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Almost 300 posts in the archives Select Month December 2012 (1) May 2011 (1) April 2011 (1) March 2011 (1) January 2011 (2) December 2010 (3) November 2010 (4) October 2010 (16) September 2010 (5 ) August 2010 (1) July 2010 (3) June 2010 (1) May 2010 (4) April 2010 (3), March 2010 (5) February 2010 (4) January 2010 (6) December 2009 (1) November 2009 (3 ) October 2009 (6) September 2009 (3), June 2009 (3) May 2009 (3) April 2009 (6) March 2009 (2) February 2009 (3) January 2009 (7) December 2008 (1) November 2008 (1 ) September 2008 (1) August 2008 (3) July 2008 (3), June 2008 (6) May 2008 (12) April 2008 (25) March 2008 (49) February 2008 (35) January 2008 (52) December 2007 (23 ) for 24 h Reads Time and Day / Night, and elsewhere in the world would anyone know what the water hardness of the most common scams in 2011, the first story - The case of Germany dioxins Warning: helium inhalation can be fatal to track sea-level rise? Rästikuhammustus: what to do? 19 basic points. Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010 - what happened and what are the consequences? Oil Catastrophe - the time to reflect on the whole world Tuhala underground rivers mystery Recent New blog - Monte Vesuvio absolute zero new definition Protests in Germany E10 gasoline on Geology Teaching should be in our schools Rocket 69 taustakahinad 2011, the first story - German dioxins incident Have Estonian groundwater drinking causes tumors ? Õhtuleht dismissed at the end of the world for two years Adventure buffet roll Live: Alvin dives in the Gulf of Mexico north of the New Zealand mining disaster: what could go wrong? Blogroll Baseball Finder Tuti Blog Stats 377.354 hits Leaves The most common scams Environmental Geology Environmental CONTACT Game
ETKNRLP December 2007 January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS
Estonia buffet roll is not a major environmental catastrophe on a global scale yet experienced, and our analysis of the situation is not expected, too, that we should be very afraid of nature. All our dangers are caused by our own - sea-going oil tankers and hazardous cargo by rail and road, hazardous substances in warehouses, industrial plants pollute, etc. unsanitary landfills. The impact of storms and floods is there, but it is small compared to the hurricane.
Our biggest problem in the future, however, it may be that we are building up their entire lives depend on electricity, and information systems. A lot of people are going to behave outrageously, even then, when the computer is within 5 seconds of a web page, or MSN will not open. However, you have thought about what happens if, for any reason will not go away for a few days, not only the Internet but also electricity? Your living room is still warm in the winter? There you have stockpiled food or cash to buy it, even if someone else is selling? Does the tap water is still coming? Does the drainage work? Does the petrol to drive to the land of her grandmother provider - if there is such a place even exist? And whether, if the systems are knocked out punched, you can stay calm and act accordingly?
Of course, it is highly likely that in such a case will never ever shall be. But sellst be given a list of one American family should have in stock all the time - because, buffet roll for example, in California lurk both large earthquakes, forest fire, hurricane and terrorist threat. Think about it, because this is the life!
There are six main areas where the resources should have: water, food, first aid equipment, clothing and magamisvahendid, tools and related equipment, and special buffet roll equipment. The main things should be packed in such a way that, if necessary, housing could abandon them now to take - for example, in a backpack.
Store food in such a way as to ensure retention buffet roll for timely and replace the shelf life of the food exceeded. This could be at least a 3-day margin. Small children must be, of course, buffet roll specific stocks.
Medication backup - if you take the medication, then these stocks, as well as spare glasses or -läätsed. Entertainment - games and books, drawing materials. Documents: Passports, sünnitunnitused, educational certificates, marriage certificates, credit card statements, housing loans and other documents, medical records, etc. kindlustusdokumenid. First aid equipment.
