Monday, May 11, 2015

And pan on target! A quick search made me fall on an article published in December 2012 on the BBC

Association Picardie Insectarium friends for the support and promotion of a tourist and educational equipment for scientific copper chafing dishes and cultural mediation devoted to entomology and biodiversity in Picardy in the territory of Pont-Sainte-Maxence
And pan on target! A quick search made me fall on an article published in December 2012 on the BBC website: "Thousands of insects in Christmas trees." This article refers to a Norwegian copper chafing dishes study from the University copper chafing dishes of Bergen announcing that up to 25,000 insects copper chafing dishes can wake up from their hibernation early in the warmth of your living room.
Who are they? Psocoptera, springtails and mites different ... There is nothing to worry about, for sure. But what is it? Sorry, I have no pictures, it's too small for my camera. Refer to identify your dictionary or an encyclopedia copper chafing dishes online.
Survey made, the Psocoptera or psocids a homogeneous range of about 4,000 species distributed worldwide. These are hétérométaboles (progressive developing 5 or 6 stages). They are small, pale, group living under the bark and feed on small things, algae debris, lichen, bark ... In the houses and apartments, they often feed on old paper, copper chafing dishes and it can be found in libraries: those are called "book lice" (they must get along with bookworms). They have little more than a millimeter, can have four wings, but not always as they arrive at the second copper chafing dishes stage. copper chafing dishes They would interest only moderately entomologists, except and especially when they attack insects pinned into their collection boxes.
No psocid not on a list of protected species. They have few predators whose pseudoscorpions or tiny wasps, the mymaridés, which lay their eggs in the abdomen of psocids. It's hard insect life. In short, copper chafing dishes if they are not dangerous for humans, their proliferation in the apartments can be troublesome. That said yourself easy, even if you do not have a Christmas tree, your plants are frequented by other critters. Biodiversity is also that.
As for Collembola, are smaller animals less than 3 mm moving by jumping. However in the classification, the hexapod arthropods are not considered bugs, rather they are classified in crustaceans. Note that the Larousse always tells us that these are insects. ... They should know inhabit soil, tree trunks or wetlands. They do not like light and are active even in winter, except during frost. They are very useful for the transformation of organic matter copper chafing dishes into humus, regulate the microflora and ensure the flow of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, ...). Ecotoxicologists in use for laboratory tests to study the toxicity of contaminated soil. In the wild their presence is a bio-indicator of the ecological state of the environment. Again, no danger, no panic.
Finally mites. You already know it's everywhere in our homes. Again these are not insects, but let's not sectarian: they are like our pscocoptères arthropods (insects), copper chafing dishes our springtails (crustaceans), but they are arachnids and they have 8 legs. The biggest are the most dangerous copper chafing dishes to humans such as ticks with Lyme disease, the mites that cause scabies, chiggers, mites ... dust on them are due to allergies. copper chafing dishes
But do not worry, that's certainly what we said in December 2012, an agronomist copper chafing dishes of the French Association of the Christmas tree: "It goes without saying and it is a good sign. The trees are a part of nature and they do not undergo sterilization so inevitably, they contain all the little beasts, which are hazardous anything. " copper chafing dishes
This is what confirmed the Bergen scientists also reassured us, first the bugs in question are tiny, live balanced copper chafing dishes ecosystem, one that can be the prey of others, and especially not likely to spread in your houses. So no more risk than the wood waiting to be burned in your fireplace.
Besides the newspaper's website Le Parisien was more positive. He appealed copper chafing dishes to the entomologist François Lasserre copper chafing dishes (of OPIE), in whom one can have confidence, who believed correctly that it was during a family biodiversity courses: "To do this simply put a white sheet under the tree, and shake the tree. It remains to be inspected under the microscope the small inhabitants fallen branches. If the animal with six legs, it is a bug, eight, is an arachnid, copper chafing dishes and when she e

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