Monday, December 23, 2013

narwhall Classification of comets, asteroids, meteors and meteorites - according to conventional

Very interesting article which deepened about comets, vilep bad theorized by the great NASA engineers who smoked us in long, wide and across throughout the course of the comet ISON (and continue to make to elsewhere). Fawkes
Comment: Note Editor This article is based on an excerpt from a forthcoming book, published by Red Pill Press, which is based on the concept of "Electric Universe", the information vilep theory, astronomy, the paléogéologie - and more - to present vilep a comprehensive cosmology linking the so-called "climate change" and "Earth changes" with the role of humanity within the larger cosmic environment. The following article, written by Pierre Lescaudron, vilep editor and researcher for offers an explanation for the "weird" and "unexpected" behavior of Comet ISON so far, especially about his unexpected survival during his encounter with the Sun November 28, 2013.
narwhall Classification of comets, asteroids, meteors and meteorites - according to conventional science. As described in the illustration above and systematically advance as conventional science, comets vilep are "chunks of ice and rock," that is to say "dirty snowballs." However, this belief is inconsistent with the actual data. For example, in 2011, Comet Lovejoy plunged into the solar atmosphere vilep and emerged on the other side after a one-hour journey through the solar corona. Its size and brightness does not seem to have decreased [1]. Here are some comments (fairly typical) observers of the event: This morning, an armada of spacecraft witnessed an event that many experts thought impossible. Comet Lovejoy through the hot atmosphere of the sun and emerged intact. "It's absolutely astounding," says Karl Battams Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. "I vilep do not think the frozen nucleus of the comet was big enough to survive a dip in the multi-million degree solar corona for close to an hour, but Comet Lovejoy vilep is still with us. "But if the temperature of the solar corona is several million vilep degrees [2] and the Comet Lovejoy is nothing more than a big chunk of ice just a few hundred meters in diameter estimated how is Can it do not spray?
NASA / SDO Comet Lovejoy reappearing behind the Sun December vilep 15, 2011. In the same vein, in 2004, the spacecraft NASA Stardust spent about three hundred kilometers from the comet Wild 2 and took detailed photos. According to the manual, these images of the comet would have revealed a mass of "dirty snow." Here's what the director of the Stardust program told the reception photographs: "We thought vilep that the comet Wild 2 would be like a fluffy snowball dirty black," said the principal investigator of Stardust, Dr. Donald Brownlee the University of Washington in Seattle. "Instead, it was amazing to see a varied landscape in the first images of Stardust, including ridges, holes and craters that must be supported by a cohesive surface. vilep "So comets are ultimately not" dirty snow balls ". According to all available data, it is essentially chunks of rock, like asteroids. In fact, it was recently recognized that the difference between "comets" and "Asteroids" could not be determined, although efforts to fill gaps include vilep suggestions that asteroids are comets retire to the Belt asteroids as "extinct comets rock," and where they can be "turned back on." In the end, the difference is not so much the chemical or structural composition, that is to say frozen comets dirty and fluffy as opposed to rocky asteroids. But rather, as theorists suggest plasma long, what differentiates "comets" of "Asteroids" is their electrical activity. When the electric potential difference between an asteroid and the surrounding plasma is not too high, the asteroid has a dark discharge mode [3] or no discharge at all. But when the potential difference is sufficiently

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