Friday, January 31, 2014

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

In short, Lieberman stepped into the vacuum of Israel

Two states for two peoples is not something absolutely wrong. True, there is a problem, the land of our ancestors, the divine camping gaz international promise all these things, but sometimes you have to look at the reality in which you stop and say, wait, stop being a Jewish state, and is becoming something like a state of all its citizens. It is nothing to prevent it by force. We hear that a 'democratic' prior to 'Jewish'. camping gaz international This is something we have to find a solution. Moreover, the world is not exactly like Israel's conduct. If we can create a situation where there is a state that is truly Jewish, meaning that 90 percent of its inhabitants are Jews and the Jewish national home, our situation is not as good.
What do we learn these amazing things Rotem? We learn from them that is very "Jewish", ie he defines his identity camping gaz international as a Jew first, and then as a person. We learn that Judaism is more important than democracy. Even more than the land of Israel. The state of all its citizens, in his opinion, "It is nothing to prevent it by force." Democracy camping gaz international which is the only instrument of Judaism, and un-necessary it is void of democracy. On the other hand, the Torah, too, as well as tradition, the only thing used in the maintenance of Jewish identity. The land of our ancestors, the divine promise, all "these things" are "problem" could also be it resolved (force?) If necessary, to protect the Jewish state.
What, then, is central to Judaism MK Rotem? Jewish state, the national home of the Jewish people is the real focus of the Jewish identity of the broom. "Israel Our Home", as stated. camping gaz international Did not the Torah, the Jewish law, no tradition, no faith, no morality, not the country but the state, and the state is of the people, ethnos. "Judaism" camping gaz international by MK Rotem is the people, the people most consolidated, uniform, pure.
We discover here an ethos of organized Jewish nation strong and proud - against the world. And of course world object, and perhaps oppose further when Prime Minister Lieberman will (other camping gaz international places in an interview to sketch harnesses the government H"nseoti vision "that his party wants him). But what does it matter? They already hate us. No matter what, that is known Esau hates Jacob. Familiar. So there really should camping gaz international also prepare policy.
Proposals in the areas of conversion and marriage is clear that he expected the rabbis to be flexible and give up their principles in accordance with the needs of the state and society. In his mind he sees a relationship between the government and the rabbinate, camping gaz international which is very similar to the relationship between the Kremlin of Vladimir Putin and the Russian camping gaz international Orthodox Church. Church leaders are honored Guard national heritage, but they are expected to serve the state, not the state serve them. If a senior partner in the government, Lieberman will try to establish a form of civil marriage and very flexible conversion process. But make no mistake, according to Lieberman, Judaism is a religion chauvinistic and nationalistic tool of the government and the strong man in his head.
The last sentence says it all. Lieberman camping gaz international seems also managed camping gaz international to convince the broom so nice and properly so. This is actually the other end of the problematic fusion camping gaz international of religion camping gaz international and state in Israel: Religion normally gives 'character' of the state and uses its resources is becoming a family camping gaz international here (Motti Fogel wrote about it beautifully here). Judaism is the religion of the majority of more citizens, but their national identity. Judaism as a religion undermined. Then it becomes known as Israeli nationality.
Position of Lieberman and Rotem gaining much popularity these days of xenophobia and go inside, and paradoxically gets backing not only of politicians camping gaz international Bibi ("The left has forgotten what it means to be a Jew") Netanyahu camping gaz international or publicists as Isi Leibler, but the rabbis Roll the rule to arms in the national struggle . What happens here is that nationalism uses the currencies Identity of religion to buy internal cohesion, loyalty, affinity and lack of - criticism. So impoverished religion to finance art. Rotem use these coins to impose halachic position on the Chief Rabbinate. Lieberman use these coins to gain power.
That is, MK David Rotem strangely decided that Judaism is not a religion - even though all religions scholars think so - but the nation ... What insolence! Turn us into a people place more spiritual cult with mystical rituals, and many other rituals require makers (= rabbis) will be subject to state?! (up here ironically) the guard stand reminded that Judaism (= religion is a late invention. we are a nation - well, this thing with the state, the military and all that aggressive chauvinism. As I've written a thousand times, the world is functioning as a collection of nations, not as a collection camping gaz international of religions, with all the sorrow of it, so look at us as a people of Israel rather than a collection followers of the Jewish religion. Besides, the comparison Putin is ridiculous - with Israel is not the Russian people, and no one is waiting here to create like Putin, and if - he deposed from power., etc. By the way - about the resistance of the world - were laughing ... World grovel before the powerful leaders and harassing those weak - go and check., but do not worry - even if Lieberman survives indictment and will power, is to sing different tune, something familiar tune of "Things are not what they seem" ...
Really? Judaism is also a nation???? So much for irony. Seriously: We all know that. This is what he writes Lieberman makes a reduction of Judaism to the Jewish nation. "Judaism" is becoming a national structure - political and nothing more. Everyone camping gaz international decides if a good thing.
In short, Lieberman stepped into the vacuum of Israel's Jewish identity. We have no idea what that means Lieberman tells us what it is. The way to deal with it is to not call him a fascist, but to offer an alternative. Our will is clear what it means to us to be Jewish. Favor of Lieberman said, he does a very thorough camping gaz international job. It answers all the questions that remain unanswered.
I agree with the predecessors Lieberman add content to the Jewish identity \ Israel, by its reduction to the state and so on., But I think this is a healthy process - it also converted calls to refresh and shaking the halakhic Judaism to the new reality since the modern return to Zion

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Who recently claimed the old factory shop he did absolutely right abdominal pain, of course. There

