Monday, March 30, 2015

Finally a local authority anti chafing gel primer from the citizens On quarries asbestos anti chafi

Inside (03/07/2015) elves (04/12/2014) TS (04/12/2014) Riuso3.jpg (20/11/2014) riuso.jpg (11/17/2014) 6R.jpg (10 / 11/2014) global (11.10.2014) anti chafing gel primer for (09/07/2014) stop burning (05/08/2014) Do not burn (29.7.2014) No (07/19/2014) Rossano (18 / 7/2014) emissions (07/08/2014) Logo RR (22.6.2014) No PRGR (06/22/2014)
Finally a local authority anti chafing gel primer from the citizens On quarries asbestos anti chafing gel primer present in the province of Parma is widely debated and finally c 'a comforting sign that arrives by the administration anti chafing gel primer of Parma. Finally someone who listens to the many alarms that citizens and associations as Cave asbestos no thanks Bardi Cave and the predellas Borgotaro, incurred in most occasions even by GCR, have in recent years made known, corroborated studies and scientific insights. In our area there are still quarries from which it draws the ophiolite, a green stone easy to manipulate because quite tender and so appetizing for uses more diverse as railway embankments, roads, foundations, garden stones. Too bad that by the time we both realized that the ophiolite is full of asbestos fibers, and that during all manipulations that suffers, but also during the transport of the material, releases into the atmosphere large quantities of fiber hazardous to health. Asbestos is now banned for some time, yet still allowed to withdraw ophiolite from the quarries, with the excuse of the adoption of special protocols (who follows them is not known) should ensure that operators, citizens, recipients. In fact today these operations lead to widespread anti chafing gel primer contamination, anti chafing gel primer which starts from extraction in the quarries, with risks to workers and residents in the vicinity, and moved in the transport on trucks, crossing villages, in handling all of the stones' arrival, and in normal use and rubbing that undergo during use. The town of Parma, by mouth councilor Michele Alinovi, decided to intervene and to place themselves in defense of health. Provveder to greatly reduce (will be halved) the concentration limit of fiber, so as to render impossible the use of green stones and then introduce the Rue a real definitive prohibition. When science discovers a danger inherent in human practices, it is the latter that must be modified to reduce the risk of getting sick and sicken. Italian instead of stalls, you procrastinate, pretends, waiting for you do not know what the appropriate time and suitable, to say the word order. Who knows who really anti chafing gel primer in Piazza Garibaldi now is circulating fresh air. We we hope. Proper Waste Management Association and Resources of Parma - Parma GCR, July 23, 2012 It's been 784 days from the request to the Plan's financial Iren incinerator in Parma's been 78 days from the scheduled start of the incinerator: he should come on May 6, 2012 It's been 63 days since the referendum on the incinerator: citizens have said no to the oven From May 1, 2012 plates and plastic cups will be conferred in the collection of plastic (yellow bin) due to new agreements ANCI-CONAI
Our association all'autotassazione lives thanks and support of the citizens. Help, however small, can really give us a big hand. We are also committed to you, the future of the environment and health of Parma has no boundaries. You can make a bank transfer Iban Code: IT 66 Z 06230 12708 0000 5740 4947 Cariparma Credit Agricole or via Paypal by clicking the icon below, you rimander anti chafing gel primer to secure page of the service. Thank You!
Over 14,000 signatures against the incinerator. Signature too! (10 thousand have already been filed in both the City and in the Province) against the incinerator anti chafing gel primer in Parma To save the river Ceno For Defense Against Breast-milk subsidies anti chafing gel primer incineration anti chafing gel primer for distributors of Hydrogen (Cartanea | OnLine)

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