many esnafskih associations that are limiting the production and preventing competition. Artisans no longer need any permits to deal with the production, and as a consequence of this freedom - production has blossomed. Although you might think that such "elemental" largest beetle lead to the development of numerous oversized production capacity and that there will be major disruptions in the provision of goods and possibility of its realization - it never came. Every merchandise was almost exactly as much as necessary, ie. supply and demand were in balance. 3
Without any "expert plans", without any "scientific management methods," without keeping the "cyclic largest beetle policy" and no "fine macroeconomic adjustment" - supply and demand are practically coincided.
It is this market compliance largest beetle led Adam Smith (Adam Smith) that for this "strange mechanism of" spontaneous and harmonious market compliance, the use of the term "invisible hand". Therefore, while the invisible hand often linked to the name of Milton Friedman (Milton Friedman), largest beetle she comes from Friedman from Adam Smith.
For Adam Smith is usually said that he was the first economist and "father largest beetle of political economy," but it is not so because the economics practiced before him and sholastici Salamanca, as well as Richard Kantilon (Richard Cantillon) for whose essay 4 William Dževons (William Stanley Jevons) once said that a "cradle of political economy" and Hayek's Kantilonu acknowledged that it is in explaining the economic cycle "phenomenon of the first recipients of money" largest beetle used the term "Cantillon effect". Adam Smith was a philosopher and educator largest beetle who has worked to popularize the idea that people, if they are able to act freely, able to create largest beetle a social system that is far superior largest beetle to any "scientific" organized and planned system. largest beetle
It must be emphasized that for this market coordination is not responsible economy, but that the role of the economy is reflected only in the fact that it explains how to do this consistency comes, that is. explains the effect of the "invisible hand".
Under the law of absolute advantage, in a nutshell, if two or more participants exchange process, whether largest beetle it be individuals, groups or states, have the advantage in terms of production of a product, then for each of them the best that he has decided to produce only that product and that the other products coming through the exchange.
So, it is completely obvious that if a person opts for a production of apples, largest beetle and B for the production of potatoes, and then all this division into straight honor, both persons will have at 100kg and 100kg apple potatoes.
Under the law of comparative advantage, division of labor is even then possible. True, the law is a little harder to understand, but the gist is that specialization then comes the principle of relative efficiency.
If we have a person "A" and person "B" that produce the same products X and Y, and if the person is a superior production of both products, it is necessary that the person largest beetle is a specialization in the production of those products in which the more superior and that person B over to the production of the other products.
The enormous importance of the law of comparative advantage, because it shows us that no country in the world would not be absent from the international division of labor and free trade. Richard's law tells us that in the division of labor has seats for each state, even for those poorest country in nothing no advantage largest beetle over other states because it will pay off its partners giving her one production uk

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hegel was a philosopher daunting, monumental ambition. His philosophy seeks to incorporate into its

Hegel lived from 1770th to 1831st He has worked as an adjunct professor at Jena, Heidelberg, and from 1818 in Berlin. He was rector of the University of Berlin. His philosophy was official, the official philosophy of the Prussian Empire.
The main part of the Hegelian "science of logic", "Phenomenology of Spirit", "Philosophy gel fuel for fire pots of History", "Aesthetics", "The basic features of the philosophy of law", "History of Philosophy."
Hegel was a philosopher daunting, monumental ambition. His philosophy seeks to incorporate into itself all previous philosophy. In Hegel's philosophy has no room for God who would be on the other side of the universe. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born on 27/08/1770. in Šturgartu. Hegel's father Georg Ludwig was lower civil servant at the court vinterbeškog Duchy. Hegel was the eldest of all the children. His younger brother Georg Ludwig became an officer and participated in Napoleon's campaign in Russia. His mother died when he was 11 years old. Hegel was very fond of his sister, gel fuel for fire pots Kristina. Kristina she felt a strong attraction to her brother. After Hegel's wedding (in his 40 year) Kristina is possessed something that Hegel later called hysteria. In 1820 housed in a mental hospital, but was immediately released next year. Three months after brother's death Kristina went out for a walk and drowned. 1779 his father dies and leaves his modest inheritance. In January 1801 Hegel went to Jena, where the university lecturing that do not receive a salary. The inspiration of the whole of Hegel's generation gel fuel for fire pots was Goethe. He even recorded a letter which he wrote to Goethe, Hegel from Berlin: 'My inner nature whether you nourishment gel fuel for fire pots and strength to resist abstraction and using your own images determine direction by using a signal fire'. Hegel's whole life was celebrated the day the Bastille gel fuel for fire pots fell. Freedom is the other main concern of Hegel's thought. Since he graduated in 1793, Hegel began to work as a tutor in the home of Charles gel fuel for fire pots Frodriha Štajgeram Fon booze, aristocrats from Bern. Hegel as a home teacher is felt isolated and occasionally suffered from deep depression.
In l829 / 30. Hegel was the rector of the University of Berlin and as rector held the two speeches. He died l4. November l83l., cholera, which was then ruled in Berlin. His funeral was magnificent, students are to aim in that such a man had in its midst, as he might be to learn, as to him may be in personal gel fuel for fire pots contact.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was the most systematizer philosophy after Aristotle. Even after the scholastic gel fuel for fire pots and Renaissance filozofie philosophizing that required detailed knowledge of previous philosophical theories and systems. Hegel is considered poslednjim'velikim 'philosopher system, since after his presentation dialectical system a long time apprehension that nothing new can appear in philosophy, and science only remains to' fill 'the gel fuel for fire pots place that they were in his system ordered Hegel. Hegel's philosophical method (the method does not already own true nature of things themselves) is called dialectic.
In Hegel's interpretation of the whole history of philosophy (history of the human community), presents a series of roadside stations of absolute spirit to hit their own saznanju.Kruna this path is self understanding of his system of absolute duha.Kod is crossed there is no separation of reason and intellect, as for Kant. But these are only two approaches to reality and rely on each other. The task of reason is to show the contradictions of a mind to sjednini and contradictions. To achieve self-realization of the absolute must pass a clean opinion (logic), material thinning (philosophy of nature) to the historic existence (philosophy of mind).
Unlike those ancient philosophers who dialectic, understood as a method of developing knowledge, or as a form of reasoning, Hegel went a step further and dialectic understood as a rational principle gel fuel for fire pots of the development of everything, not just concepts and ideas. Since it considered that philosophy, as a rational and mentally opinion, the highest expression of reality, he argued that the rational principle that develops philosophical knowledge must also be the principle and the development of all aspects of reality. Philosophy, gel fuel for fire pots thus assumes the form of knowledge of the world as a whole, as absolutes.
Since the world as a whole, gel fuel for fire pots ie. absolute, structured and mentally opinion, then the development of the world can be applied gel fuel for fire pots form of development of the mind. Hegel previous studies philosophy, trying in their development to determine the basic themes and interpretations of philosophical and existential problems, gel fuel for fire pots only to find the path of development apsoluta.Pošavši of ancient philosophy, Hegel observes gel fuel for fire pots that the first metaphysicians engaged in the study of the material cause, or the beginning of beings (what there). Regardless of the solutions that are offered - water, air, apejron - these early philosophers were not that concerned with the immaterial, ie. spirit or mind. However, historically, after they appear Anaxagoras and Plato, who

After the attack drone, Albanians carried out a massive hacker attack on Serbia! Ljajic: Serbia sen