When Preparing a Disaster Supplies Kit, review the Checklists provided. That Gather the supplies are listed. The items May be needed if confined to home. There are six (6) people shouldnt basics in stock for their home: water, food, first aid supplies, buffet roll clothing and bedding, tools and emergency supplies and special items. Place the northeastern supplies l
Almost 300 posts in the archives Select Month December 2012 (1) May 2011 (1) April 2011 (1) March 2011 (1) January 2011 (2) December 2010 (3) November 2010 (4) October 2010 (16) September 2010 (5 ) August 2010 (1) July 2010 (3) June 2010 (1) May 2010 (4) April 2010 (3), March 2010 (5) February 2010 (4) January 2010 (6) December 2009 (1) November 2009 (3 ) October 2009 (6) September 2009 (3), June 2009 (3) May 2009 (3) April 2009 (6) March 2009 (2) February 2009 (3) January 2009 (7) December 2008 (1) November 2008 (1 ) September 2008 (1) August 2008 (3) July 2008 (3), June 2008 (6) May 2008 (12) April 2008 (25) March 2008 (49) February 2008 (35) January 2008 (52) December 2007 (23 ) for 24 h Reads Time and Day / Night, and elsewhere in the world would anyone know what the water hardness of the most common scams in 2011, the first story - The case of Germany dioxins Warning: helium inhalation can be fatal to track sea-level rise? Rästikuhammustus: what to do? 19 basic points. Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010 - what happened and what are the consequences? Oil Catastrophe - the time to reflect on the whole world Tuhala underground rivers mystery Recent New blog - Monte Vesuvio absolute zero new definition Protests in Germany E10 gasoline on Geology Teaching should be in our schools Rocket 69 taustakahinad 2011, the first story - German dioxins incident Have Estonian groundwater drinking causes tumors ? Õhtuleht dismissed at the end of the world for two years Adventure buffet roll Live: Alvin dives in the Gulf of Mexico north of the New Zealand mining disaster: what could go wrong? Blogroll Baseball Finder Tuti Blog Stats 377.354 hits Leaves The most common scams Environmental Geology Environmental CONTACT Game
ETKNRLP December 2007 January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS
Estonia buffet roll is not a major environmental catastrophe on a global scale yet experienced, and our analysis of the situation is not expected, too, that we should be very afraid of nature. All our dangers are caused by our own - sea-going oil tankers and hazardous cargo by rail and road, hazardous substances in warehouses, industrial plants pollute, etc. unsanitary landfills. The impact of storms and floods is there, but it is small compared to the hurricane.
Our biggest problem in the future, however, it may be that we are building up their entire lives depend on electricity, and information systems. A lot of people are going to behave outrageously, even then, when the computer is within 5 seconds of a web page, or MSN will not open. However, you have thought about what happens if, for any reason will not go away for a few days, not only the Internet but also electricity? Your living room is still warm in the winter? There you have stockpiled food or cash to buy it, even if someone else is selling? Does the tap water is still coming? Does the drainage work? Does the petrol to drive to the land of her grandmother provider - if there is such a place even exist? And whether, if the systems are knocked out punched, you can stay calm and act accordingly?
Of course, it is highly likely that in such a case will never ever shall be. But sellst be given a list of one American family should have in stock all the time - because, buffet roll for example, in California lurk both large earthquakes, forest fire, hurricane and terrorist threat. Think about it, because this is the life!
There are six main areas where the resources should have: water, food, first aid equipment, clothing and magamisvahendid, tools and related equipment, and special buffet roll equipment. The main things should be packed in such a way that, if necessary, housing could abandon them now to take - for example, in a backpack.
Store food in such a way as to ensure retention buffet roll for timely and replace the shelf life of the food exceeded. This could be at least a 3-day margin. Small children must be, of course, buffet roll specific stocks.
Medication backup - if you take the medication, then these stocks, as well as spare glasses or -läätsed. Entertainment - games and books, drawing materials. Documents: Passports, sünnitunnitused, educational certificates, marriage certificates, credit card statements, housing loans and other documents, medical records, etc. kindlustusdokumenid. First aid equipment.
When Preparing a Disaster Supplies Kit, review the Checklists provided. That Gather the supplies are listed. The items May be needed if confined to home. There are six (6) people shouldnt basics in stock for their home: water, food, first aid supplies, buffet roll clothing and bedding, tools and emergency supplies and special items. Place the northeastern supplies l