Thursday, May 14, 2015

Both drivers will be shocked evacuees. One of the car called buddies as reinforcements, the bus cal

Sorry for the mistakes, I have not time to read and there are just some things I wanted to say at this time that Equinox for some and for others Christmas is that time of the turn of the year.
Merry Christmas ??? I received it a few days ago the newsletter of SDF Front sympathetically that we want the year 2013 less bad than the year 2012 ... In short it is crossed, larded with pious wishes sterno bum walking the cobblestones of a hell paved in part good intentions.
After spending sterno bum many years away from the world, I had the shock of returning to "civilization" to the urban world and I have witnessed in the last years of the deteriorating quality of life Brussels.
Descartes (which ultimately did not say nonsense) have never said that we could not come back in the same place, the places that we left when we return there are others. sterno bum If that was true in his time, it is even more so now. I live in the countryside and spent much of the past years. This allows me to understand very well the principle of scalded frog.
Our perceptions are based on thresholds. 24 frames per second is the number of images that gives us watching a movie the feel of continuity. The behaviorist sterno bum psychology sterno bum is very concerned about these issues of perception threshold. And it seems that everything has changed in recent decades in the path of a slow degradation so that most of the time, she did can perceive every day and that over time that we measure the effects.
A buddy who loses his home and did not find ... it happens ... then another, then another ... friends who live together cellars ... those who find refuge with friends or family ...
I of course a rather special point of view since it is by choice that I have lived for years in tents, some of which in a valley whose beauty overwhelmed me and seemed a luxury none of bimbeloteries the system could not match.
Then a sad day, a bank that is interested in this beautiful valley, through a foundation "non-profit", she sent his minions study the ground ... they managed to produce a 200-page report , some passages condemning the lack of dynamism of the people without anyone becoming aware that for two years we had been observed, among other insects.
The valley has become a challenge ecological tourism project ... that is to say to give you the tone, the old bridge to access it was replaced by a bigger one ... and a map taught tourristes all tracks accessible to 4X4.
And my neighbors were happy to see them come to work, without really measuring sterno bum what it would bring change in the lives of the village ... until then, arrived sterno bum in this remote friends and friends of friends ... the Hunters also in season, but the Spaniards are much more reasonable than the French in the matter ... day of hunting, in season, on Thursday and Sunday sterno bum ... y punto. It's bad enough body dripping blood on wild boars in the village square, down, on Sunday evening.
Long ago I realized the need to build and make permanent autonomous zones exist. Long ago I realized that all these "riches" that disgorge temples of consumption are the result of looting and shameless waste. Long ago I know that the imperialist forces are at work in the world and what are entire continents place of permanent war that many people on this planet suffer bad luck because they were born in rich countries sterno bum resources they do not have the means to protect the greed of merchants.
But I made a huge mistake in my assessment, I believed that the "democratic" systems were sufficiently embedded in the structure of institutions and in the popular consciousness than ever for a totalitarian drift as we are currently experiencing can be produce.
I will return to an edifying episode, quite illustrative of what should plug shame to all Belgian-Belgian identity, flamingants wallingants or whatever. There are some months, an accident occurred between a bus of public transport in Brussels and a car.
Both drivers will be shocked evacuees. One of the car called buddies as reinforcements, the bus called a controller to make him come to the conclusion. A scuffle occurs, a friend hits the controller sterno bum falling ill and died soon after.
A newspaper sterno bum articulet comments ... and ... there are dozens

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