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To the citizens of BiH hired in need of residence and work permits, as well as to provide themselves a job offer. The Agency for Labour and Employment said they never had any contact with employers from the state
- All the facts in these articles are not accurate because it does not specify that these opportunities relate to nationals of the EFTA countries (European Free Trade Association). As for BiH citizens, they must submit a request for a residence and work permit before coming to Norway. Also, themselves must provide a job offer in Norway - say from the Norwegian Embassy in Sarajevo.
The Agency for Labour and Employment said they never had any contact with employers and the state, and that what is posted on the EURES - and more applicable to EU citizens and employers in Norway intention is to attract workers from the EU, and not from third countries, stand out from the Agency.
- We only have the information that these companies employed workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, among others. My opinion is that they employ more people who do not need to arrange a work permit, and workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina need it - emphasized the Director of the portal "" Aida Zejčinović, and added that a lot of people in the country who otherwise interested in jobs abroad. vv gdc
Read more 12/02/2014 - 08:05 Preto whether Bosnia NEW WAR: The objective of the elimination of Serbian revolution? 02/12/2014 vv gdc - 07:32 Necas (NI): Former Prime Minister of the Czech accused of bribing 02/12/2014 - 01:07 Girls (10) sent to the sex camps to lose her virginity
People figured now would there to enjoy. vv gdc RRC bit. There you go so you'd be a slave I sluga-. Rifle in hand let's get these bastards that rob us 20 years and work at Old And there you Norway. Who stole state bullet in the head or the silken rope. See all comments
After the attack drone, Albanians carried out a massive hacker attack on Serbia! Ljajic: Serbia sends doctors if they wish Seselj and Hadzic Bruk: half dead Seselj doctors ICTY stood out the window! VUČIĆ DISPOSAL VISIT ARM BELGRADE: Serbia does not allow anybody to humiliate! Fiancee arrested for drugs: Dilovala skunk in the fifth month of pregnancy? vv gdc Anniversary of the liberation vv gdc BELGRADE: vv gdc The day when the Serbs and Russians drive out the Germans from Belgrade! Monstrous: Islamists crucified on the cross of teenagers! (PHOTO) Mayor caught on the border with Slovenia? This sport coach Zvezda Jovic explained what to do in order to score in the derby! (VIDEO) for assaulting Steward: Zvezda captain threatened with jail? Captain Mitrovic led Red Star to victory over megohms in Zeleznik! Nikolic's reaction on the bench during the derby - from despair vv gdc to happiness sweetest! (VIDEO) CONFLICT AND BOSANČIĆ Ilic in tunnel: 'Let's tearing them, see that they know nothing! Interesting Here are letovale vv gdc all the world face, and today is a ghost town! (PHOTO) Mafia womankind: Because these criminal vv gdc Bosić freezes the blood of all underground (PHOTO) mysteriously vv gdc GIRL ON FIRE: INTERNET: Try removing the view from her eyes! (PHOTO) vv gdc cried like RAIN: He tried to rob a woman, and was beaten by the driver (VIDEO) BLACK AND WE ARE WRITING: 4 characters that cataclysm is near and that we learned nothing from history (PHOTO) News After the attack drone, Albanians carried out a massive hacker attack on Serbia! Ljajic: Serbia sends doctors if they wish Seselj and Hadzic Bruk: half dead Seselj doctors ICTY stood out the window! VUČIĆ DISPOSAL VISIT ARM BELGRADE: Serbia does not allow anybody to humiliate! This sport coach Zvezda Jovic explained what to do in order to score in the derby! (VIDEO) for assaulting Steward: Zvezda captain threatened with jail? Captain Mitrovic vv gdc led Red Star to victory over megohms in Zeleznik! Nikolic's reaction on the bench during the derby - from despair to happiness sweetest! (VIDEO) Jetset GRU explained: Rednecks and half-naked klinke we determine what is good music! (PHOTO) Ljuba Aličić loves the Gypsy in my mouth for 100 euros! (VIDEO) What is sexier: Elena with a snake, or a deer in a leotard? vv gdc (PHOTO) Miss Wet T-SHIRTS: Tanja without grinding wheel emulated Ceca! (PHOTO) (VIDEO) lajkovac SMS DAY: When you ask a girl what she prefers

Sunday, October 19, 2014

So the fate of that philosophy in the history of developed only degenirušići, by turning against hi

Authors John Medenica John Velisavljevic Mario Kopić Marjan Cakarevic Novica Milic Translated by Sasha Jelenković Svetislav Basara Vladimir Gligorov fim ayisyen Essays company philosophy of art theory Fictions Basara Gallery Video essay Mizantropologike From mizantropologije Novica Milic Translates Mario Kopić Novica Milic Texts Philosophy political responsibility Poetry Theatre Bills Notes News Collections Deleuze Finns Jovica Aćin Books librettos sprouts
Nietzsche's philosophy to include two means of expression, Aphorisms and a poem. Alone these forms assume a new idea of philosophy, a new picture thinker and thought. Ideal knowledge, the discovery of truth, Nietzsche replaces the interpretation and evaluation. The first goal of the "meaning" of phenomena, always partial and fragmentary; the second defines the hierarchical "value" makes sense, and combines fragments, and that does not weaken or suppress their multiplicity. More precisely, fim ayisyen aphorism is at the same time the art of interpretation and the thing should be interpreted; poem at the same time input validation and evaluation fim ayisyen of thing. The interpreter fim ayisyen is a physiologist or doctor, one that examines phenomena such symptoms and speaks in aphorisms. Vrednovatelj is an artist, fim ayisyen one who examines and creates a "perspective", who speaks in the poem. Philosopher fim ayisyen future artist and doctor - in one word, the legislator.
This image of philosophy is also the oldest, najdredvnija. This is a picture Presocrat thinker, "Physiologist" and artists, interpreters and vrednovatelja fim ayisyen world. How can we explain fim ayisyen the closeness of the future and the beginning? The philosopher of the future at the same time researcher of old worlds, peaks and caves, and the only thing Remembering is something that was fundamentally forgotten. That something, according to Nietzsche, the unity of thought and life. Sorted unity: a step of life, step for thought. Lifestyles inspire aspects of thought, ways of thinking create ways of life. Life miščjenje triggers, and views with his hand affirms life. About this presokratovskm unity, we have no idea. We only examples where opinion suffocating fim ayisyen and crippling life, and where life returns, obezglavljući opinion and losing with him. Now we only have a choice between a mediocre life and crazy thinkers. Live births too wise for the thinker, thinking too crazy for living: Kant and helderlina. But nice unity remains to be found again, this was no longer an insanity - the unity of the anecdotes of life seems aphorisms opinions, and valuation opinions new perspective on life.
Secret presocrates was already in some way lost from the beginning. fim ayisyen Philosophy should we think of as a strength. A power law is that they can not occur without coverage mskom previous strength. Life must first imitate matter. It was necessary that the philosophical fim ayisyen strength, in the moment she was born in Greece, in order to disguise himself survived. It was necessary to look past the philosopher lend strength to take the mask priest. Young Greek philosopher has something of the old Eastern priests. About it today cheat: Zaratudtra Heraclitus, Hindus and Elejci, Egyptians and Empedocles, Pythagoras and Chinese - all possible confusion. We're talking about the virtue of the ideal philosopher of his asceticism, his love for wisdom. I do not appreciate that grasp the loneliness and special sensuality, a little wise targets a dangerous existence hidden behind the mask. The secret of philosophy, because it is carved from the beginning, remains to be discovered in the future.
So the fate of that philosophy in the history of developed only degenirušići, by turning against him, letting lose his mask. Instead fim ayisyen of unity, active living and affirmative reviews see opinions that gives itself the task to judge the life, to oppose his allegedly superior value and to restrict, to condemn him. At the same time when thought becomes so negative, we see that devalues life, ceases to be active, it comes to weaker forms, the ailing forms only compatible with the values of which are called the upper grades. The triumph of "reaction" when an active life, and the negation of the affirmative opinion. The consequences are heavy on philosophy. For two virtues philosopher legislators are critics of the established value that is higher than the value of life and that, in principle, depend on it, and creation of new values, fim ayisyen values of life who are looking for a new principle. Hammer and transformation. But at the same time when the philosophy degenerates, philosopher legislator being replaced by submissive philosopher. Instead critics of established value, instead of creating new values and new evaluation appearances guard dospuštenih values. fim ayisyen The philosopher ceases to be a physiologist or physician, to become a metaphysician; He is no longer a poet, becomes a "public teacher". He says subdue demands truth, reason; but under such requests reason often recognize the forces that are not so reasonable, countries, religions, current values. Philosophy is just listing all the reasons that a man gives himself to obey. The philosopher invokes the love of the truth, but this truth does not make anyone any harm ("appears as a simple-minded creature who loves his comfort, that no perstane all established power

