Thursday, December 26, 2013

Second lesson of this study: to return to the Holocene, it will remove from the atmosphere more car

It is a paradoxical pg or vg e liquid study, based on a cold realism, but also a beautiful utopia. Realistic pg or vg e liquid because its author, Andrew MacDougall (University of Victoria, Canada), assumes that current policy pg or vg e liquid makers will do nothing or very little to curb significantly the overall emissions of greenhouse gas emissions and fight against global warming climate. Utopian because this article, to be published in Geophysical Research Letters, imagine a future commitment on the part of humanity pg or vg e liquid to act to restore the levels of temperature and atmospheric CO 2 as they were before the Industrial Revolution and the large-scale consumption of fossil fuels. To summarize, this study asks whether, in the area of climate, we have the possibility of reversing the arrow of time, go back, turn the tide, and the answer to this question says a lot about the experience involuntary we did to our planet.
Andrew MacDougall from a simple observation: in a more or less near future, our emissions of carbon dioxide will reach a peak, or because we have decided either because we all burned. In all four scenarios that probe assumptions derived occasions by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Canadian researcher, specializing in interactions between the carbon cycle and global warming, retains pg or vg e liquid the following dates for the peak of CO 2 in 2053, 2130, 2151 and 2251. If we do nothing special, it will take many millennia to find that the Earth climate characteristics it has been known since the end of the last glaciation (and provided that the machine is not getting carried away ... ). A US-Canadian study published in 2009 has shown that some of the anomalies of temperature and CO 2 caused by global warming will persist in 10,000 years! Andrew MacDougall So imagine our descendants, with the hope of finding the climate of the Holocene, operate different technologies to remove the carbon that we put into the atmosphere and they replant forests we have destroyed.
With this scenario in mind that turned the climate model at the University of Victoria, a relatively simple model that allows to project long term. And long term, it takes to see the temperature curve down to near that of the early nineteenth century level. In the most optimistic scenario, wait ... the year 3000. Thousand years. Yet these thousand years are not enough for the Greenland ice sheet, which is the most weakened by global warming, is recovering. It will be very far because, in the best case, in 3000, it will have regained 10% of what it has lost. With this optimistic scenario, the melting of Greenland's glaciers provide a small contribution to sea level rise: 26 cm. However, in the worst case scenario, this figure is multiplied by ten, Andrew MacDougall even stated that the model is quite prudent, phenomena of amplification could lead to melting of the Greenland ice sheet even more important.
Second lesson of this study: to return to the Holocene, it will remove from the atmosphere more carbon than we have delivered! Why? Simply because of rising temperatures, melting permafrost of the Arctic, already released today and tomorrow will release more of the carbon that is held prisoner. As a borrower repays the principal and interest pg or vg e liquid of the loan, humanity will be forced, depending on different scenarios to sequester between 115 and 181% of CO 2 emissions. It will take about three millennia to the carbon originally buried in the permafrost returns to it.
In the scenario, rather optimistic, the study emphasizes, the peak of CO 2 occurs in 2130. Temperatures reach their maximum twenty years later, exceeding 2.8 C above pre-industrial values. The oceans pg or vg e liquid rise until mid XXIII century and found a normal pH to 2280. The Arctic ice resumes its former area to 2450. But the most important figure of the study lies elsewhere. Maximum of hypothetical pg or vg e liquid effort to rid humanity of its CO 2, 9.7 billion tonnes of carbon will be removed from the atmosphere each year, at almost exactly what we currently emit all year. What is telling Andrew MacDougall, in his utopian world, the industry will have a carbon sequestration equivalent pg or vg e liquid to that of fossil energy scale today. But as one understands what motivates operators of oil, natural gas, coal and other

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