Monday, May 4, 2015

Cellulose, cellulose! It was not supposed to cause lignin? If! Well precisely, lignin is another ma

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It was during a course Animal Digestion (not one escapes any agricultural school) that came to me that curiosity, hearing and réentendant "lignin is in no digestible by animals! ". But in that time, I wore my attention to the family Cerambycidae, fondue fuel where to buy family of beetles whose larvae are boring myself and then said, "Well if some insects can! But how metabolic process? ".
Beetles, termites, moths, Diptera, mushrooms ... thousands of species feed on the wood, and despite that, the few chemical reactions to this life are unknown.
Before going further, let us pause a little on lignin: What is it that is that it then? Well lignin is a main component of wood and cellulose, these two molecules ensure the maintenance and the plant structure by stiffening the walls of the plant cells. fondue fuel where to buy
Cellulose is a fairly simple molecule; it is a chain of glucose, much like starch, but arranged in a much more robust (glucose polymer, β bond (1-4)). It is the fibrous cellulose which gives the appearance to an overripe beans, which allows for the paper.
The cellulose we can digest it, but not directly: it is the bacteria that live in symbiosis in our intestines which is degraded by enzymes (molecule that cuts other molecules, roughly) fondue fuel where to buy very special. This digestion fondue fuel where to buy is not really effective in humans and we do not learn much to chew on grass, unlike cattle such that realize a true breeding of bacteria in their first stomach (rumen).
Cellulose, cellulose! It was not supposed to cause lignin? If! Well precisely, lignin is another matter ... In short, lignin, the wood and the wood is monstrously complex. Lignin is not a simple chain of elements, lignin is not a defined molecule and each tree species to its own lignin ... lignin is super tough and it's mostly damn mess because it also mixes with cellulose and hemicellulose (more molecules which plays a role of bridge link, among other elements).
So I started doing some research and realized me that the subject was still very little studied (except recently but there has not yet published any public ...) and no answer to this question 'exist currently. A friend from college also assured me that that

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