Saturday, October 18, 2014

No veze- there is now NOPO to protect the interests of the Vlachs in Serbia ... Joking party enforc

Campo Belo São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil ... As you read about Bosnia and Kosovo in your daily newspapers I remind you of the words of Socrates spoken at his trial in his own defense: "I do not know what effect my accusers have had upon you gentlemen chafing fuel gel but for my own part I was almost carried away by them, their arguments were so convincing. On the other hand scarcely a word of what they said was true. ".... View my complete profile
About the EU, Serbia, Vlachs chafing fuel gel and Romanians | Comment on Comment on About EU, Serbia, Vlachs and Romanians Mladen Djordjevic Thursday, May 24, 2012 One of the last condition chafing fuel gel that Serbia needed to fulfill before obtaining the candidate status for the European Union was the demand Romania to sign the Protocol Relating to the Status of National Minorities, which meet the requirements of Bucharest regarding the status of the Romanian minority in Timok. chafing fuel gel Romania has refused to approve chafing fuel gel the candidacy of Serbia, chafing fuel gel because, as argued in Bucharest, disregard chafing fuel gel the rights of minorities in accordance with European standards. Denial of candidate status was by its recent government so dangerous shot ahead of parliamentary and presidential elections, the protocol quickly signed chafing fuel gel on 1 March in Brussels, just a day before Serbia EU door ajar. In public, however, remains unknown what the occasion signed Serbian and Romanian Ambassador to the EU, as officials in both countries suddenly fell silent, probably for fear that publishing chafing fuel gel details diminished the chances chafing fuel gel of Tadic's DS and the upcoming elections, while the issue in the national media presented as resolved and completed. chafing fuel gel Recently, however, were leaked to the public of the contents of this Protocol, which confirmed that the Serbian regime and in this regard succumbed to blackmail and again brought into question the state's interests for the sake of the so-called European future. In this document, namely the Belgrade six points required to withdraw chafing fuel gel from the standardization separate Vlach and his korišćenjau schools to omogućidirektno representative of the Romanian ethnic minority in the Parliament of Serbia and daSrbija no right interfering in citizens' vote as Vlachs or Romanians. Search also that in every naseljugde legal conditions are met Romanian language introduced into official use, the Romanians in the Timok provide education of all levels, the media, local administration and church ceremonies in the Romanian language, and the language of programs narumunskom retransmit the Vojvodina and Eastern Serbia. Serbia is in the process of accession chafing fuel gel to the EU committed itself to respect the Copenhagen criteria in respect of the rights of national minorities, chafing fuel gel and both parties agreed that under these criteria to apply the findings of this Protocol. Question of the Romanians in the Timok otherwise in Romania actively initiated in 2001, in Bucharest, it is claimed that the Timok lives of several hundred thousand Vlachs, chafing fuel gel or by their ethnic Romanians. However, according to the census of 2002 in the area as Vlachs declared about 40,000 people, while the Romanians declared only 4,500 of them. Romanian President Traian Basescu said recently that Romania is asking schools, churches and the media for the citizens of the Timok region chafing fuel gel who consider themselves Romanians, and that Bucharest does not have any claims in connection with those who consider themselves Serbian Vlachs, but from Romania for a long time, leading a strong campaign Equalization of Vlachs and Romanians. Bucharest this issue is treated very seriously, it is far more serious than the Serbian chafing fuel gel side, and after an agreement between the two countries, Romania is expected that the provisions Preotokola met, and announced a new block of Serbia's EU future if Serbia fails to comply with the requirements poimenute. The whole process has recently included the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the OSCE, Knut Vollebaek, who along with Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania Bogdan Aureskuom announced that Serbia will be presented to a meeting of the monitoring of the implementation of the Protocol on the Rights of the Romanian minority, which should to be held in early June, in The Hague. Emphasizing the Vlach issue by the Romanian and Serbian blockade candidacy surprise in March the Serbian public. Upcoming chafing fuel gel meeting and participation of the OSCE announced that it is to be expected that it would turn into another chafing fuel gel serious problem for Serbia and the rest is unclear whether behind the new conditionality is only official Bucharest.
No veze- there is now NOPO to protect the interests of the Vlachs in Serbia ... Joking party enforcement all this is known. Who is remotely monitored policy Tadic and DS, he knows that his interest in Serbia less important than the EU-mirages, and other concerns do not need to be afraid of Romanians. If there are people chafing fuel gel in okružennju that we do not neprijateć- to them. Basescu is something maneuver with Merkelovom- pressed to get something for Romania, and it was the goal that everyone in the EU to support Tadic (for those who are not knowledgeable). Realistically je- this "deal" end up in some archives and drawers, and never see the light of day nor implementation ...
Since it until a year or two rights issue of Vlachs chafing fuel gel in the Serbian media was a taboo, something mysterious about what should not be public printer

Friday, October 17, 2014

As the body and the head consists of a man, so have a church and Christ. As our body is something o

Name is the name of the Church does not divide but unification and harmony. Church split adds to one, since the name of the Church is the name of unity and unanimity ... The Church was not because the people who do not add it shared with each other, but to unite segregated. The Church does not know the difference between master and slave; it is different of both the virtue. Christ is the head of the church and my body. Between the head and the body can there be any distances? On the foundation, we are building; He is the vine, we are the vine; He is the bridegroom, my bride; He is the shepherd, my sheep; On the way, we are travelers; we are the temple, factory shop online He obitavalac; factory shop online He crvenac, my brothers; He is the heir, my heirs; He is the life; we are living; He is the resurrection, are the ones who resurrected; He is the light, we are to be illuminating. All it means unity, and does not allow any division, even the smallest division, because who is a little separated, this will then be separated and much. That body, you gain a small wound of the sword, the other hand is; building, it breaks you even a little, he fell down; vine, odlomivši be at least a little of the vine, it becomes barren. in this way; a little but not little, but almost everything. Therefore, when a mistake no matter what bit or feel lazy, let's not overlook that a little because you do not pay attention to it, it will soon become big. And gown, you begin to tear, and the interference is not patch it, they will all wear out; same roof and fell down there with him several tiles, and so be left, razrušiće the whole house. Therefore, keeping it in front of his eyes, let an alert to small sins, lest we fall into big ones.
As the body and the head consists of a man, so have a church and Christ. As our body is something one, and if it consists of many parts, and in the Church we all make up a little one. Although the church is made up of many members, but many of these are one body. One Spirit is compiled from us one body and revived us because no one Spirit factory shop online baptized one another and others. and not just a spirit who has baptized one, but what our mouth is baptized, that is, which is why we were baptized, is one, as we were baptized, not because you make up a different body, but to me exactly constitutes one body to another another, that is baptized just because of this, that we are all one body.
By the Incarnation of the Word, says the holy Chrysostom, heaven and earth were separated from each other and did not have a head. But the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, God placed a head for all the angels and the people, that is, given a supreme principle of angels and men, one Christ according to the flesh, and the others the Word of God. Like someone said in the house that is in it something rotten and something hard, and to restore the house, that is enhancing the cemented her foundation: and here everything is discussed under one head. Then only the possible merging, then will only be a perfect union, when, having been given a necessary bond of the above, be subsumed factory shop online You see, on the holy Chrysostom asks, what did God do? Christ factory shop online is risen, is that a little bit? But look further: Gaje planted with his right hand. What comes to be expressed? One who is of the earth, the one who bezglasniji of goods, of which he was a toy demon suddenly factory shop online raised to the height. It is truly immense size of His power! Pay attention to where he was raised. He picked it up at the heavens above every created nature, above all rule and authority. Therefore, you really need the Spirit, we need enlightened mind, to discover Him; really need detection. Imagine how the distance between humankind, and the divine nature! But he is human nature factory shop online from its nullity raised to divine dignity. For this it is necessary to cross not one, not two, not three degrees. That is why the apostle just said above it: above. factory shop online A force beyond your God. And at such a pitch He lifted the man; from the lowest to the highest degree of humiliating government, behind which there is no higher dignity. All that the apostle speaks of the Risen from the dead, and that is worthy of admiration; but in any case he does not speak of God the Word. Because as mosquitoes to people, it's all the creation of God. And what I'm talking about mosquitoes. That when all men before God as a drop of water as a dust (Is. 40, 15), then an invisible force can be considered as mosquitoes. So do not talk about God the Word, but the One who is with us. It actually is great and wonderful, which was raised from the earth preispodnje. When all the people before God as a drop, then a man how great a piece dripping! But God raises him above all not only in this world but also in the one, and hath put all things under his feet ... Oh, really wonderful and amazing work! By God the Word became man, all man made; force became a slave. But maybe there is someone factory shop online who is above him, who though no subordinates, however, has greater dignity? There is no can not assume, as the Apostle states: all things under his feet. And it's not just conquer, but conquer to complete subordination to higher subordination can not be. That is why the apostle and said under his feet, and gave him the head over all the church. Behold, the church as