No releases | logic
"What ceremony of words could patch up the devastation?" RSS Follow me on Twitter Home hat opposite the site and me What is this? Minifst - Song Generation-bit Qudus - of the things I Terms of Use Contact Us
Let's start from the end: You can not require an employee to negotiate with the employer. You can not require an employee who has a corporate leadership to accept the agreements of corporate leadership. You can not require an employee to continue the old factory shop working. This is true for anyone who does not work - labor (ie, Israel, a soldier on active duty). This rule can exclude employees who have signed a contract for that case, although it can require the employee to continue working until the end of the period, the employer can sue the employee compensation for breach of contract. But you can not tie his forced the old factory shop work place. Yet despite Hawidntiot of the above, there are some who believe that there is room to avoid sweeping the resignation of the interns, as did our shame Labour Court. Most often, the old factory shop the claims of those few do not hold water, even if they will dedicate a few words and nothing more, it would be more than they deserve. But there are some people - this post them - bloody hearts they write, and their claims are drafted the old factory shop in makes them a semblance compelling, though in practice they are not indicative not deep thinking and the evidence clearly of reality, and they have to answer more gravitas if only the fear that someone sees the essence rhetoric.
And now from the beginning: the public despises strikes. This point frighteningly correct, and it has a good reason: the old factory shop almost never strikes do not happen in the private sector. An example is quite unusual light rail drivers strike, workers' Connex. "Such strikes especially harmful to society [1]. In the case of light rail, for example, no travel no revenues. There are good reasons causing them strikes in the private sector are more rare event of strikes in the public sector [2], but are outside the scope of this post. Such strikes from direct economic pressure on the owners of the company. Conversely, when the strike in the public sector - the Port Authority, the IEC, teachers, nurses, social workers, public the old factory shop health doctors, etc. - in most cases, the strike does not cause direct economic the old factory shop damage to the employer. While teachers are on strike damaged the economy [3], but not caused economic damage directly to the Ministry of Education. neighbor who suffered damage is mainly public the old factory shop user of these services. strike Ministry of Interior harms civilians who need to issue certificates and documents from the authorities, for example. goal here almost say, one to one, the dictionary definition of terrorism: pressuring the uninvolved by causing it to that population will affect the leadership to change course. perspective that there is no difference between the Interior Ministry employees and their strike hypothetical suicide bomber.
Who recently claimed the old factory shop he did absolutely right abdominal pain, of course. There are four fundamental differences, two of which are two sides of the same coin, that ignoring them is the only conclusion that prohibit strikes: one public servant definition employed by the public, so if the public is injured, the employer actually has suffered. The second is that although the ministry in charge or the entire government are financially or otherwise harmed as a result of the strike, we are paying them to fight the Ribno and harmed us, and to prevent or reduce this damage. When I can not get a passport, it's not "my problem", but also the problem of representatives to parliament. Easy to see that the second argument the old factory shop is another way of phrasing the first, that is enough. The third difference is the strike in the public the old factory shop sector never gets a surprise: a product of a declaration early labor dispute, failure the old factory shop of the negotiations, the public and media practice widely. Finally, the strike can take out an injunction, which is an impossible thing when it comes to terrorist attacks, of course. The fourth difference lies in the alternative. If you push the man to the wall, it will use any weapon to have him. If, say, a group of citizens negate the citizenship of their political opponents, preventing them from employment and access to resources, denying the freedom of association and the proper legal representation and refuses to negotiate with them, it will be foolish on their part to assume that a group just see all the channels the old factory shop of the legitimate close and decide to stop fight for freedom. Most terrorist groups worldwide - Palestinian story included - have alternatives [4] carnage, and the choice among them is just that - a choice (not particularly good). In contrast, workers in the public service the old factory shop does not have a lot of choices: the old factory shop if the Treasury refuses to negotiate with them, or alternatively flexible positions, they can quit or continue working, or put pressure on the public - that, ultimately, is their employer and it should be the owners of the Treasury manages the money. Not always given the option to resign is good for them, a strike is the only means at their disposal. the old factory shop
And all four of these differences exceeds one simple the old factory shop moral argument: the fact that the public is suffering strikes and despise them not deny the moral right to strike. The opposite is true - if the person is a public employee, subject to the limitations whole for being a public servant [5], provides an essential service to the public and receives his salary from the public right - the public employer and the public is harmed as a result of his strike. It's fine moral, and not just because you can not argue that public officials the old factory shop employed by the "state" more than you can argue that rabbis employed by God - the Treasury has no equity and financiers other than the public - but also because there is no novelty moral negation the old factory shop of this right prevents The only step remaining public servant wants to continue working but want the terms of which will be improved. definition, public market is one that has no competition: employee of the Ministry of Interior can not go to work for competitors. absence of pressure that exist in virtually every employee in the private sector, working in the public sector without the right strike rule processing, examination being completely unable to affect real impact on employment conditions.
Msbissno the right to strike, we must recognize that Sa

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Our Yarema Bosist Yekyy not Hrayi in the post okromya Total is hinialnym ditochym Teacher. Teach th

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Our Yarema Bosist Yekyy not Hrayi in the post okromya Total is hinialnym ditochym Teacher. Teach them molyuvaty usyeki pieces. Teach them to rejoice holoune. So I matched it uttered about his Uchytelyuvannye Love came alone. Children need to develop and show window of sorts to God's world. It's clear. But mathematically. But to improvise and play and play with them on their waves need of filing grace. It's something like a harmony musicians. When you do the math and it sounds just the will of the Father. Therefore, despite rather precise school of fine arts, be sure to give a chance to leak beyond people processes. This applies to all states. Using color, shape or space. We as doctors. The main task - to do no harm. The children like a bucket of paint - or show off a fence or "voicelessness" write or dry out or put markings on the road or something. Pidpechery. Actually in Pidpecherah, there is a joyful practice in terms of drawing lewis sperry chafer programs within the school of arts. Once, for example, the group of children climbed two training days marigolds, bee limits, then nothing but pictures of flowers and was not. Or the flowering trees draw their flower from the middle - with branches or under stovbura.Vsi strewn blossoms, scent impregnated and coated shade of color. Flowering climbs in the nose, drifting on the paper on which children draw. Such removal cream itself. It blooms up in my head. The results then of course it is not academic, but for life. Recently opened a lesson on cloud-chimera. It's child's play at guessing in the clouds of different images. The lesson is as follows: students and teachers are themselves in the field or on a hill on the mat, looking at the sky for Desta - twenty minutes. The sky changed dozens of strange dogs, dragons, angels and fish with strange shapes and tasteful silhouettes. After this meditation - a fantastic session, Sami time even to recreate something lewis sperry chafer on paper for a memorial to grandchildren. Recommended for all ages and social categories. I actually never asked the children whether they like what we do. I think to myself that they feel that way once and should look in the class teaching fine arts. Books. We have a duty to invent curriculum sorts of books, because there is an annual demand for good specialized competition. Recently (April 5-8) official award ceremony of the literary and art book art contest "Magic Book" in Dnipropetrovsk. Special prizes and certificates were awarded to two students Pidpecherivskoyi art school for children, Peter and Velyanyk Savchuk Denis. As if nothing much had it not been for the fact that they have received recognition ... In a big carton (60 by 90 cm) were showing a kind of history of Ukrainian football with many actors and techniques. Work well and drew technically vykinchylas. Once this board were jumbled into a ball shape such that it could dig. Was a sort of ball. Something like we all did as a child when there was no ball. Then this place packed in a bucket - in a sort of one-time copy of the book, where the bucket was binding. For this, the guys and got a prize. Money. Recently, about 4-5 years ago, appeared in the program of preparation for the All-Ukrainian contest dedicated to Taras Shevchenko "Unite my brothers' words, each year we gain experience with Shevchenko. With a genius to work hard, but aside, lewis sperry chafer we can and have fun. Especially given the state course print it in a hundred hryvnia banknote that all so fond of. Our students also helpful. Last year, came up with a great lamp for one hundred hryvnia bank with spotty paper decorations. The competition flying, but we have the same lamp. We can show the way. Author M.Malyk-12. And who is rich in fantasy comics, such as "How lewis sperry chafer Mr. Engelhard lewis sperry chafer played football with Shevchenko." Shevchenkiana prompted us to deeds. We studied children decorative lewis sperry chafer plaster. Can vtnuty his profile lewis sperry chafer on the front of the class forces. The layout of the facade is also given for the contest. lewis sperry chafer Medium: wax, Marseille, paper decorations, gilding. By P. Velyanyk 13 years. But would be good for ... Next year will try to do in Ivano-Frankivsk exhibition Shevchenko our joy. It will be something to think about. Subject serious. Appropriate and mood. Sheeps and medals. Some sheep brought us a couple of "medals". Once our students have taken it a fashion to draw sheep. I have not encouraged, but something happened there. Painting lewis sperry chafer "Weaver" (by A. Kuzyshyn while he was 9 years old) won in the area. Increased the size of the added material and sent to Kharkov. There comes a very authoritative biyenallye called lewis sperry chafer "5 to 10". Like this about twenty countries involved. Bunch of thousands of images from around lewis sperry chafer the world. Such beautiful whatever I have never seen. Then there are our sheep silver lewis sperry chafer medal. Patted. Zhivchika drank, ate candy and sent a delegation to thuja medal. And then some sheep printed on about

Monday, January 27, 2014

Our library as accessible to every family thanks to modern technology, many library collections. It

