Thursday, January 30, 2014

In short, Lieberman stepped into the vacuum of Israel

Two states for two peoples is not something absolutely wrong. True, there is a problem, the land of our ancestors, the divine camping gaz international promise all these things, but sometimes you have to look at the reality in which you stop and say, wait, stop being a Jewish state, and is becoming something like a state of all its citizens. It is nothing to prevent it by force. We hear that a 'democratic' prior to 'Jewish'. camping gaz international This is something we have to find a solution. Moreover, the world is not exactly like Israel's conduct. If we can create a situation where there is a state that is truly Jewish, meaning that 90 percent of its inhabitants are Jews and the Jewish national home, our situation is not as good.
What do we learn these amazing things Rotem? We learn from them that is very "Jewish", ie he defines his identity camping gaz international as a Jew first, and then as a person. We learn that Judaism is more important than democracy. Even more than the land of Israel. The state of all its citizens, in his opinion, "It is nothing to prevent it by force." Democracy camping gaz international which is the only instrument of Judaism, and un-necessary it is void of democracy. On the other hand, the Torah, too, as well as tradition, the only thing used in the maintenance of Jewish identity. The land of our ancestors, the divine promise, all "these things" are "problem" could also be it resolved (force?) If necessary, to protect the Jewish state.
What, then, is central to Judaism MK Rotem? Jewish state, the national home of the Jewish people is the real focus of the Jewish identity of the broom. "Israel Our Home", as stated. camping gaz international Did not the Torah, the Jewish law, no tradition, no faith, no morality, not the country but the state, and the state is of the people, ethnos. "Judaism" camping gaz international by MK Rotem is the people, the people most consolidated, uniform, pure.
We discover here an ethos of organized Jewish nation strong and proud - against the world. And of course world object, and perhaps oppose further when Prime Minister Lieberman will (other camping gaz international places in an interview to sketch harnesses the government H"nseoti vision "that his party wants him). But what does it matter? They already hate us. No matter what, that is known Esau hates Jacob. Familiar. So there really should camping gaz international also prepare policy.
Proposals in the areas of conversion and marriage is clear that he expected the rabbis to be flexible and give up their principles in accordance with the needs of the state and society. In his mind he sees a relationship between the government and the rabbinate, camping gaz international which is very similar to the relationship between the Kremlin of Vladimir Putin and the Russian camping gaz international Orthodox Church. Church leaders are honored Guard national heritage, but they are expected to serve the state, not the state serve them. If a senior partner in the government, Lieberman will try to establish a form of civil marriage and very flexible conversion process. But make no mistake, according to Lieberman, Judaism is a religion chauvinistic and nationalistic tool of the government and the strong man in his head.
The last sentence says it all. Lieberman camping gaz international seems also managed camping gaz international to convince the broom so nice and properly so. This is actually the other end of the problematic fusion camping gaz international of religion camping gaz international and state in Israel: Religion normally gives 'character' of the state and uses its resources is becoming a family camping gaz international here (Motti Fogel wrote about it beautifully here). Judaism is the religion of the majority of more citizens, but their national identity. Judaism as a religion undermined. Then it becomes known as Israeli nationality.
Position of Lieberman and Rotem gaining much popularity these days of xenophobia and go inside, and paradoxically gets backing not only of politicians camping gaz international Bibi ("The left has forgotten what it means to be a Jew") Netanyahu camping gaz international or publicists as Isi Leibler, but the rabbis Roll the rule to arms in the national struggle . What happens here is that nationalism uses the currencies Identity of religion to buy internal cohesion, loyalty, affinity and lack of - criticism. So impoverished religion to finance art. Rotem use these coins to impose halachic position on the Chief Rabbinate. Lieberman use these coins to gain power.
That is, MK David Rotem strangely decided that Judaism is not a religion - even though all religions scholars think so - but the nation ... What insolence! Turn us into a people place more spiritual cult with mystical rituals, and many other rituals require makers (= rabbis) will be subject to state?! (up here ironically) the guard stand reminded that Judaism (= religion is a late invention. we are a nation - well, this thing with the state, the military and all that aggressive chauvinism. As I've written a thousand times, the world is functioning as a collection of nations, not as a collection camping gaz international of religions, with all the sorrow of it, so look at us as a people of Israel rather than a collection followers of the Jewish religion. Besides, the comparison Putin is ridiculous - with Israel is not the Russian people, and no one is waiting here to create like Putin, and if - he deposed from power., etc. By the way - about the resistance of the world - were laughing ... World grovel before the powerful leaders and harassing those weak - go and check., but do not worry - even if Lieberman survives indictment and will power, is to sing different tune, something familiar tune of "Things are not what they seem" ...
Really? Judaism is also a nation???? So much for irony. Seriously: We all know that. This is what he writes Lieberman makes a reduction of Judaism to the Jewish nation. "Judaism" is becoming a national structure - political and nothing more. Everyone camping gaz international decides if a good thing.
In short, Lieberman stepped into the vacuum of Israel's Jewish identity. We have no idea what that means Lieberman tells us what it is. The way to deal with it is to not call him a fascist, but to offer an alternative. Our will is clear what it means to us to be Jewish. Favor of Lieberman said, he does a very thorough camping gaz international job. It answers all the questions that remain unanswered.
I agree with the predecessors Lieberman add content to the Jewish identity \ Israel, by its reduction to the state and so on., But I think this is a healthy process - it also converted calls to refresh and shaking the halakhic Judaism to the new reality since the modern return to Zion

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