We have already mentioned a key feature chafer grubs of the non-enterprise work; it does not create

Marx on the production and non-production work (second part) | Workers fight
Why we dedicated a portion of the text to what Marx called unproductive work? After all, it is logical that the non-production work is simply chafer grubs anything that is not productive work, or that it is the work that does not produce surplus value and equity. The point is that we are passing through Marx's texts, and then the texts of his critics, had the opportunity to make sure his claims chafer grubs so massacred and so "upgraded" to quote some or Marx the man who is familiar with the original does not recognize . Thus, here we're blowing chafer grubs and cold, and in each case the definition of non-enterprise work performed chafer grubs and listed his examples. Then we show that the analysis of these categories does the analysis of the same thing, but when viewed from different perspectives.
We have already mentioned a key feature chafer grubs of the non-enterprise work; it does not create surplus value. This then implies that the money deposited by non fertilizes, is not converted into equity. On the contrary, the money is classified as advanced, but as spent. So, the money was released to the unproductive work - this is money spent and money spent unproductively. The person who owns the money and buys unproductive chafer grubs work might be, or certainly get the services you want, but in monetary terms impoverish [i]. Its all smaller sum of money is in the form of ordinary means of transport (which is converted into usable value) in order to get one's work. In other words, money is being spent in the form of income. There's a big difference whether the work is expressed in the form of goods and buys such as cigars or is it a living work of his product, cigar, then consumed. [Ii]
Now we see how it gets from the perspective of capital and its personifications, capitalists. Now let's see what it looks like from the perspective of workers. For non-enterprise workers is a characteristic that it does not produce the goods, but only use value. When we hired the workers that we make a cigar that we consume, then we do it produced usable value, not goods. In addition to use for the goods still constitute the value that occurs in the form of exchange value, which in turn is realized only in the market, ie. Compared to some other commodities (Marx, 1979: 300, 305). The cigar itself and intended for human consumption chafer grubs and not for sale-it's not a commodity. Accordingly, non-production worker receives goods from the customer (goods that can be exchanged chafer grubs for other goods; therefore money), but this comes useful.
As far as production workers, chafer grubs his position is just the opposite equity. Everything stems from the fact that the circulation of money its owners, employees, such that on that money being spent on other goods but for consumption. This part has the overall circulation consisting of exchange of goods, in the form of labor for money and then the money is exchanged chafer grubs for goods held workers alive. With the capital's different, he buys goods with money, manpower, which produces new goods with excess values embedded in it and making more money selling their property. In other words, chafer grubs the tendency is that workers can never be rich because their money is spent unproductively [iii]. He lowers his money from day to day because buying other goods which in turn does not have that capability of producing surplus value. On the other hand, the capitalist fertilizes their money, according to which the activity of workers indirectly productive because it, keeping it alive, seems capable and ready for further production of surplus value. Therefore, Marx concludes that being a productive worker - trouble. It produces other people's wealth and "just chafer grubs as such a tool for the production of another's wealth, its existence makes sense" (Marx, 1969: 158).
If we look at the whole production and non-production work, it is one and the same work appears as productive as unproductive. Here are some examples: cooks and waiters in a hotel productive workers if they produce (directly or indirectly) any surplus or converted money hotel owners in the capital. But these same workers are unproductive when compared to the consumer because this way they spend their income; they are to him as "servants" (ibid: 103). So cook hotel owner produces goods and thus (in the form of proof point there, Marx is abstracted from the profits, so we will be) the owner is compensated fund from which he continues to pay off. By the way, this is yet another proof that the worker himself chafer grubs makes his own salary and that actually lend its capitalists. But if the consumer buys the work of the same cooks to prepare a meal for the same food as in the first example, then it is unproductive worker and does not produce the goods because he spends it (used) do not like work at all, but as a very concrete work. For those who may still not see a major difference chafer grubs between chafer grubs the exchange kuharičinog work for money hotel owners and consumers, it is that the consumer her work does not reimburse his money nor increases. That is why Marx says that his "lunch

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Also, the marketing function does not believe it is really true that tviter useful

The difference between Facebook and Twitter - why Tviter users worth more | East Pavlovic
It is completely unacceptable that someone lovisong who claims to possess and build some brand thinking this way. Like to have stalls at flea markets and "let Pomer the counter lovisong next to the entrance, will be sold over socks."
The point is as follow for major brands and political parties Tviter average user is worth much, much more than the average korisika as Facebook. On Twitter are called early adopters, read more about you in my article about the diffusion of innovation.
On the other hand, the average user as Facebook is a classic mediocrity who hitched his biceps with pictures of beach from Budva and influential only in his grandmother that made him a cabbage. "Where are the faster the pictures on this Tviteru? What worries me is what this says, 'Father to see her in a bathing! "
These 300,000 people who came on Twitter, they came here to make their words and thoughts somehow influenced lovisong the society around them. These are people who have a talent for communication, PR, the impact on people and the imposition lovisong of thought. lovisong I'm talking about the average, of course, and on Twitter autistic madman. lovisong
On the other hand, of those three million people on Facebook is, 2.9 million of them there came to švalerali and / or play. They show Tviter when they say, "what is this faster, no picture, what's this for? Where are the fish? Well, I see that this is a female, but no pictures, only some of its results, what will we do. "
Plus - technically speaking, Tvitera potential for dissemination of information is much greater. Profiles on Twitter are mostly public and the number of attendants is unlimited. Profiles on Facebook is mostly locked to the public and a very limited number of people see what some sets. On Facebook lovisong is a lot more censorship and mass things will remove even shut down profile, and on Twitter you can appreciate whatever.
Here I'm talking about pure marketing value, not to be confused as to advocate lovisong some kind of elitism. If we look from the side of God, or whatever you believe, all people are valuable too, and the beggar on the street without computers and Tviteraš. But if you measure the value of marketing, Tviter average user is worth much more than the average user of Facebook. This, I outline, valid for large brands, small business calculations "here has more people, play it there" is completely justified.
Prior to slightly less than a year ago, I had a registered account on Twitter but in general I did not use as I used Facebook lovisong every day. In the meantime I started to use Twitter actively and immediately I started not to reduce the use of Facebook. There is so much that now 99% of the time I use Twitter, and only 1% of Facebook.
And all the reasons stated herein. lovisong Twitter is not so appealing to people whose only hobby in life in order to "not smore," and such is on Facebook and Privis ... on twitter are mostly people who lead a constructive life and published mainly information which people who follow have some benefit.
Whatever significantly lovisong to happen anywhere in the world, Twitter will find that within a few seconds. Maybe I'm a geek but I love the speed of information flow. BabaStraja on October 19th, 2011, 10:58 am
Well, you know that stab topic and time :) Just when I needed one of these text to forward to those brainwashed lovisong about how useful twitter. Thank you for another text that I quote a lot and share.
In Montenegro, the situation is even worse because there are only 30 active tviterasa. Again, I am sure that we can better and continue to sell an idea than I can on facebook. But the situation changes and with us. First Tweetup shyly held 10 months ago and now we have a regular monthly Tweetup and every time new people are coming and becoming infected :)
This sentence says it all: "Most lovisong Tviteraša has an account on Facebook is, but will still post on Twitter intelligent and socially angažovanije things lovisong but to fejsbuk." Igor Manjenčić on October 19th, 2011, 11:01 am
For all that is wrong about the story influences and just such texts. Are people on Twitter lovisong who are more modern, but these same people are and on facebook plus people who are just on Facebook is not simple-minded, for God's sake. Veljko on October 19th, 2011, 11:03 am
On Facebook at the "Nationals" on Twitter "rockers" :) joke, but I for nearly three years, the use of Twitter, I have not encountered a single status contains "folk" while on FB (not that this list now) only abounds. I love folk, but selected :) Peter Stakic on October 19th, 2011, 11:10 am
You're pretty brutal to the "average" user as Facebook. :) I know a lot of people who are very moderate and the "normal" users Interface (ie they are not the most important biceps from Budva :)) but not on Twitter as another social network for them to load, or simply have no need for such a quantity of information.
Also, the marketing function does not believe it is really true that tviter useful

