Diseases of the foot of dermatological: nails, back and plantar region
edited by Dermatologist Dr. Del Sorbo SALERNO - SCAFATI The feet are real physiological shock in harmony with the complex system of levers comprising all the bones of the human body. Each foot during rundstück warm a normal rundstück warm day touches the floor at least 10000 times, bear very high loads and in a lifetime runs about 200,000 km (25 times the distance Salerno Beijing). Some dermatological problems of this region (eg, plantar warts), they can sometimes cause pain at rest or walking, forcing the individual to forcibly change its posture, to determine problems that you can pass on to other joints (eg: osteo arthro muscle in various parts of the body). Podiatric Dermatology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases of this precious body region, sometimes rundstück warm working in teams and in synergy with other medical specialists of the foot (eg orthopedic, physiatrist, diabetologist, sports physician, surgeon, etc) .
The pseudocromidrosi plantar (purpura traumatic pedis or talon noir) we often see in the sport (eg: basketball, football, tennis) and is caused by micro-haemorrhages rundstück warm of the dermal papillae, the skin subjected to chronic rubbing. It is important before a dark stain of the foot, make a thorough skin examination, to rule out a malignant melanocytic lesion. When satisfied that the diagnosis of pseudocromidrosi, is not required surgical removal and a short break from racing, generally allows the disappearance of the clinical manifestation. Dermatoses localized at the foot are many and may include mycosis (so-called athlete's foot), contact eczema, psoriasis, palmoplantar keratoderma, hands feet mouth disease, scabies, vitiligo, rundstück warm dyshidrosis, lichen, warts (those of the foot can be very painful), plantar nevi, melanoma, pseudocromidrosi traumatic plantar, plantar ulcers, diabetic foot, Madura foot (mycetoma of the foot), plantar erosive keratolysis (pitted keratolysis from Corynebacterium and micrococcus sedentarius). rundstück warm The snows of the plantar region rundstück warm should be checked periodically by your dermatologist, because some of them can sometimes mimic a melanoma. L 'examination dermatoscopico allows in most cases, to distinguish in minutes, between a simple rundstück warm plantar wart (punctuation rundstück warm vascular typical, due to the presence rundstück warm of thrombosed vessels), a benign or malignant melanocytic lesion (pattern parallel grooves, fibrillar pattern, pattern mesh metal pattern rundstück warm parallel ridges, etc) and a traumatic pseudocromidrosi sportsmen rundstück warm (lacunar pattern of bleeding seen in the photo above). In case of simultaneous involvement of the skin of the hands and feet, will be considered at the time of dermatological all situations that may occur to the district palmoplantar, including clinical variants less frequent, such as syphilis, hands, feet, mouth syndrome, the acrocheratosi paraneoplastic rundstück warm Bazex, hands foot syndrome (also known as palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia of Jlokich and Moore) and cheratodermie palmoplantari.
Pictures of secondary syphilis of the feet, with typical rib of Biett (pictured above) and an athlete's foot (pictured below) With a careful skin examination is possible to arrive at a precise diagnosis and plan a targeted therapy to issue. In the suspicion of an athlete's foot is possible to make a microscopic examination in the clinic mycetes, in the case of an allergic problem will be possible to use as a diagnostic tool so-called patch test, in the case of pigmented lesions is useful rundstück warm examination rundstück warm dermatoscopico. In many cases, dermatoses of the foot can cause intense itching and sometimes even be affected nails. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, may be useful for the treatment of some plantar warts, after appropriate preparation keratolytic home, recommended at the time of the visit by your dermatologist.
