Thursday, December 12, 2013

April 2013

The 7th, will be extremely hot day for the first time this year, due to transport by heat stroke one after another in Tokyo. About 80% of people who die of heat stroke 65 years of age or older. In the elderly it's going to be a "tough summer", but when the Liberal Democratic Abe won the House of Councillors election of now, the elderly who die of heat stroke is likely to explosion. Half, is not used to there is air conditioning in the room of the elderly, which is carried in the emergency heat stroke postmus sierbestrating - such realities have been revealed in a survey of Japanese postmus sierbestrating Association for Acute Medicine. There is also a voice "elderly patient" but Nantes, or so really. Government call for "the use of air conditioning," but, in fact, older people that can not be used even want to use or not it often. In fact, according "survey on economic postmus sierbestrating life of the elderly," the Cabinet Office (11 year), "worry there is no room in the household," postmus sierbestrating nearly 30% of 60 years or older, postmus sierbestrating as "painful worry households" for the livelihoods of their answer. The "summer, air conditioning accounts for more than 50% of power consumption in the home. Electric bill is always piling that much, besides electricity prices were also price increases.'s Called <use pounding> The idea of rich, Abe Liberal Democrats inflation goes according to win is, if the elderly and uneasy. outlook for pension savings also eroded, I'll no choice but to put up with even air conditioner "(economic journalist Iwanami Takuya Mr.) heat stroke is not more and more 's. The 7th, Tanaka net suspect in the music classroom instructors had left in his room of the apartment the body of the mother of 90-year-old (64), was caught in the abandonment of a corpse charges in the Metropolitan Police Department Come to think of it. Mother falls down before about a month, and that was dead If you notice. "The part-time job even if I say lecturer, monthly income has been testimony living. postmus sierbestrating Tanaka two the mother and the <was left without postmus sierbestrating money> at Toei apartment 100,000. Adachi-ku" (investigation insider) truncation of the weak by the Liberal Democratic Abe goes according, home can not afford air conditioning if there is no money also increases. Heat stroke deaths also, this kind of incident also it's explosion. Ko-koko ee Eeee~e~e~e~e~e ª ( Д ) ª ª ª ª ª ª Yeah yeah yeah Engineering Industrial Engineering
8: mackerel tabby (empty) 2013/07/08 (Mon) 16:00:52.12 postmus sierbestrating ID: sGPpIkd70
25: Andean cat (Tokyo) 2013/07/08 (Mon) 16:26:05.90 ID: 7NVzX9LZ0
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