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

That is, we achieve the opposite result: thinking we have got freedom, we become attached commercia

Turning to the question of choice - of whom depend on? - That we set at the beginning of the text, the answer to it is this: we can choose depending on the people, things, events ... or dependence on God. Third there: dependency or temporary, transient, or dependence on the eternal. In doing so, we are more dependent than men, that we are less and less dependent commercial chafing dish we are interested in God and His opinion of us. And vice versa: the more we are dependent on God, the more we live for Him, we aim to please just him - that we are less dependent on everything else, the less our happiness threatening to change fate.
Dependence on God can be compared to the dependence of the child from the mother. If we look at the example we will realize how addictive than who you truly love can become a source of joy, peace, commercial chafing dish security. Realize that such dependence is not a burden, not bothering us, but on the contrary - it makes us happy.
Why? Because it is based on real, true sacrificial love. A little kid feels the love and fully trust the mother relies on her in everything. commercial chafing dish What she entrusts her life, her future. I do not bother time! On the contrary, commercial chafing dish it wants to often be his mum, running to her for comfort in any distress, paying for help in every passion. The child knows - Mom will protect mom will understand, mom to him - everything. Because Mom loves you. The trust of a little child to his mother knows no bounds. The child does not check how many mama expert on the issue of child nutrition, treatment, development, and even personal safety. The little boy does not check - he believes. In everything. I always do. It is dependent on the mother completely - and it is absolutely happy about it.
Let's look at the opposite example. Everyone knows how unhappy little boy who was deprived of a mother, deprived depending on where we are now speaking. Educated people at his side and the indifference to it, little one quickly ceases to trust anyone, early maturing, often I do not even know how to love. Because no one really did not like ... Yes, such a child or adolescent is often "free" and is largely independent - no it does not say what time it comes from the street, nobody will prohibit smoking and drinking beer, nobody tera to enroll in college. However, if he is lucky, because so many "independent"? The answer is obvious ...
Dependence of the man of God is like that, depending on children from the mother. The difference commercial chafing dish is that God loves us more than most caring mother loves her child. Because God is perfect and His love is perfect. His love is in the highest degree of sacrificial - to death, even death on the Cross.
It is no coincidence that the entire Christian philosophy as a red thread runs image of man as a sheep, commercial chafing dish and Christ as the shepherd who "lays down his life for the sheep." Sheep can graze on pasture commercial chafing dish householder, dutifully goes to the pastor where he leads, can not trust him and understand it completely up to him. However, using their freedom, the sheep may choose another path, and to escape from the herd. And she, of course, commercial chafing dish cease to be dependent on the shepherd, commercial chafing dish but will depend on all the rest of them had not depended from time, from wild beasts, from finding food ... And each of NASM and the sheep, performs his choice alone.
It is interesting that the Orthodox man called "SERVANT (ROB) the Lord." And that is not degrading, but natural. At the same time, the Gospel says: "Do not become slaves of men" (1 Cor. 7:23). That is, the Gospel directly indicates the correct choice. Unfortunately, we do we choose to be slaves to men. And maybe we could modify our choice in favor of God?
Dependence on God is a unique kind of dependency that we not be forced to suffer, but we on the contrary, are close to true joy. And that's only what we can from their souls out any possible pathological addiction, because as we said at the beginning, one can not but depend on someone. At first sight paradoxical, but just depending on God, man finds true freedom.
"When passions are displaced remains true man, while his presence distort and make him a personality that is much worse than animals. When passion rules man and he loves them, they are so united commercial chafing dish with human nature that when one looks at them, it seems to act in their nature. So it seems for a man podčinivši they are acting in their persuasion willingly, and even gets convinced otherwise impossible: it's nature. "
That is, we achieve the opposite result: thinking we have got freedom, we become attached commercial chafing dish strongest addiction. In doing so, we are not usually aware of their enslavement, servitude to their own needs and whims. Thus voluntarily deprive most valuable - freedom.
Is not that going just for the reason that true freedom does not consist in the capacity to meet many of our needs, but freedom from dictatorship and uncontrollable feelings? In being able to control his actions reasonable and not at the bidding of a whim, which today is this, tomorrow the kind?
Dependence on God gives us exactly

Come out from that small svetoSMRADA and turn the true faith, Jesus, and other crap like Maksim per

And Minister of Education discriminated against Bosniak pupils: "Your native language is Serbian" | Sandzak PRESS
NEWS OF THE DAY LATEST Nations Politics Sport Economy Islamic Community Education Association Chronicle chaffers marina World Sanjak of Novi Pazar Arbour Tutin, Prijepolje Priboj Nova Varos Rozaje Petnjica Berane, Bijelo Polje Pljevlja Blue Gusinje Bosnia chaffers marina and Herzegovina Balkans Kosovo Serbia Montenegro chaffers marina Macedonia Slovenia Croatia Europe Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium Netherlands, Luxembourg, chaffers marina United Kingdom, Italy Across the ocean America, Canada, Australia, Turkey Topics Sandzak HISTORY From the pen of our authors Muslim women's lives and her world Interestingly Health
Novi Pazar - Education Minister Tomislav Jovanovic said today that it expects to students from Novi Pazar on Monday again to go to school and said that he could not let the Serbian languages is treated as a foreign language.
Jovanovic for Radio-Television Serbia pointed out that the rules during the school year can not be changed and appealed to parents "to return the children in the classroom," and to hand over to those who have taken responsibility, to agree how it will look the rest of the school year.
We recall that the other ethnic communities in Serbia, except Roma, have resolved education in their mother tongue and to the Minister of Education does not discriminate statements that Serbian language should not be treated as a foreign language. See more on the subject of the Bosnian language injustice Serbian authorities
Freeman says:
I would not have anyone to insult, but this is forcing a new identity is funny. Okay, you were Muslims, now you fix that you Bosniaks and everyone has to respect, but why impose this like Bajaga chaffers marina language and symbols, which are all but Bosniak ie. Muslim. Soothed, a symbol of Christianity that. Holy Trinity, located at each church. But, go, I understand that you did not have anything else to take for such a symbol.
I looked at this site a little more than 90% of people here anything to write about and comment on a problem with grammar was to speak Serbian or so. Bosnian language ... but what is really fascinating chaffers marina that the vast majority of those who write and comment on something here, there is a slight idea of the so-called. chaffers marina Bosnian language.
That was my mind, they would now all together, talk to one language, were members of the EU for 20 years and where we thought for the New Year, and we would not be here to correct wrong Drina. But to us what we ...
Come out from that small svetoSMRADA and turn the true faith, Jesus, and other crap like Maksim per division. Do you know the history of co frog view, babbling terms Equating religion with a nation or a people, perhaps intentionally doing it or you Dumbkopf, and you better be Dumbkopf than intentionally doing. Serbian language there and he was created in the form we know it today in the 19th century. The basis of this language is Bosnian language, the same goes for the Croatian, Serbian and Croatian therefore are two variants of the Bosnian chaffers marina language. Your nation is a fictional chaffers marina nation by the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian because you did not have the elements chaffers marina to be a people and a nation, and all that you missed in this respect chaffers marina you are Karali of Bosniaks and Bosnia what you're doing today you are not Serbs you are a common thief
I understand complexes Bosniaks, and it will force to create a national identity, but it is not so ... relatives of Turks have received faith, and took the name, but you keep the name and the language ... and you can do now to fantasize what you want but it is so ...
Unfortunately Bosniaks into this and this government which this misnistar sit and people from the SDA and SDP parties. Bosnian law is banned but I see it's not helpful to these who beat their breasts dokazaujući as their language (Serbian) stariji.Neznam just why it nepričaju Hungarians and others in Srbiji.Nije Bosnian past or will show in the kernel but everything has its VAKAT .Imagine when would the Serbian language thrown 8,000 Turkish words to just look, they say the Serbian language. "Ripnaja dživdžan with Panjer the ceramide" chaffers marina said vranjanac šumadincu.Bosanski language is the language of Bosniaks and it will remain until the beginning chaffers marina of time like it it or ne.Svjestan the Minister that it will not be banned but still need the tension and suspense someone for the sake of political points.
And what do you mr. Minister educate his son in there, some foreign schools and foreign language? What it nice not taught in their mother tongue, so that his personal example show that patriotism which is so arrogant ... And we have learned our rights and we will not deviate from them because they're like you waved a finger!
Degutativo, bastard, ponizvajuce and above all inhuman to say what else is! And that m tongue speaks, I think it is not entitled to a member nation who is accused of genocide and of the people who wish to have rights like all other peoples of the Balkans
Serbian Minister-defunct so-called chaffers marina Serbian language invented SASA 1989. Until then, the schools studied Serbo-Croatian