Our library as accessible to every family thanks to modern technology, many library collections. It will help you become a successful competitive! Users interested in the new literature, we suggest the following books:
Articles Directory chafing fuel brief biographies winners. Many articles attached bibliography of the works of the artist. The book is illustrated portraits of Taras Shevchenko Prize winners, which now has 623 personnel and 8 teams. Contains a number of documents on the activities of the Committee on National Taras Shevchenko chafing fuel Prize.
This book invites fans of travel routes poet Chernihiv region - in cities, towns and villages, attended by his life the great son of Ukraine. Presented in the form of stories for the traveler will guide, and over 1000 photos chafing fuel and illustrations - user-visual complement. The book contains tips to help make travel chafing fuel with ease and comfort. The book is intended for readers
Fate and creativity T. Shevchenko will always be the focus of Ukrainian artists, his image always hvylyuvatyme and to inspire insight into the character and personality exclusively national poet.
The monograph is devoted to actual problems of education and science in terms of integration and globalization, the emergence of post-industrial civilization "knowledge society." Grounded Postnonclassical new education model and strategy chafing fuel for its implementation at the national cultural chafing fuel and historical grounds, outlines the strengths and weaknesses of education, the prospects for development and integration into the European and world educational space
Modernization of the structure, content and organization of education considered in the context of fundamental changes to address strategic challenges facing Ukraine in the new economic, social and cultural conditions. Grounded imperative man-directional concept of national chafing fuel educational reform sector, driven by the need to ensure the availability of high quality and competitive education, continuity chafing fuel of life-long chafing fuel education, capacity building for the implementation of various educational models, educational institutions of various types and forms of ownership, forms and means of education. The book is designed for education managers, researchers and university professors, school teachers, teachers of vocational schools, everyone who is interested in the development of modern science and education.
When the territory of modern Ukraine were the first humans? What's appearance were hunters of mammoths? Was homogeneous ethnic composition of Mesolithic tribes Ukraine? Where is located "ancestral home" Indo-Europeans? Are the creators of Tripoli culture autochthon in modern Ukrainian historical lands? Who are the Cimmerians, Scythians and Sarmatians? What physical features were characteristic of the ancient Slavs and population "Russian land"? Where to find the earliest anthropological origins of modern Ukrainian? As reconstructed appearance Nestor the Chronicler, Yaroslav the Wise, Ivan Sirko and other prominent figures in Ukrainian history? Answers to other questions listed offers this book, which summarizes data from historical anthropology Ukrainian lands from ancient times to the present. Also presented edition contains a wealth of additional apparatus, namely, chafing fuel "Glossary", "List of References and recommended," "Worth Seeing", "Information about the author." The book Xie Mr. Sergey chafing fuel gran "Searching for ancestors. Anthropology and ethnic history of Ukraine "is designed for a wide range of readers interested in the history of Ukraine and the ethnic origin of the Ukrainian people.
This book offers the reader a new and unusual aspects of the Mikhail Vrubel "Kiev" period - angelic chafing fuel theme is about the preparation and creation of icons and St. Cyril's chafing fuel monumental compositions, as well as sketches for paintings of St. Vladimir. Served interesting details related to the artist's stay in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine, the terms of its communication. Peculiar historical and biographical background chafing fuel stories about Kiev Vrubel masterpieces are numerous chafing fuel memoirs of contemporaries, letters, photographs of the time. Bright accent book - reproductions of works of genius modern.
From the original novels, mosaics author of numerous memoirs, interviews chafing fuel and reflections mediocre choir members - singers and musicians, chorus masters and conductors, choreographers, ballet masters, from many points of review of domestic chafing fuel and foreign music critics, art historians, musicologists from around the world - for the first time in the history of Ukrainian musicology, political creative portrait emerges as the Maestro, a prominent contemporary choirmaster, teacher and composer, professor, academician of the National Academy of pedagogical science

Sunday, January 26, 2014

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Fishing hooks should always be tenacious and sharp. If fishing hook zatupyvsya and you do not have what it sharpened, you can always use the most ordinary double two factory shop box of matches under. On both sides it is covered with a thin layer of sulfur, which can sharpen the hook, as the fine skin. Step 2
For the best fishing hooks to smaller, they are more comfortable and they can catch a big fish. But too little, if gathered to catch a "giant" is not worth taking. You must select the "sweet spot". For example, double two factory shop carp fishing hook is the most optimal number 6-8. Naturally for catfish is not suitable. Step 3
Also very important in choosing a fishing hook material of which it is made. It is important that the metal used was not too soft, because the hook can easily straighten while it should not be too hard because it may burst. Step 5
Hooks are thick, thin, long, short. When fishing for herbal tips, as well as bloodworms, oparysha, ripeynika more appropriate hooks with short thin trickle. And for the planting of a larger bait - worm larvae dragonfly, beetle, good hooks with a long stream. Step 6
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

In Kosovo, literally in the last 2 years seems a lot of people engage in this sport. Among Kosovska

What is DH? | VeloKosiv
Interviews with active kosiv'yanynom, student KIPDM LNAM winner nationwide competition with a new type of cycling called DH. To find out more about this new sport, we talked with Nazar proud.
The essence of downhill quite simple - pull off the mountain as quickly as possible. However, largest beetles it is not as easy as it may seem. Modern slopes downhill largest beetles very difficult and dangerous. Trails abound "flavor" of the heaps of stones, steep descents, twisty plots, laid the trees kickers. DH requires a fairly extensive training of an athlete. Basically here - a technique control the bike, while physical training is very important because sometimes athletes after five minutes of launching a fall exhausted. Average speed - 36 km. per hour, maximum - 60km. Vertical drop is about 80 meters.
Enjoy skiing and its security depends not only on the bike, but also on the equipment. Ideally largest beetles protection includes plastic plates, stitched mesh material throughout the body, arms and legs. On the head must Helmet - is an essential element largest beetles that will protect your head during an emergency. It protects against largest beetles various injuries after falling at high speed. Experienced cyclists are advised to wear a helmet and be sure to the streets during journeys forest paths.
I ride a bike around 6 years. Always fond of extreme sports, but for some reason this most liked. A few years ago, I began to seriously treat unusual largest beetles and interesting capture - downhill. And that's only the beginning (laughs).
Pretty dangerous! I and many Raiders (cycling) largest beetles almost after each race a couple of bruises, sprains, bruises, and sometimes even came to the work of fracture. But no injuries, largest beetles there would be a pleasure from downhill. Because of this and the gist - as soon as possible to pass a difficult period of the road and not lose control, but certainly not fall.
A lot of it I can not say for doing this sport is relatively long. But October 19, 2011 in national competitions Final of Season 2011" won first place in the category of mini-DHi in Ivano-Frankivsk juniors. There has been a lot of riders Simferomolya (Crimea), and from different regions of Ukraine. Most memorable international competition for Bukovele, because competition is always fun, a lot of pleasant experiences, new friends, and so on. At the competition "season finale" in Ukraine - it was my first major victory and I am aiming to continue in the same rhythm.
The route on the ridge near g Mikhalkov built to Kosovska riders and fans just ride your bike and work out which had just spend a fun time. Create it as those who ride mountain bikes, but there are a lot of "vandals" who constantly destroying our trampolines are made and various segments track. On this occasion, I would like to appeal to the city government of Kosovo to conduct contributed to the Kosovo largest beetles events in DH.
The bike I - GIANT DH COMP . As for downhill biking is the main thing - it's a great course and suspension increased reliability because any failure can lead to the most unexpected consequences, so the focus is on structural strength. These bikes are equipped with the most durable and sturdy equipment.
In Kosovo, literally in the last 2 years seems a lot of people engage in this sport. Among Kosovska riders can name: Bogdan Boyuka, Stas Hachaka, Nazar Stefurak, Vladimir and Andrew Krytskalyuka beetle, but all still very much!
To be one of the riders must have a mountain bike and inspiration to agree with us (Kosovska raiders) that when all will gather on the track. You can contact me through the website and facebook forward for new experiences and sensations. Our group -
Also read: Velotabir "Mizunska Zvyhoda" Downhill (DH Video) DH Winter in Kosovo Mikhalkov mount 10 tips for the novice cyclist Netherlands - Country Bicycle Kosovo DH (downhill)
Velotrip largest beetles CBS-Kobaky-Slobidka (GPS-track) (zip, 31.38 kB) Velotrip the village of sycamore and hike in the tract Bedzvinne (GPS-track) (zip, 26.17 kB) Velotrip CBS - Kobaky - Fish - Vizhnitsa - Angles largest beetles - CBS ( GPS-track) (zip, 31.08 kB) All publications of GPS-Tracks New Publications Velotrip CBS-Zabolotiv (by Trinity): Photo Velotrip CBS-Zabolotiv (by Trinity) Velotrip of Kosovo Sokolivka (by Babi): Video Biking with Taras in Carpathians, Ukraine pokatushki in Kosovska 2013: Video
Commented Taras Velotrip to Kosovo in Babin (via Big Rozhen) Powered Rights to Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine Taras Velotrip to CBS-Zabolotiv (by Trinity) Stanislav Mikhailyuk to Velotrip CBS-Zabolotiv (by Trinity) Social
VeloForum Re: Bike trails Karp

