Sunday, January 26, 2014

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Fishing hooks should always be tenacious and sharp. If fishing hook zatupyvsya and you do not have what it sharpened, you can always use the most ordinary double two factory shop box of matches under. On both sides it is covered with a thin layer of sulfur, which can sharpen the hook, as the fine skin. Step 2
For the best fishing hooks to smaller, they are more comfortable and they can catch a big fish. But too little, if gathered to catch a "giant" is not worth taking. You must select the "sweet spot". For example, double two factory shop carp fishing hook is the most optimal number 6-8. Naturally for catfish is not suitable. Step 3
Also very important in choosing a fishing hook material of which it is made. It is important that the metal used was not too soft, because the hook can easily straighten while it should not be too hard because it may burst. Step 5
Hooks are thick, thin, long, short. When fishing for herbal tips, as well as bloodworms, oparysha, ripeynika more appropriate hooks with short thin trickle. And for the planting of a larger bait - worm larvae dragonfly, beetle, good hooks with a long stream. Step 6
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