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Waybill in maritime navigation is a nontransferable transportation document which shipping company

For the regulation of maritime transport chaffering is an important chaffering first International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Bills of Lading of 1924. so-called. Hague Rules, which our country has ratified. In our country, the codification of maritime transport made in 1977, the adoption of the Law on Maritime and Inland Navigation, and it uklljučena are many good solutions from the Hague Convention, and the Hamburg Rules of 1978 that our country has not ratified.
Agreement on international maritime transportation shipper undertakes to Port of one country transported goods and handed it naručliocu work in the port of another country and in the same condition in which it was received without delay, for a fee. There are two types of transport contract: Shipping - concluded for the mass transportation of cargo, which can be used the entire ship, usually for free navigation. May occur podbrodarski agreement male who commissioned the ship allows the third party to carry their belongings on the same ship that had shipper made available. Vozarski contracts are zaklljučuju to transport single items, it is the transport of individual shipments which are engaged in liner.
Bills of Lading (Bill of Lading) is a document which shipping chaffering company confirms that it has received certain goods on the ship for the transportation and delivery to an authorized recipient of lading, under conditions which it contains. Bill of lading has a threefold function: It confirms the existence of agreements on maritime transportation. It serves as proof that the goods in the bill of lading listed, received for transportation. It confirms the obligation of shipping the goods to be delivered upon the completion of the carriage holder chaffering documents.
Bill of lading the Securities and worshiped feature allows the user to transport to perform a number of legal actions in connection with the goods as sale of goods, chaffering its commitment, although cargo has not arrived at the place of destination. To be completed by the shipping company, based on data supplied by the shipper. It can be: the name, by order of the bearer.
Waybill in maritime navigation is a nontransferable transportation document which shipping company confirms that it has received to transport goods listed therein and which he preuzilma commitment to yourself that according to the conditions contained in this document are transported and delivered goods to the designated recipient.
The main difference between the bill of lading and waybill in maritime navigation is that the waybill no property securities, which means it is not portable. Waybill chaffering is issued in one original and bill of lading can be issued in multiple copies of the original.
Waybill of Maritime and Inland Navigation on its content corresponds chaffering to a shortened form of bill of lading (does not contain chaffering the terms and conditions of the contract of carriage, but only a specific clause that refers to standard shipping conditions for a specific type of transportation.).
International rail waybill
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Monday, October 13, 2014

How do you say these coil consume mysterious mind will start to wake up every morning christmas bee

Failure will not be a reward for my labor. As nature has not provided you with my body that withstands pain, so did not obtain an even my life to suffer because of the failure. Failure, like pain, is alien to my life. In the past I accepted it as I accepted pain. Now they refuse christmas beetle information and I'm ready for wisdom and principles that I channeled through the shadows in the light of wealth, position, christmas beetle information and happiness far greater than my wildest dreams, as long as my golden apples from the garden Hesperidnog they are little more than my fair reward.
Time teaches all things of him who lives forever, but I have this wealth of eternity. However, with its udeljeni time, I have to be trained art of patience for nature acts never in haste. To create the olive, king of all trees, it is hundreds christmas beetle information of years old. Onion is nine weeks old. I lived like onions. I was not satisfied. Now I'm going to become the greatest of all olives and, indeed, the biggest seller.
How will this be achieved? I have neither the knowledge nor the experience to accomplish great achievements, and I have sapltao of ignorance, crashed into the pond of self-pity. The answer was simple. I will continue your journey without christmas beetle information being distracted by the weight of unnecessary knowledge and instinct far greater, than any beast in the forest; the value of experience is overpriced, mostly by elderly christmas beetle information people who nod wisely and talking nonsense.
Truly, experience teaches us a fundamental, but its instructions devour čovečije year so that its lessons somewhat muted because the time it takes to reach her special wisdom. In the end, wasted on a dead man. Furthermore, experience is comparable christmas beetle information to fashion, action that proved successful today, it will be unsuccessful and impractical tomorrow.
Only principles endure and they now possessed, because the laws which lead me to great works, are in the words of these scrolls. What will I learn more serves to prevent failure than to gain success, for what is success but a state of consciousness? Who will be among the thousands of sages define success the same words, yet failure is always described in the same way. The failure of a man's inability to reach their goals in life, whatever they are.
Truly, christmas beetle information the only difference christmas beetle information between those who have failed christmas beetle information and those who have succeeded in life, their habits. Good habits are the key to success. christmas beetle information Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Therefore, the first law I will obey, which precedes all others is - will create good habits and will put their slave.
As a child I was slave to my impulses; Now I'm a slave to my habits, as well as all adults. I have surrendered my free will to the years collected habits and deeds of the past life have already marked my path, which threatens to enslave my future. My actions are ruled by appetite, desire, prejudice, greed, love, fear, environment, habit and worst of all is the habit. So, if I have to be a slave to habits, christmas beetle information let me be a slave to good habits. My bad habits will be destroyed and my new grooves are prepared for good seed.
How do I achieve such a difficult endeavor? Through these scrolls, it will be done, for each scroll contains a principle which will be scaring the bad habit from my life and replace the one that will bring me closer to success. Because it is still one of the laws of nature, just a habit can replace another habit. Therefore, to the written word meet their goal, I have to discipline the first habit, which reads:
The next day I repeated this procedure and I will continue in the same way the following thirty christmas beetle information days. Then I'll move to the next scroll and repeat this procedure for another thirty days. I will continue in this way until you retrace with each coil thirty days and their reading becomes a habit. christmas beetle information
What will be accomplished by this habit? christmas beetle information Here lies the hidden secret of all human achievements. To repeat the words of each day will quickly become christmas beetle information part of my active mind, but more importantly, will also penetrate into my other mind, that mysterious source christmas beetle information which never sleeps, which creates my dreams, and that he would often force her delam in ways we do not approve of.
How do you say these coil consume mysterious mind will start to wake up every morning christmas beetle information with a kind of vitality before I knew. My energy will increase, my enthusiasm will rise, my desire to meet with the world will overcome every fear, for I knew every waking, and being happier than I thought possible in this world of discord and misery.
Thus a new and good habit is born, because christmas beetle information when action becomes easy through constant repetition, becomes a pleasure to work and if A pleasure to work, then the people 's nature that is often repeated. When I'm working, often becomes christmas beetle information a habit and I become its slave and since it is a good habit, it is my will.
Today solemnly swear myself, that nothing will slow down the growth of my new life. I will not miss a day reading for the day can not be compensated, nor can it be replaced with another. I must not, I will not, stop the daily habit of reading these scrolls and, verily, the moments of each day spent on this new habit are a small price for happiness and success that will be mine.
As I read and re-read

Descriptive terms that are used often to deceive. For example, when people refer to modern industri

