Monday, May 11, 2015

One method that seems preferable to get rid of flies is not to kill but to repel with natural repel

The fly lives around the world, regardless of the climate. This flying insect goes everywhere and can transmit diseases. And it is particularly annoying when it enters your home. Discover the different methods to get rid of the flies.
Summary Conventional methods of extermination of flies Natural Solutions to keep the flies Understanding flies and does not attract the traditional extermination methods steba rc 3 plus flies To get rid of the flies, the stores offer timeless classic methods: the bug spray; adhesive tapes; steba rc 3 plus fly swatters; granules; UV lamps electrocuting insects; steba rc 3 plus bednets.
However, these methods are expensive and have many disadvantages (insecticides remain in the atmosphere steba rc 3 plus and settle on your furniture. They can also be toxic). Natural Solutions to keep the flies
One method that seems preferable to get rid of flies is not to kill but to repel with natural repellents. Here are some tips: poke cloves cooked in onions. Place the onions in a dish with a little white vinegar and place the plates in the corners of the room; prick cloves in oranges oranges and place in the corners of the room; install basil plants and tomatoes directly into the kitchen or near the openings. You can also have a tomato branch in a room (effective until the dry branch); install planting geraniums and lemon grass near doors and windows; Mix white vinegar (possibly cut with water) and add a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus or citronella. Spray the mixture in the house or have the saucers in the rooms; spray eucalyptus essential oil on clay bulb rings (the heat will allow the diffusion). Understanding flies and do not attract
There are a thousand species of flies in France but only a dozen houses whose common house fly, blue fly, screw worm, fly checkered, the stable fly, maggot cheese fly lofts, Fall fly, ... Flies in a home can be the cause of many diseases. They carry many bacteria indeed they deposit steba rc 3 plus everywhere. Their food is varied. They lay their eggs in the warm, moist organic matter such as decaying waste. Flies are attracted by heat; humidity; the light; the absence steba rc 3 plus of wind.
A few simple steps to avoid attracting steba rc 3 plus them: store food in the cupboards, refrigerator, airtight boxes, etc. ; close your garbage cans tightly; regularly empty your trash; do not let fruit rot in their basket; do not leave doors and windows open if there is no wind; Protect exposed beams (potential spawning).
Our tips: Know that natural predators of flies such as toads, spiders and dragonflies, appreciate the little kept gardens. It seems that the flies are attracted to the color yellow. Think before repainting the façade of your home ...
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