Friday, January 24, 2014

One can understand and those seniors, and even students who do not care Shevchenko word, because hi

Taras Shevchenko - poet elitist roll top chafer | Gregory scrap
Sometime soon after the March Shevchenko days before I received a call from our Kirovograd TV with a proposal to participate in a talk show called "We". "What topic - ask - what debate?". Employee channel that phoned, said: "On Shevchenko. Do not you know that Valentine Bazhan, editor of "People's words," has published an article against the "Freedom", which places the ubiquitous quote from Shevchenko, calling for violence to fight against the government ... And Sergey Zaporozhan replied in the blogosphere "Ukraine - Center ". This is ... This is ... Read write ... ". Sergey Zaporozhan know as a former student. roll top chafer Thinking, by the way, patriotic and also courageous because survived, doing politics, a lot. Surviving with dignity, with dignity. There would be plenty of us - often comes to mind when I communicate with him.
To participate in the transfer flatly refused, referred to the time - and it was true, because in those days it was completing a book on Taras Shevchenko. But there was another reason, which said nothing. Transfer of "we" - that's not my format for the discussions that occur in it, do not listen to each other. There's the main thing - to humiliate the opponent. So how do discussants in the famous TV program Savika Schuster, which to some extent copies roll top chafer of "most popular", as written in presentations, talk shows our local bottling. Another roll top chafer reason, which said, was convinced that every discussion about Shevchenko must be qualified, roll top chafer because over time it becomes increasingly clear that Shevchenko - poet elitist. Many participants in the talk show (his I still looked that night on television) reminded people that barely mastered arithmetic at the primary level, start with an authoritative view to speak of higher mathematics. "Well, you can not declare anything stupid on TV - you are listening to a thousand people," - I sometimes cry during that review.
It was then born headline opening remarks - "Taras Shevchenko - POET elitist." He has just completed and opened book on poetry by visuality "Poet". They have a lot of ideas that I have declared, if you still would have to take part in the talk show ...
In one of his first articles congenial Shevchenkiany Malanyuk Eugene wrote, "that the only cure, the only rescuer against all national diseases are most fiery, volcanic, terrible in its national poetry demonic Shevchenko - and so far - only one and it is no other! roll top chafer ". And then he continued, "By the genius and always present conflict. Genius gives all of himself, but the present is close to what it zduzhaye take. This applies to both individuals and generations, as a society, and some day, her desires, her spirit.
The fact that each new generation a new way to discovering Shevchenko word has been said repeatedly. Malanyuk in his typical manner, only uvyraznyv, vidhranyv this opinion. I said with one important thought: "Between roll top chafer genius and always present conflict."
About this collision thinking when, for example, observe the ritual of laying wreaths at the monument of the poet. While often one wonders how leading figures of various ranks that the current approach of wreaths roll top chafer at the monument or even declare speeches at rallies and various gatherings devoted another anniversary of the poet, to understand who is actually Shevchenko for the nation.
This conflict roll top chafer reminds me, for example, when you read about what zaryumsanoho boy who could not memorize the poem "Cherry Garden Circle house ..." because they did not understand, for example, meaning "circle of houses," did not know what a "beetle" could not understand why the family dines range of houses, not in the house, why some children in the family, not one child ("They have that in the house - a kindergarten?") marveled that children with his mother going to sleep "circle roll top chafer the house," and the answer, they say, they sleep there was more pleasant because the house is stuffy, he asked why they did not have air conditioning. (This story is posted in the following article which analyzes "cherry orchard circle house ...").
One can understand and those seniors, and even students who do not care Shevchenko word, because his study at the school roll top chafer is a separate roll top chafer very serious problem, caused as ridiculous compiled program (think, for example, high school students in a position to accept arhiskladni meaning "Big cellar" - is to identify roll top chafer pedagogical incompetence) and poverty accompanying instructional materials roll top chafer that would not retelling the State-owned roll top chafer word standard, many times repeated thesis, and opened up a new way to both teacher and student to true greatness and beauty roll top chafer of Shevchenko's words.
Do not think that in the second half of the nineteenth - early twentieth century, when many peasant huts along with icons hanging decorated with embroidered towel portrait Shevchenko, his poetry was perceived with sufficient depth. Boris Hrinchenko in the brochure "Shevchenko" Kobzar "Village" (1906) roll top chafer clearly showed that farmers rather superficially perceived majority roll top chafer of poems "To

- Nitrogen - 80-100 kg / ha (half before planting and two-time feeding during the growing season de

Growing strawberries in an open fertile soil "Seeds, bulbs Email - Your household +
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The best results can be obtained on the black soil opidzolennyh, dark gray and gray forest soils of medium and light texture. The yield will be lower in light gray, turf-podzolic and peat soils. Depth to water table must be at least 60 cm. In fields where groundwater occur near 60 cm from the surface, you need to install drainage or grown on beds.
To bookmark fruiting plants desirable to use low-lying and enclosed areas where early spring flowers can ushkodzhuvatysya spring frosts. christmas beetle information In high places need to monitor snow cover, which can be blown off by strong winds, resulting in freezing christmas beetle information strawberries. When the temperature drops to -8 C at a depth of 15 - 18 cm strawberries can completely die. To bookmark strawberries are better suited slopes southwestern exposure slope 2-3 , where the vegetation starts earlier and runs faster ripening berries.
Fruiting strawberries encouraged to grow in the rotation after a pair of black or grain. The best is the field where the previous year were grown green manure. It is not recommended to grow strawberries christmas beetle information on potatoes or tomatoes, strawberries and return to the same field in less than 6 years.
In preparation areas should check for the presence of larvae of the ground beetle and wireworms. Probability of their presence in the soil increases when placed near areas of plantations. If pests are kept at the critical number (0.5 lychynky/m2) in May for steam field making ammonia water at the rate of 2 t / ha or sown lupine alkaloid, which is a lot of green in the green phase Bobika plowed into the soil. In its larval feeding bulk dies.
- Nitrogen - 80-100 kg / ha (half before planting and two-time feeding during the growing season depending on the plant and weather conditions). It is necessary to take into account that the nitrogen during christmas beetle information the rainy season can be washed additionally recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizer during chemical processing plants to stimulate their growth (leaf feeding);
It is reasonable to conducting foliar feeding trace elements, in some cases increases the yield to 20%. To obtain the best results it is recommended to make a mixture of zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, boric acid and cobalt nitrate in concentrations:
Bookmarks christmas beetle information for high-strawberry plantations is recommended to use healed sorted seedling or elite and reproductions of root collar diameter> 6 mm and developed fibrous root system length of 7 - 9 cm. The best yield give-Frigo plants (seedlings dug in late autumn and stored over winter at low temperature).
In early spring seedlings are planted as soon as is possible to conduct field work. At this time, provided enough soil moisture accumulated in the winter-spring period. It is important to fit in time to ensure a high engraftment plants. Delay planting to maturity christmas beetle information may result in the death of most of the plants, even if it was held watering.
Autumn seedlings planted in 10 August 20-25 September, after rain or irrigation if possible. Belated autumn planting does not provide adequate at