Descriptive terms that are used often to deceive. For example, when people refer to modern industrial magicians and owners of big companies, they say to them "Chocolate King", "King Cotton", or "automobile sofaworx factory shop king". The use of such terminology implies that there is virtually no difference between modern industrial magnates and feudal kings, dukes and lords from earlier times. But the difference is really big for the king of chocolate in general and not the government - he actually serves. Irrespective sofaworx factory shop of the market sofaworx factory shop and its consumers he managed conquered territory. The Chocolate King - King or steel, king of cars, or any other king of modern industry - depends on the industry and managed by the consumers they serve. "King" must be at the mercy of his subjects - the consumer; he loses his "kingdom" as soon as no longer in a position to offer its customers better service at a lower price than others it has to compete.
Sometimes, before two thousand years before the rise of capitalism, man 'status was virtually firmly fixed ones along the whole life; inherited by him from his ancestors, and did not change. If someone was born as poor would remain poor, and if someone was born rich - like Duke or a Lord - to preserve his duchy and property that goes with it, the rest of his life.
In terms of production, it was primitive sofaworx factory shop and only for the rich. Most people (ninety percent or more of the European population) worked at home and did not come into contact with local industries. A strict system sofaworx factory shop of feudal society was held in the most developed areas of Europe for hundreds of years.
However, as the rural population increased through thus creating a surplus in the country. For these people without inherited land, or property, was not in order, and they were able to get a job or industry; City kings they forbade entry. Number of renegades continued to grow and no one knew what to do with them. These were, in every sense of the word, "proletarians" apostates that the government could only embarrass you in detention centers or orphanages. They have become so numerous at the end of the eighteenth century in some parts of Europe (especially in the Netherlands and England), that they represented a genuine threat to the preservation of the former social system.
When today to discuss the similar conditions in India and other developing countries, we must not ignorant of your mind that the conditions in osamnaestovekovnoj England were much worse. At that time, England had a population of about 6 million to 7 million, but of the 6 or 7 million, more than one million, and probably two, consisted sofaworx factory shop of simply poor outcasts of the existing social system was unable to support. What to do with these people was one of the big problems osamnaestovekovne England.
Another big problem was the lack of raw materials. sofaworx factory shop The British have had very serious to ask: What do we do in the future sofaworx factory shop when we take our forests are no longer gave the wood needed for our industry and heating our homes? It was, for the ruling class, desperate situation. Leaders did not know what to do, and the ruling aristocracy had absolutely no idea how to fix the situation. sofaworx factory shop
For such a serious social situations emerge first beginnings sofaworx factory shop of modern capitalism. Among these apostates, those poor people, there have been those who have tried to organize among themselves and opened a small workshop that could produce something that. It was an innovation. These innovators did not produce a set of goods that was just Affordable higher classes; they produced cheaper products for everyone's needs. Hence promotes sofaworx factory shop capitalism as exists today. It was the beginning of mass production, the basic principle of capitalist industry. Since the old industries that served the wealthier people in the town were exclusively for the upper class, the new capitalist industry started to produce things affordable general population. It was mass production to meet the needs of the masses.
The basic principle of capitalism, which is present today in all those countries where there is a highly developed system of mass production, is the following: the production sofaworx factory shop of large enterprises (those targets fanatical attacks of so-called sofaworx factory shop leftists) focused almost exclusively on meeting the needs of the masses. Companies that produce luxury goods exclusively for the wealthy, may never reach the level of large enterprises. Today, people who work in factories while the main consumers of products sofaworx factory shop made in these factories. sofaworx factory shop Therein lies the fundamental difference between the capitalist mode of production and the old - feudal.
People are greatly mistaken when they think or say, that there is a distinction between producers and consumers of large enterprises. In American stores hear the slogan: "The customer is always right." And the buyer is the same man who produced in the factories of those things that are sold in stores. The error are people who think that the power of big companies too, because sofaworx factory shop large companies depend entirely

Sunday, October 12, 2014

What can you do with an army simulants? Traditionally, she discovers them and punished, for one cle

Jean Baudrillard Excerpt from part (simulacra and simulation) | KA PHILOSOPHY / selection of texts /
KA PHILOSOPHY / selection of texts / Presentation of the original (and not only) philosophical texts - the basic principle of the presentation of the text is the curriculum, what did the headright system do then, our affinities towards what did the headright system do some philosophical themes.

Hide and pretend that we do not have what we have. Simulate and pretend that we have what we have. The former refers to a presence, the other one on a leave of absence. But the thing is complicated because simulate does not pretend to be "one who pretends to be suffering from something simply to lie down in the bed so that he poveruju he was sick. One that simulates a disease in itself causes some of her symptoms "(liter). * Thus, converting or concealing leave intact the principle of reality: the difference is always clear, it is only masked. Simulation, however, raises the question of the difference between "true" and "false", "real" and "imaginary". Is simulant what did the headright system do sick or not, since it produces "true" symptoms? With him can not be treated objectively either as a disease or as a healthy man. There psychology and medicine stopping in front of one truth now unknowable disease. For if any symptom can be "produced", then every illness may be considered "feasible" and simulated, and medicine loses its meaning, because it may leaflets only "real" disease, that is, its objective causes. Psychosomatics evolves in a suspicious manner, at the extreme limits of the principle of the disease. As for psychoanalysis, it is starting from the symptoms organically in nature, suggesting an unconscious nature: and this again should be "true" truer than the other - but why should the simulation stopped at the threshold of the unconscious? Why do the "work" of the unconscious could not be "manufactured" in the same way as any symptom of classical medicine? So they already produce dreams.
Naturally, the psychiatrist argues that "for any form of mental disorder what did the headright system do there is a special place in the order of symptoms simu lator does not know, and whose absence can not shrink deception." This was said (in 1865) to at all costs be preserved principle of truth and to avoid the question posed by simulation - that is, that the truth, reference, objective cause, ceased to exist. What, however, can do medicine with something moving inside and outside of the disease, both within and outside of health, what did the headright system do with some doubling of disease in a certain discourse that is neither true nor false? What can psychoanalysis and doubling the discourse of the unconscious in a discourse of simulation that can never be revealed, as it is not false.
What can you do with an army simulants? Traditionally, she discovers them and punished, for one clear principle finding. what did the headright system do Today it can be to let go of some very good simulants, what did the headright system do just as a homosexual, a heart patient, or a "real" crazies. Even military psychology what did the headright system do recoils from the Cartesian clarity and hesitant what did the headright system do to make a difference between "true" and "false", between "produced" and the authentic symptom. "If you are so good playing the madman, it means that you are crazy." And he is right in this sense all lunatics what did the headright system do simulate, what did the headright system do and this lack of distinction between the worst subversion. It is against her classic mind armed with all your categories. But they are now back splashes and flooding principle of truth.
Beyond medicine and the army, prevashodnih areas of simulation, the thing referred to religion and the simulacrum of divinity: "I forbade that the temple is a statue, because the divinity that animates nature can not be present." It is, however, possible. But What deity becomes when propagated what did the headright system do in icons, when it is multiplied by the statues-idols? Does the then supreme instance that is simply embodied in the images in a visible what did the headright system do theology? Or izvitoperava the statues, themselves, spread their grandeur and power of fascination what did the headright system do - with visible machinery of icons replace a clean and understandable idea of God? It was feared that the iconoclasts what did the headright system do whose centuries-old dispute between us and today runs. Just because predosećali the omnipotence of idols, the ability what did the headright system do to erase God from human consciousness and the truth that is in them can be glimpsed, destructive, extinguish, that God never existed, that has always existed only its simulacrum, that is, that I God has always been just an illusion of their own - they were encouraged to furiously destroying the image. That they were able to believe that they only cover up or mask the Platonic idea of God, there would be no reason to uništavaju.Može to live from one idea changed the truth. But their metaphysical despair what did the headright system do system was based from the idea that images are nothing obscure and that they, in fact, and were not images, harsh in what turns them and changing the original model, but are just perfect idols, who will forever radiate its own fascination. However, we should by all means to prevent the death of the divine refercncijala.
We see that the iconoclasts, who accuse

Saturday, October 11, 2014

So who is the owner of the kingdom? Without fondue burner fuel any doubt, it is Allah, glory and pr