For therapy, drugs are used topical or systemic, depending rundstück warm on the type of dermatological diagnosis In cases of intense itching rundstück warm at the foot should be sought all possible causes, both infectious (eg. Ringworm pedis) and non-infective rundstück warm (eg. Eczema)
OTHER IMAGES CLINICAL Year 2015 - Site of Dermatology and Venereology by the dermatologist Dr. venereologo. rundstück warm Del Sorbo CONDITIONS OF USE
edited by Dermatologist Dr. Del Sorbo SALERNO - SCAFATI The feet are real physiological shock in harmony with the complex system of levers comprising all the bones of the human body. Each foot during rundstück warm a normal rundstück warm day touches the floor at least 10000 times, bear very high loads and in a lifetime runs about 200,000 km (25 times the distance Salerno Beijing). Some dermatological problems of this region (eg, plantar warts), they can sometimes cause pain at rest or walking, forcing the individual to forcibly change its posture, to determine problems that you can pass on to other joints (eg: osteo arthro muscle in various parts of the body). Podiatric Dermatology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases of this precious body region, sometimes rundstück warm working in teams and in synergy with other medical specialists of the foot (eg orthopedic, physiatrist, diabetologist, sports physician, surgeon, etc) .
The pseudocromidrosi plantar (purpura traumatic pedis or talon noir) we often see in the sport (eg: basketball, football, tennis) and is caused by micro-haemorrhages rundstück warm of the dermal papillae, the skin subjected to chronic rubbing. It is important before a dark stain of the foot, make a thorough skin examination, to rule out a malignant melanocytic lesion. When satisfied that the diagnosis of pseudocromidrosi, is not required surgical removal and a short break from racing, generally allows the disappearance of the clinical manifestation. Dermatoses localized at the foot are many and may include mycosis (so-called athlete's foot), contact eczema, psoriasis, palmoplantar keratoderma, hands feet mouth disease, scabies, vitiligo, rundstück warm dyshidrosis, lichen, warts (those of the foot can be very painful), plantar nevi, melanoma, pseudocromidrosi traumatic plantar, plantar ulcers, diabetic foot, Madura foot (mycetoma of the foot), plantar erosive keratolysis (pitted keratolysis from Corynebacterium and micrococcus sedentarius). rundstück warm The snows of the plantar region rundstück warm should be checked periodically by your dermatologist, because some of them can sometimes mimic a melanoma. L 'examination dermatoscopico allows in most cases, to distinguish in minutes, between a simple rundstück warm plantar wart (punctuation rundstück warm vascular typical, due to the presence rundstück warm of thrombosed vessels), a benign or malignant melanocytic lesion (pattern parallel grooves, fibrillar pattern, pattern mesh metal pattern rundstück warm parallel ridges, etc) and a traumatic pseudocromidrosi sportsmen rundstück warm (lacunar pattern of bleeding seen in the photo above). In case of simultaneous involvement of the skin of the hands and feet, will be considered at the time of dermatological all situations that may occur to the district palmoplantar, including clinical variants less frequent, such as syphilis, hands, feet, mouth syndrome, the acrocheratosi paraneoplastic rundstück warm Bazex, hands foot syndrome (also known as palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia of Jlokich and Moore) and cheratodermie palmoplantari.
Pictures of secondary syphilis of the feet, with typical rib of Biett (pictured above) and an athlete's foot (pictured below) With a careful skin examination is possible to arrive at a precise diagnosis and plan a targeted therapy to issue. In the suspicion of an athlete's foot is possible to make a microscopic examination in the clinic mycetes, in the case of an allergic problem will be possible to use as a diagnostic tool so-called patch test, in the case of pigmented lesions is useful rundstück warm examination rundstück warm dermatoscopico. In many cases, dermatoses of the foot can cause intense itching and sometimes even be affected nails. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, may be useful for the treatment of some plantar warts, after appropriate preparation keratolytic home, recommended at the time of the visit by your dermatologist.
For therapy, drugs are used topical or systemic, depending rundstück warm on the type of dermatological diagnosis In cases of intense itching rundstück warm at the foot should be sought all possible causes, both infectious (eg. Ringworm pedis) and non-infective rundstück warm (eg. Eczema)
OTHER IMAGES CLINICAL Year 2015 - Site of Dermatology and Venereology by the dermatologist Dr. venereologo. rundstück warm Del Sorbo CONDITIONS OF USE
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