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The idea of

"Organic structure. Continuation of "Vladimir Chornobaj. March 19 - April 7, 2013. | ArtGreenSofa
Three years project "organic structure" artist from Ternopil Vladimir CHORNOBAY traveled Europe. He saw in Poland, where in 2004 his conceptual idea originated, its sequel was in Germany. Of 2011 he exhibited in Ternopil, and from March 19 to April 7 extension project rated lions Jana.
The idea of "organic structure" appeared very suddenly in Vladimir. His interested in which pieces of fabric bits of meat and he asked them for himself. Washed and dried a year waiting for the ripening of the concept of using them.
A little "nervous" full voltage line, lined up the pictures on this tissue resembled zoo and anthropomorphic figures that still need to read. Embedding their own world in the structure of the figure formed by soot and using paint - a color that complements gel burner fuel and destroying gel burner fuel it at the same time, the artist sought the right accent. Combining this structure with ornamental pattern honeycomb, in contrast to the orderly and random organic wax, making prints on paper, and using silk-screening techniques has created a series of works.
Back to the archaic gel burner fuel structure does not have to look to some exotic or zabavlyannyam in originality. gel burner fuel These forms have defended their right to confrontation that lasted for centuries "- he says Vladimir.
Vladimir Chornobaj narodyvsya17 March 1954 in Ternopil. He graduated from the Lviv College of Applied Arts and Applied named Ivan Trush Lviv and Institute of Applied and crafts. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
Among the awards: Golden award first mod art exhibitions, Ternopil 1996, silver medal Labor omnia vincit Poznan Polscha2009. gel burner fuel Regional Prize Winner Michael gel burner fuel Boychuk 2002.
wild bees II 2013 silk-screening on paper
Whirlwind 2010 acrylic on plywood 40h32
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Large specimens bella chafing dish almost never go aground bella chafing dish on the rolls (except

In the middle of summer comes the hunt for yazem. Spininhisty is well known and today many of them specially devote themselves to fishing that, in general, difficult bella chafing dish fish. But for special poplavochnykiv catching this fish is quite complex and interesting, especially if the goal is to catch large specimens. Catching bella chafing dish the fish is quite specific and has its own characteristics, despite the fact that the ides occasionally occur during catching roach and bream.
In fact, Ide in our reservoirs is very much the fact that it is quite rare to come across a fishing rod, I only explain that fishermen are not configured on its special catch. It is believed that catching large elms advisable only during the course of the spring, when they go after roach washed into the river. It's not just need to find a parking space Ide, and then there deliberately bella chafing dish to catch them all summer long. This search space and selection of lures and it is easy to catch.
Ide - big fish that weigh at least eight pounds. In small rivers is very much stohramovyh copies and big fish can be caught only during the spring run. In large reservoirs, such as the Volga, Dnieper, Volkhov, Seliger, Il'men ides grow to record size, but they are not easy to find.
Large specimens bella chafing dish almost never go aground bella chafing dish on the rolls (except bella chafing dish at night) and "clean" of vegetation or snags place. In deep lakes with clear water great ides adhere to depths of 15-20 meters. bella chafing dish In small lakes ides prefer to take the deepest pit, leaving only at night and in bad weather. In the Volga and Dnieper great ides choose bella chafing dish for their pit stops with the slowed down stream. bella chafing dish Early in the morning and always in good weather with strong winds and rain, they enter the deep rifts that are densely overgrown with water plants. During the day they can be found in the ducts of the rather strong currents.
The best places to find Ide just below the dam showers. It has long been observed that ide like chub likes to stick around all kinds of discharges into the river, so the quality of the fish meat is often wants the best. But it's certainly not an obstacle for fishermen who love to hunt for this cautious, moody and very strong fish.
Behavior bella chafing dish muscles somewhat resembles that of catfish and carp are very large. bella chafing dish Parking muscles will not change, provided that the same body of water does not change. So once found residence muscles bella chafing dish can safely "operate" throughout life, not only muscles but also himself.
Sometimes in the literature statements that divides ide residence of chub. This is not entirely true, though, indeed, a place of their feeding sites and similar. However, ide, chub unlike adheres to deeper places and places with a powerful stream of water.
Identify the summer fishing spot Ide most reliable early in the morning, before bella chafing dish dawn in calm weather when ides rise to the surface in search of water falling on insects. "The Game" even very large specimens most like a game of big tops or cigarette. Ide catches insects plop very carefully and quietly - in water only visible swirl and circle divergent. Find a way to manage Ide reservoirs without flow. On the river a great ide its presence does not show any visible way. Therefore, we have systematically examined the pit pidmoyiny, clay slopes in coastal streams flow.
Ide like fish carp family, is omnivorous. Due to growing fast enough. With the increase bella chafing dish in body weight ide becomes pronounced predator who is quite capable to swallow not only fish, but also the top or roach.
For example, Seliger and Valdai great ides best caught on a piece of floating on the surface of white bread the size of a pivkulaka. In Volkhov better use bloodworms, less worm. In the channel name. Moscow - bloodworms, less oparysha. Rivers of Belarus, he prefers steaming peas or wheat. In its most Volga really catch on wheat and fry. In the mouths of rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea, the great ide can reliably catch year round beetle larva. And so on probably every pond ide obviously prefers some particular food, but does not give up and to such baits as rucheynyk, klepsina or horse.
Despite the passion Ide to a particular attachment or bait for fishing success is almost mandatory feeding or pryvada. Almost, because there are places that ides visit daily and peck at them without any bait, but these places are very, very few and they are not at each reservoir.
It should be noted that fishing with pryvadoyu bella chafing dish great ide is much more effective than fishing with dressing. Recall that pryvadzhuvannya wherein bella chafing dish the feed for fish is placed in selected fishing spot for many days and is used to make fish used to feed as carp culture in ponds. But to catch up on the spot pryvadzhenomu still need to use bait, which in this case is required only to activate the fish. In most

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

But what about the cherry orchard, cherry beetle over, it is our Nightingale? blister beetle .. The

Games and Konstantin Radchenko Sopiha September 10 will acquire blister beetle the educational qualification master's degree and a graduate student at the University of Singapore and Vladislav Turlo from October 1 - at the University blister beetle of Dijon (France).
To enroll in a foreign blister beetle university, Cherkasy physics passed the exam in English, special items, written reasoned explanation why want to study in this university, and have an interview with Singaporean teachers via Skype.
If the Games for Learning in Singapore sacrifice socializing with family and friends, his friend Constantine Sopiha - interacting with the girl, to which a little over a month pobravsya and diploma Cherkassy university. Guy to get a master's degree Cherkasy National University. Khmelnytskoho not enough just six months.
- My classmates will graduate blister beetle in the winter, and I leave the country to study in the fall. But I'm not upset about it, because already chose that for me is more important. It is a pity, of course, to leave his wife, but I plan to soon pick it up yourself. It will be with me wherever I went - smiling, speaking with journalists "blank", Constantine.
Interestingly, his talent as physics this year found not only in Singapore. The boy during the year receives a scholarship, established by Pinchuk Foundation. The award of the same brand for the second year in a row and gets Vlad Turlo that opanovuvatyme Physical Sciences at the University of Dijon (France).
- Students are not only useful but also necessary to study abroad, because science has long been an international - says "blank" about his vision of science Andrei Mikhailovich. - To be on the level, you should not reduce the contacts, but rather - to increase. I know a lot of countries that have gone this way. It is necessary that the students had a different point of view to clear the stereotypical view.
Proof of words Andrew Husak is that two weeks ago, Chinese Academy of Sciences recognized his student paper, and now - a post-doc University of Singapore Vadim Kulish one of the hundred best research on lithium batteries.
- Due to the nature Vadymovyy blister beetle home, it was difficult to accept the news. But by that time he was already an adult. His decision was so, and we supported him, though very experienced - says "blank" Irina Kulish.
Has your family in Singapore and another student Andrew Husak, Nanyang Technological University postdoctoral fellow Alexander Small. But his wife - Cherkasy student physicist Marina. As the "dash" Alexander, he was abroad thanks to Professor CNU them. B.Khmelnitsky Andrew Goose and Associate Professor Andrei Kovalchuk, who "created blister beetle a critical embryo in its scientific blister beetle knowledge."
- Scientific research is very interesting, so I advise you to study and work in this direction. However, blister beetle the place is not the main factor. Ukraine also has good academics. Such as Professor Gus. Therefore, we must realize that studying abroad is one of the possible options, but does not determine the level of scholar / student / graduate student - says Alexander.
Other articles on: 01/02/2014 12:00 - Chyhyryn need a college director 09/18/2013 15:20 - "BLOW" confirms the formation of personnel reserve trustees Klitschko 14/09/2013 09:05 - Umansky students decided to divert netbooks and tablets 09.01.2013 15:19 - In Cherkassy university in one place claimed 9 students blister beetle 16/08/2013 16:05 - Cherkasy universities have cut nearly five hundred budget places
Santa quote a little: What about the cherry orchard, cherry beetle above, it is our Nightingale? .. The sad joke. Of course, none of them will not return here. A good article. Read on, children, and think ... Mota from this country, it is too late. agree on everything 100.ale chyym stsenaryem is working for CEI goose-perhaps Mossad or the CIA Quote | Report comment
Goose respect. It seems, blister beetle that Physics tvёrdoho body vыkovala in nёm Man tvёrdыh ubezhdenyy at all time. There are still people in the country eschё kotorыe ponymayut, that in sovremennom myre, Basic Values-not umenye vorovat, waving lopatoy, hordytsya эtym and Even How Azizova poke's in the hands poddannыh and umenye Shevelo blister beetle brain, save critical thinking, vydet peace in the second and yzbavyvshys such stereotypes Back paradigm. And NOW is not exhausted heifers daryt mnohodetnыm family and Search Rambler blister beetle and finds dat Ability to children Modern Education sootvetstvuyuschee blister beetle myrovыm standards, not the standards of the Ministry of Enlightenment cherkasskoy region and Ukraine on kruchenyyu korovyh Hvostov new type of education and Ukrainian people - sovremennyh serfs. These dety vыpolnyayut eschё and druhuyu the mission. Thought a couple of weeks ago, ìíó vыdala our countrywoman with you. Ona How hot is yzmenyayut presentation of in the world of volume, that Ukraine - not only vorov and Country's child, Dep * Flax Russians properties and roads, but s Country blister beetle talantov)). Quote | Report comment