Allah, Al-Melik | dove156
"He is Allah - there is no god but He, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One who is free from defects, the one who ensures everyone, one who stirs over all, the Mighty, the Sublime Gordi. Praise be to Allah, He is very high above what they set him straight! "[Qur'an, 59:23]
Say: "O Allah, that you have all the power, authority to whom you want to give and take away from those from whom you want; Those whom you want uzvisuješ, and whom do you want unizuješ; In Thy hand is all good - You, indeed, all of you! "[Qur'an, 3:26]
In Arabic, the word "Mulk" fondue burner fuel means "the ability to dispose of things and has power over them," so that Allah's Good Name "King" performed with His Holy Being, but it can also be derived from his works, for He is the One Who over all has the power and the Universal Disposer. The Quds Hadith, Allah, Glorified and Praised be He, says: "I am the king of kings, and the owner of the Kings. Hearts of kings are in My Hand: If my slaves sllusaju, I turn my heart their kings with them in tenderness and gentleness; but if we My servants disobedient, I turn my heart their kings with them in anger and revenge. So do not bother insulting the king, but to pray to God to change them, because they change (for the better) comes from your change (for the better). "
Allah, Praise and Glory be to Him belong, is the King of kings and Owner. In other words, everything that may possess belongs to Allah. Some scholars believe that the king of the one who manages and does not possess, and that the owner is the one who owns but does not manage; but Allah, Slavljaen and Glorified be He, is the owner and king (of all).
Once someone has something but it's not in use, or does not have the right to use. Once a man can use something, although it does not possess. And sometimes something man possesses, uses and disposes time but in the end it does not remain his.
Let's take an example: fondue burner fuel a man can legally own the house. He may dwell in it and dispose of it, but suddenly his house may deprive authorities of the country in which he lives by making decisions on nationalization, or confiscation of the house. So when we say that Allah is the Owner of the Kingdom, it means that he possesses everything that He disposes all; and that their final place of return to be with Him. Property of Allah is absolutely and overwhelmingly.
Once they asked Arabs who owned a herd of camels, "Whose are the camels?" And he replied: "They are Allah's, but in my hand (ie Allah, their true owner, has allowed me to dispose of them.)" Therefore, true believer is one who believes his house, shop, expertise, social position, etc.. belong to the almighty Allah.
So who is the owner of the kingdom? Without fondue burner fuel any doubt, it is Allah, glory and praise fondue burner fuel to Him belong. Who is the owner of our eyes that we see? Who is the one who holds our ears, tongue, movements, strength ... Allah, glorious and praised! In other words, true faith implies that a man firmly believes that everything that he has truly belongs to Allah Almighty, fondue burner fuel who allowed him to be in use.
"Whose are these camels?" "They are Allah's, but in my hand (ie Allah, their true owner, has allowed me to dispose of them.)" So your house belongs to Allah, but it is in your hand (You use it), the same such as your car, earnings ... etc.
If we say "Someone is king" Do you think that this is the real king, or think metaphorically? Scholars have said, no one can really own anything except Allah; and any other type of property, other than Allah, fondue burner fuel the only figurative and surreal. This is because the real king of the one who is independent, who himself is serving fondue burner fuel and is sufficient to himself as to your being as well as their attributes, fondue burner fuel the one whom nobody and nothing is required. Is there a king who himself is serving and who does not need anything to exist and survive? Is not he needs air to breathe, water and food to feed, and the dream to rest? Do not you feel the fear and sadness? Do not go there several assistants and minions? Every human being needs other people or objects fondue burner fuel that could live or survive; and therefore no man or any other creature can never be a true king. The true King is Allah, the Almighty and independent; fondue burner fuel and every second Mimoza called king only in the metaphorical sense.
The true king is He, who is independent of itself and its attributes, and whom nothing is needed but everything that exists must Him in everything and for everything. In other words, He is the King of itself, its existence and its attributes. NEJM nobody should all care needs. This is the very definition of "King" and no one except Allah, the all-powerful, the sublime does not deserve to be called that. The true King is Allah; and whoever ascribes to himself the kingdom, or ownership of a house, shop, business or company - it's all just metaphorically. fondue burner fuel We must know our own reality; Allah will be kind to those who know their reality and behave and live according to it.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Since Brkic do not know, I can not judge his qualities and his contribution during the war apprecia

Higher education birdie brains institutions still do not meet the challenge of specialized training that would suit the needs of a flexible labor market. The role of the university and higher education will be vital for ensuring the human resources for demanding projects. We are committed to academic freedom and university autonomy, as well as enabling the university to only decide on the method and the way to achieve their tasks. At a higher level should boot up centers of excellence in all important areas in which there are specific needs of scientific birdie brains development and the economy.
The reason for this introduction birdie brains is, of course, a new scandal with fake diplomas, and media have speculated that one of these diplomas owned by the current Secretary General of the HDZ Milijan Brkic - the closest associates of the party president Karamarko.
Since Brkic do not know, I can not judge his qualities and his contribution during the war appreciate. But from Brkic statements also can not tell if plagiarized work or is it actually birdie brains compiled, says Karamarko. It is not clear what it believes birdie brains Karamarko Brkic. Plagiarizing? Were it not? He stated birdie brains only that he spoke with Brkic, but that what he was told to keep this to yourself.
Brkic however modestly stated that he had no time end in college during the war. Because the high cost of each in the Civil War will not be ironic to this statement, but his next statement that he is ready once again to defend the work still implies a certain suspicion. Why attempt the defense? It is very easy to make a comparison of the works and see if you work plagiarized or compiled. If not, is it not simply say: "I plagiarized work. It is easy to prove by comparing my work with other works. "This statement is absent.
However, the term "compile", which is used to protect Karamarko Brkic is in my opinion inappropriate. The purpose birdie brains of thesis is not stacking their work from parts of other people's works, but use the available literature to graduate proved that he mastered the material to study and to be capable of independently on the basis of the knowledge acquired professionally processed into a topic.
Concluding thought that leads to the HDZ this page is that the media reports about Brkic ugly insinuations that the regime's newspaper, "trying to find a clip and a link between the old HDZ and the new HDZ. HDZ expected further attacks, but they will endure. "
In this last thought I have no doubt. If you have endured a cataclysm caused by the HDZ in society, if they survived countless birdie brains scandals, if the longtime chairman of the party (from whose time is still topical program of the party) sentenced to 10 years in prison and who are waiting for a new trial, if the party itself to the dock - of course it will withstand allegedly plagiarizing graduate work secretary general of the party. It's child's play compared with the social anomalies over the years related birdie brains to the party. But the message which is considered socially acceptable to plagiarize graduate work, justifying it a conspiracy by police and the media - that's another story.
- That colleges still do not meet the challenge of specialized training birdie brains that would suit the needs of a flexible labor market birdie brains because it is not socially acceptable to plagiarize birdie brains works - that the role of universities and higher education will be vital for ensuring the human resources for demanding projects, regardless of the manner graduation - that the HDZ is committed to academic freedom and university autonomy, as well as enabling the university to only decide on the method birdie brains and the way to achieve their missions, and that in this context is not an acceptable way of evaluating graduation of ad hoc committees that are in the service of the regime's media, - to a higher level should boot up centers of excellence in all important birdie brains areas in which there are specific needs of scientific development or economy, and that in this sense should evaluate priorities in the way of graduation. birdie brains
On the basis of attitudes that can be inferred from the information published on the official website of the HDZ, it can be concluded that the party is not completely gone through their catharsis, that they had to mischief in their own backyard blame some external enemies, whether from the ranks of the police, was from the ranks of bad media, and that's quite a reasonable doubt that there is a link between the old and the new HDZ. Is there old and new HDZ? What is old? And that new? Are not all these people - both old and new - all the time and they were in the HDZ?
One is Karamarko must confess, if indeed true that Brkic plagiarized graduate work, your credibility linguistic acrobatics which it defends birdie brains and justifies can be compared with the greatest bezobrazlucima he spoke his predecessor Ivo Sanader in trying to muddy the water from which it would never work out what is true and what is false.
But time always makes your water is eventually clears up, the fog disappears and stays true picture. Great hedonist, a charmer, a polyglot, a lover of art and classical