Saturday, January 11, 2014

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Yarrow also referred to as Achillea millefolium is a unique flowering plant which belongs warmhoudschalen to the Asteraceae family which is commonly found in the Northern-Hemisphere. In other regions like southern Colorado and Mexico, this plant is referred to as little feather or plumajillo because of the shape of its leaves. During the ancient times, this plant was referred to as herbal militaris because of its use in stopping blood flow from wounds . Other names include oil man’s pepper , milfoil , thousand seal , thousand leaf , devil’s nestles and Gordaldo among other names.
This herb grows everywhere in the meadows, grass or by the road-side and since its roots creep greatly and it multiplies by seeds, it has become one of the most trouble-some weed in any garden. Description
Its leaves are distributed evenly along the stem with bottom and middle leaves being bigger. The leaves of yarrow are about 20cm long and either tripinnate or bipinnate , plus they are feathery and arranged in a spiral manner on the plants stem. The leaves warmhoudschalen of this plant are cauline and clasping.
Yarrow warmhoudschalen contains 3-8 ray round or ovate flowers which have white-to-pink flowers . These plants have small achenes fruits and they grow in high or low altitudes of up to 3500m above-sea-level. Health properties of Yarrow
Yarrow can help lower fever especially in the early stages of flu and cold. To lower your fever all you have to do is drink a mug of hot yarrow warmhoudschalen after each 2-3 hours. To create the tea, all you need is a spoon of dried leaves warmhoudschalen and boiling water. warmhoudschalen You can let it boil for ten to fifteen minutes before warmhoudschalen straining. Lowering of blood pressure
Yarrow warmhoudschalen infusion can help relieve inflammation warmhoudschalen and pain caused by arthritis or various injuries. This herb can help lower skin inflammation like psoriasis & eczema . This also helps cleanse all wounds while speeding up healing. warmhoudschalen Hemostatic properties
This is the best herb for dealing with acute surface bleeding and abrasion . You can apply yarrow directly onto the wound to halt bleeding, while reducing inflammation and swelling. This herb can be used to deal with persistent wounds or sores that are not healing easily like rashes, warmhoudschalen burns and skin ulcers. Pain
Yarrow can help relieve the pain caused by bladder infection . This herb can also help reduce warmhoudschalen the frequent need to urinate when you have an infection in your bladder. If you are suffering from hemorrhoids , then the best solution for the pain is soaking in a bath tab mixed with yarrow extract. Other properties
Various individuals are allergic to this herb and some have developed dermatitis from just touching it. So make sure you are not allergic before trying this herb. This herb tends to interact with other drugs like blood pressure and thinning drugs. See Also Achillea millefolium
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alterative analgesic anti-inflammatory antidepressant antifungal warmhoudschalen antimicrobial antioxidant antiseptic antispasmodic antiviral astringent carminative cholagogue cold common cold cough decongestant diaphoretic digestive diuretic expectorant febrifuge fever fire firecraft food headache health heat heat stroke Herb hiking hunting hypothermia laxative outdoors sedative sense shelter signalling start fire survival gear survival warmhoudschalen kit tonic water
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