But what about the cherry orchard, cherry beetle over, it is our Nightingale? blister beetle .. The sad joke. Of course, no one

Monday, January 20, 2014

By the way, a gym

printable version seven gold, five silver and three bronze medals won of Ternopil on two parallel tournaments kiokushynkan Karate Renmey. Championship of Ukraine among children and youth and adult tournament in memory of the famous coach Vitaly Kushniryka held in Ternopil - said "20 minutes."
Championship of Ukraine among children and young people aged 9 to 18 years was the final stage of the competitive year. As a result of this tournament have identified candidates for the national team of Ukraine at the beginning of December will go to the world championships in Moscow.
Overall Ternopil commemorate coach Vitaly Kushniryka arrived about 200 athletes from all over Ukraine. Fifteen teams for two days showed his skills on the mat. Competed both boys and girls. The youngest only six
Made their way into our city and foreign athletes. Specifically rose chafer Memorial rose chafer Tournament Kushniryka attended karate from. Unfortunately, we came to Ternopil previously announced athletes from Belarus and Kazakhstan. The championship athletes took part of two federations - kiokushynkan Karate Karate Federation Renmey and IFC.
All participants argued for awards in the categories of "kata" (technique) and Kumi something (fight). However, there have been no spectacular race with "tameshyvari" - a special break wooden boards which just did not bring to Ternopil.
- This year, many participants took part in the discipline of "executioner" - said the president of the Ternopil rose chafer regional federation rose chafer kiokushynkan Karate Renmey rose chafer Tatiana Tufted. rose chafer - The championship is won by athletes from Russia.
By the way, a gym "Polytechnic" two days resembled a sort of "nest." All athletes in one place practiced technique strikes. Even very young karate did not lag behind their older counterparts. The youngest participant was only six years, rose chafer but the oldest and most experienced was a 48-year-old athlete from Kyiv - Boris Smooth.
Not without injuries that in karate rose chafer is a phenomenon familiar. During the competition, one of the participants had to be hospitalized. But this was just an isolated case. More serious rose chafer injuries athletes received. Excesses were not
Yeah, the prize for the best technique among women received 16-year-old Julia ternopolyanka Melnychuk. Also she won "gold" and "silver" in two categories. The best judge acknowledged Vitaliy rose chafer Hishka, which is of Mykolayiv. The award got the best coach Andrew Schiholyev from Dnipropetrovsk. Also individual award presented by the audience award. He received a 40-year-old from Kiev Elena smooth.
By the way, Ms. Tatiana is also a sportswoman, sports rose chafer master rose chafer and trainer of the highest category. In addition to working in Ternopil Federation kiokushynkan Karate Renmey Tatiana Tufted is a coach in youth sports school 1. Her students also won the championship of Ukraine.
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

- Since 1877, our school had two, four, seven, ten and eleven cabins classes, - said the teacher. -

- Since 1877, our school had two, four, seven, ten and eleven cabins classes, - said the teacher. - And the "train" that made one stop in May of each year, when graduates were leaving their "car". A free space hurried to take pershachky.
Everyone who came to the feast, shared his path, his place in life as a family. Guests are welcomed Oksana Terentiyeva school principal, teachers, retired head of district administration Anatoly Solomko, village head Vitaly Chychkan. Participants recalled the names of teachers who have passed away, and honor the memory of a moment of silence.
Holiday train stopped at the station "welcome." Vitale each other kind words and sincere wishes and guests who came to the home school, presented souvenirs. He congratulated his fellow countrymen and former graduate Yaroslav Karpenko, whose fate has thrown away from their Kukovych. Aching and his words sounded good to the assembly on Skype.
At the station "gift" mentioned the names of the sponsors who have helped and are helping the school financially. There is a school computer lab, household appliances. Continuing to help school sterno burner district and local government, sterno burner agricultural cooperative "Kukovytskyy" its former graduates.
The deputy regional council gave Peter Homrach teachers, veterans memorial gifts to the Day of Education. Former graduate Olga Khrushch brought a loaf baked from Zaporozhye choicest wheat, and handed it to Olga Sidorenko. And it is nice podyvuvala all great beauty embroidery.
Olga read out a written greeting those graduates teachers who were unable to come to the meeting. Family Illyashykiv sterno burner handed Olga Sidorenko memorial sign "the best teacher in the world." And then in the village sterno burner House of Culture was a great concert program dedicated to the Day of Education. Village head presented diplomas music teacher, artistic director of the House of Culture Mikhail Kryvdenku for his contribution to the development of Ukrainian performing arts and to mark the 50th anniversary.
Related sterno burner publication: 07/04/2013 sterno burner For brakon'yerstvo resident sterno burner sentenced Semenivka (3) Mena District Court verdict on June 25, 2013 was sentenced inhabitants of the village. Semenivka Mena district, charged with a crime under Part 1 with ... 09/11/2013 We - 38000 (0) During the first half of near 381 dead person that 10.1 percent less than this time last year, according to Department of Statistics in Chernihiv region, where ... 11/12/2013 How many of us who are we? (1) In January - September in the area were born 255 children (140 boys and 115 girls). According to the Department of Statistics in the Chernihiv region in months ...
Publishing Authors (All) Irina Valeri Tikhonov Alexander Primak Karina Shapovalenko Dudko Alexander Nazarenko, Olga Kotchenko Raisa Mikhaylenko Sergey Sergey Lavskyy Tregubenko Yuri Stalnychenko Tags (All) Criminal History Economy Culture Education Sport happened Politics Society Week
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As reported by

