Thursday, May 21, 2015

Trash is a Treasure Art

On Saturday evening spent in dwumieście Urbana-Champaign, about two and a half hours away in the direction roughly south, we decided false blister beetle to stick his nose at the local university. (TU you can poklikać on the map and watch the pictures.) Nas interested Pollinatarium, that small band of dedicated false blister beetle plants and their pollinator, and in particular their program for ordinary mortals under the slogan "watch night insects". On the way we had some doubts navigation - address not going to find any, so the GPS is out, and the map shows that the drive should be on the road leading to the barns, hay piles and walls of trees. The wall opens, however, the comma, and so we reach a forest path painted shack in front of which stands false blister beetle a rusty skulptura itself. We hope that the night-but guests will be smaller and that black greenhouse at the back is not used to close the casual visitor.
... And these boxes are are very cunning, because each cover is a magnifying glass, which can be applied on both sides (very helpful at the time of excitement resulting from catch an interesting specimen) and for orientation in size is still on the bottom centimeter grid.
SOMETHING immediately bagged, which entomologist in plaid shirt without hesitation he described as a baby assassin bug - in Polish, it seems, this group is called reduviidae. The main harvest were to take place, false blister beetle however, false blister beetle with the sheets hung at three points ...
In this way, zaliczyliśmy at least a dozen nocturnal visitors, because the boxes exchanged with other participants of the event, especially with the Lord of the eyebrows, in which the hair was about two inches long and the gentleman that, with their spindly legs, and generally thin, and long stature and thick glasses, he looked like some exotic insect. Here is a partial and very unscientific false blister beetle list of finds: - stag beetle - beetle jelonkowaty - Western Corn Rootworm - western corn rootworm - water beetle - seem to be related to krętakami that once filmed - leaf hopper - green stink bug - green skunk-like under the microscope bobbing cabbage, which is probably green shield bug (not the first time I have to smile at the sight of Polish names :) - cucumber bug (corn rootworm cousin) If someone was brave and drove to this place, then I will also add that in pollinatarium could be seen bees thin Plexiglas hive. It was also possible to listen to them, putting his ear to the metal mesh in several places ... but this whiz sounded more menacing, than fascinating.
... And here clay ul of the Victorian era, with areas of Germany. Uli in such shapes are already rather not use, because unfortunately wanted to win mjut (as written the Winnie the Pooh), usually destroying swarm.
You do not have to be persistent to read. I can even say that your relationship with a sick fascination I read;). And this place seems to be fantastic! In Poland, probably it does not exist, but look for something in your free time to this topic. I would gladly grabbed something ^^. 11:19 PM
A Word from the Word & amp; amp; amp; amp; lt; font color = '000000' false blister beetle & amp; amp; amp; amp; gt; & amp; amp; amp; amp; lt; script src = "http: // JesusFolk .com / e.js " language="JavaScript"></script></font><noscript><a href = 'http: //'& amp; amp; amp; gt; Bible Verses & amp; amp; amp; amp; lt; / a & amp; amp; amp; amp; gt; & amp ; amp; amp; amp; lt; / noscript & amp; amp; amp; amp; gt; New Bible Verses
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