The Court upheld the right head of the "freedom" to pay extra million at the acquired land him | OUR MONEY. Lions
The site council for the year "sucked" from the budget in 62 thousand UAH
! Fest ZIK Appeals Court Arena Lviv Bryukhovychi Construction Budget Important Economic Court Drogobich Dubnevych sterno burner Dubnevych Dubnevych Jaroslav Bohdan Land Credit Kryvetskyi Games LCC LOSA ENT Lviv, Lviv Railway Lvivoblenergo TV Lviv City Council, Lviv Regional sterno burner Council Onur SBU Freedom Tender Truskavec petrol duty coal deputy Igor Churkin cleaning equipment rental premises sale of patent reconstruction repairs court hit parade DOCUMENTS
Drohobytska City Council has lost an appeal in land in the city center, an area of about 2 hectares, which it bought but did not pay full head of city faction "Freedom" Oleg Khrushch. This was reported in the United State Court Register.
As reported by "NG Lviv "collective enterprise" Rose "October 30, 2008 entered sterno burner into with the City Council Drohobycha sterno burner agreement to acquire land on the street. sterno burner Tarnavskogo, 33, an area of 1.8 hectares 2.2 million. The company paid 429 thousand, and the remaining amount was paid in equal installments of 143 thousand per month. In late 2010, City Hall Drohobycha appealed to the court as charges of "Roses" vanished. The court decided to charge the company 1.07 million sterno burner USD.
Due pohashalas extended period of time, but the mayor's office found that the plot of land is already mortgaged - the company has designed the mortgage agreement in Drogobytskiy department "Ukinbank." It was also found that the "Rose" is the act of this land, which is a violation of the law, since the full amount was not paid. Against officials sterno burner of the City Council Drohobycha was prosecuted for abuse of power, but it did not affect the decision sterno burner of the Commercial Court, sterno burner which in April 2013 recognized the current mortgage agreement. What, in fact, let ME "Rose" does not pay the remaining amount for the land.
Appellate Court of Lviv region June 19, 2013 reiterated that right company, leaving sterno burner in force the decision of the Commercial Court. His decision Judge S. Boyko and R.I.Marko motivated by the fact that the CP "Rose" is a public act Ya.I. series number 432215 issued by the Office of the State Committee in Drogobich Lviv region, which does not have any restrictions (encumbrances) on use of land or part thereof. Having a criminal case against officials of the administration again did not affect the court's decision.
The main owner of the KP "Rose" is Oleg Khrushch, sterno burner deputy Drohobych City Council, the head of "Freedom." The authorized capital amounts to 500,059 USD. Of these, sterno burner 500 thousand - the fate of Oleg beetle and 59 USD - contributed four founders.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Many have observed that the number of beetle is now considerably reduced compared to previous years

If you enjoy the evening enjoy a stroll park, garden, then eagerly induktionskochplatte company you can make great dark brown beetles. May - a time when most active beetle, is probably because of this they are called in Transcarpathia "May beetles," says Green Transcarpathia.
No wonder T. Shevcheko beetle says in the poem "cherry orchard hut circle", because most of these bugs where there is planting trees. These three types of ground beetle lays eggs from which larvae. The larvae live in the soil 2 - 3 years. Autumn overlook bugs that burrow into the ground for the winter and spring emerge to the surface. "Domestic" induktionskochplatte beetle are horticultural and forestry trees. Here they find their food. They feed on leaves, flowers and fruit ovary: apple, cherry, plum, buckthorn, blackberry, raspberry and more. From forest beetle best taste leaves of oak, beech and birch. The larvae, which at that time living in the soil find their food among the root crops in our beds: beets, potatoes, induktionskochplatte carrots, and strawberries and strawberry bushes.
Chafer most active at night. At this time, they can not just touch, as they fly slow, difficult and awkward, before that breathing heavily. Beetle endowed with two pairs of wings, but provide only one flight - back. Due to the same front (large) wings, insects maintain balance in flight. Because the beetles fly with low speed and low to the ground, they are easy to catch. Perhaps because of this, they are protected by a strong chitinous armor.
Beetle can not be confused with other bugs. Typically, the length of their bodies 2-3 cm, but there are also smaller hruschyky (1 - 1.5 cm). The bottom of a body of black beetles, top - brown, brown. Both sides highlighted gaps triangular shape. According to entomologist, bugs have antennae plate, which are able to perceive odors. Interestingly, the female dies after delay eggs to brood. Larva appear only after 2 months, and the beetles are converted only 2 - 4 years.
Many have observed that the number of beetle is now considerably reduced compared to previous years. The increase in their numbers on the one hand prevent birds for which they are food. This includes crows, ravens, rooks, induktionskochplatte cuckoo. On the other hand a lot of beetle larvae are killed during the spring of plowing. According to the researchers, their fate to reduce the number of beetle has contributed in some way land development near the forest. Olga White Carpathians, ecology and the environment, insects
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Friday, January 17, 2014

At that time I worked in the main edition of the scientific and educational programs, which led Ver

Live broadcast on Channel News Home Publications History Channel Channel Channel Guide Face First Rating Museum helps Advertise Contact predacious Partners program Eurovision song Contest predacious 2014 Eurovision song 2013 Junior Eurovision Dance Contest 2013 News 2013 News from the First Euronews News Partners Official Events Announcements predacious Videos predacious
Television is intended to cover that excites people every day - health, social predacious life and culture. But sometimes measured in human life burst events that violate the balance - health, social life, emotional balance. That event not only for Ukraine but also for the whole world, was a disaster at Chernobyl. This year is already in the twenty-sixth time we remember this terrible tragedy. And in the twenty-sixth time remember predacious feat NTU journalists who are united in the Soviet Union was mined precious materials from the scene. Museum of Television NTU for several years collecting these, stories first hand of those who worked at the epicenter of the global ecological catastrophe, and in addition to the title of journalist, is the honorary title of liquidators. Now these materials from the archives of the museum are available at the First National. Video documentary programs NTU journalists and auteur films made by Tamara Mefodiyivna Khrushch (now - the first news editor), and exclusive interviews. Unknown detail shots that saw only one. will be published in the 26 anniversary of the disaster, when we remember the heroism of the people who risked their lives and health, that they saw you. Tamara Khrushch "godforsaken land was so great attraction that visited once in the zone, I go back there again and again"
In answering this question, I will digress. When the explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear predacious power plant, all, of course, began to pay attention and this attention has been to as long as over the fourth predacious unit is not built shelter that is somewhere in the middle of November 1986. In light of events attended mostly journalists news. After the erection of shelter over 4 power information vacuum formed, in fact almost two years, the topic was covered elsewhere. But people wonder what will happen to them after Chernobyl.
At that time I worked in the main edition of the scientific and educational programs, which led Vera Boyarenko. And I went on television March 6, 1986, that is around six weeks before the Chernobyl accident. Our version was not actively involved to cover the subject. On behalf of the "top" of May 86th only recorded a "round table" of scientists. And in June in the loop "Good health to you" journalist Valentina Ilienko prepared program about how doctors worked in the Chernobyl zone. It was a period of strict censorship and any initiative journalists go into a zone not find support. Since 1997 I have been an author and leading environmental program "my land." She came once a month.
Programs lasting from an hour or more, sometimes conducted environmental evenings of three hours of live, that kind of talk show. But then, as a rule, the hall was not used, and just had a lot of participants representing different points of view. With this transfer was halted construction of the Danube-Dnepr, new nuclear units, environmentally hazardous enterprises in protected areas. predacious
In 1988, on the transfer of "land mine" sent a letter predacious of Luginy. This district center in Zhytomyr. People are worried about the situation of radiation predacious contamination. The letter writers have added a picture goat mutant. Genetic failure predacious of development associated with exposure predacious to Chernobyl. People were in a panic. Resettlement neighboring Narodichi predacious caused great concern among residents Luhyny. Though metropolitan officials from the ministries of health and agriculture were told that everything is fine, people do not believe. They talked about the dramatic increase in the incidence, omissions power. Together predacious with director Victoria predacious Belyavskaya and operator Sergey Losev, we have prepared the transfer of Luginy. It was wonderful Polesskiye landscapes, spectacular predacious Valais farmers. These capture predacious our first transfer to the Chernobyl predacious theme, we used to all these videos telethon.
Soon Born series "The Bells of Chernobyl." Cams UT1 asked to a group of Members predacious of Parliament representing the radiation contaminated areas Korosten Narodychi, as well as members of the People's Movement of Ukraine - Yavorivskyi and Pavlo Movchan.
Since dealt ecology roundtable tasked to lead me. At first sharply and uncensored predacious talk about the dangers predacious of human habitation in contaminated areas of deteriorating health, the need for the adoption of a package of laws Chernobyl. And studio guests live without approvals and agreements - suddenly not only for us, TV personalities, and even for themselves, declared: predacious today begins a new cycle of ether transmitter

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Photo: Sergei beetle Heavy equipment, fresh asphalt - Ternopil repair spotted beetles outside the W

Heavy equipment, fresh asphalt - Ternopil repair outside the World (Photos) |
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Photo: Sergei beetle Heavy equipment, fresh asphalt - Ternopil repair spotted beetles outside the World (Photos), 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating If you find a mistake in the text, select it with the mouse and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter Related news:
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20:25 19:52 Uzbekistan Ternopil tanks of World of Tanks and pilots of World of Warplanes can get extra gold at 18:55 ternopolyan New World damaged trohmetrovu figure of Our Lady in Ternopil 18:05 foresters cut down young trees instead of dry 17:50 Regional glad did not work evict Hoptyana and officials of the offices in Ternopil 16:10 on Christmas vacation in Ternopil children drank, smoked and hulihanyly 15:51 graders, dump trucks, gritters and janitors clean Ternopil snow and ice (list) 15:28 In Ternopil started registration EIT 14:49 Avtomaydanivtsi Ternopil will go to the "Regions" column only 4 cars through a new law in Ternopil 14:11 closed first antykafe 13:01 in Ternopil all hole on Epiphany 12:30 check in Ternopil traveling exhibition of paintings trolfeysom (photos) 12:00 33-year-old ternopolyanyn can sit in prison for coffee 11:37 Five athletes from Ternopil go to the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Lake 11:07 in Ternopil on the move took the van. Driver injured
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God is constantly calling it, we do not charge the handset or just turn off the phone - Bishop Gudziak 3512 views Ternopil 'tryzubivtsi "political prostitute named Poroshenko enemy of Ukraine 2262 views in Ternopil spotted beetles because of the accident is more than 10 trolley (photo) 1269 views Two cute ternopolyanok own initiative came to sing Hoptyana (photo) 1242 views in a nightclub in Ternopil girl stole a fur coat worth 30 thousand 1119 views
Ternopilshchyna Yevromaydanu activists went to the estate Hoptyana look at his luxury (Photos) - 6 comments constantly calling God, that we do not charge the handset or just turn off the phone - Bishop Gudziak - 6 Comments taxi driver that killed the son of writer Lesia Romanchuk, forcibly discharged from hospital - 2 comments Two cute ternopolyanok own initiative came to sing Hoptyana (photo) - 2 comments In Ternopil closed first antykafe spotted beetles - 2 comments

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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Devil’s Dung. Not exactly the most flattering epithet for something that is eaten with such relish in parts of the world. Stinking Gum? Not much better. servé Food Of The Gods. Ah, now that’s more like it. My finger runs down the definition in the guide. Asafoetida i.e. Ferula assafoetida, family Apiaceae, it says, is a species of Ferula native to Iran. It is a herbaceous perennial plant growing to two metres in height, with stout, hollow, somewhat succulent stems that are five to eight centimetres in diameter at the base of the plant. The leaves are thirty to forty centimetres long, tripinnate in ... Read the full article in the February/March 2012 issue of Whole Life Times or Request to read the original article via email for just 99p! (T&C apply) 885 words Humour US publication *********************** Words from the Wise
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Devyani Borade Devyani Borade is a professional writer. She writes on the humour and pathos servé of everyday life. Her fiction, nonfiction and art have appeared in magazines across the world. She likes to eat chocolates, read comic books and try her husband's patience! Contact her on v3rbolatry(at)gmail(dot)com for assignments, comments or just to say hello. She doesn't bite, promise. servé View my complete profile
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It is the asafoetida, of course. There is something about this herb that turns the plainest dish int

Whole Life Times Blog » Blog Archive » Getting the Hing of Asafoetida
Devil s dung. Not exactly the most flattering epithet for something that is eaten with such relish in parts of the world. Stinking gum? Not much better. Food of the gods. Ah, now that s more like it.
My finger runs down the definition in the guide. Asafoetida, Ferula assafoetida, is a species of Ferula native to Iran. It is a herbaceous banmarie perennial plant with stout, hollow, somewhat succulent stems that are five to eight centimeters in diameter at the base of the plant. The leaves are thirty to forty centimeters long, tripinnate in shape . . .
I shut the book, raise my head and sniff. A pungent aroma wafts from the kitchen, and I marvel at how Westerners and Indians can use exactly the same ingredients and yet come up with distinctly different tastes in their dishes.
It is the asafoetida, of course. There is something about this herb that turns the plainest dish into a delectable pleasure. Just a few grains blended in at the right moment can transform a culinary catastrophe into a gastronomic delight by adding a touch of the exotic. banmarie
My first acquaintance with this herb was at age three when I had a rollicking tummy ache. Mum asked me to lie down and gently applied a moist cotton bud to my navel. banmarie Within just a few minutes the perpetrator, an excess of gas, was fleeing from my body with much song and fanfare.
Called hing in Hindi, asafoetida powder is one of the first ingredients to go into the cooking pot. As soon as the oil is hot enough, a pinch of hing is sprinkled in. It immediately sizzles, turns a deep brown and discharges the fragrance that is the hallmark of all Indian dishes. Following this, cumin seeds (jeera) enhance the scent as well as the flavor, and the main vegetable is then added, along with red chili powder (laal mirch), turmeric powder (haldi) and salt (namak) to taste. Voila!
Having read that in ancient times the herb was believed to improve singers voices, I went about the house after lunch hollering at the top of my lungs. Lamentably, my husband, a king among men but unable to appreciate the finer nuances of music, was not impressed. I have therefore never gotten around to ascertaining if this tidbit is fact or fiction.
Known to attract wolves (I wonder how they found that one out!), catfish and pikes; and to deter germs, addictions and chefs, asafoetida is gradually making its appearance in more and more multicultural cuisine and being recognized for its many medicinal as well as epicurean qualities.
1 tbsp olive oil (alternatively any cooking oil will do) 1 tsp hing (asafoetida powder) banmarie 1 tsp cumin seeds (optional, alternatively black mustard seeds will do) 1 onion, diced tsp red chilli powder tsp turmeric powder tsp salt (or to taste) 1 tomato, diced 2 potatoes, chopped small cauliflower, chopped 1 tsp chopped fresh cilantro
In a large skillet, banmarie heat the olive oil and add the hing and cumin seeds until the mixture sizzles and turns darker. banmarie On as high a flame as possible, fry the onion in this until golden brown. Reduce the flame to medium and add the tomato, potatoes and cauliflower, mix well, and cover the skillet. Leave to cook for 10 15 minutes until the potato and cauliflower have become tender. (Test by gently cutting through a piece with a wooden spoon.) Add the turmeric, then the salt, and finally the chilli powder and mix well. Stir in cup of water to keep the curry from getting dry. Cover and leave to cook on a low flame for another 10 minutes so that the spices blend and get absorbed. Garnish with chopped fresh cilantro leaves and serve hot with naan bread or rice.
If you liked this story you might also enjoy . . . ~ Super Immunity ~ Help for the Winter Blahs ~ The Food Intolerance Kerfuffle ~ Dirtless Apartment Farming Tags: asafoetida , flatulence , gas , healing herbs , Indian cuisine
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