Extracorporeal circulation; the heart of the pump and the gas exchange function of the lungs to be provided with a temporary device called a heart-lung machine process is called cardiopulmonary bypass what were indentured servants or extracorporeal circulation. 6 May 1953 The first time Dr. John Gibbon's first successful what were indentured servants intracardiac surgery using the heart-lung machine (ASD) were realized.
Venous cannulas provide Extracorporeal circulation pump or by gravity drainage of blood from the patient to the oxygenator system. what were indentured servants One or more cannulas used according to the nature of surgical what were indentured servants procedures. The arterial cannula allows to give the aorta from the blood as oxygen from the pump. Diseases characterized by the aortic cannula; aortic root, the femoral artery, the artery inominat the axillary artery, is available from the subclavian artery.
Oxygenator: Oxygenator is the place where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Bubble oxygenator; the introduction of gas bubbles into the blood and gas bubble surface is based on the 02 and CO2 exchange basis. Membrane oxygenator; the blood-gas what were indentured servants contact is directly supplied oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide through a thin membrane without elimination.
Pump: Roller pump; applying what were indentured servants pressure what were indentured servants in order to turn on the 2 tubes that carry blood cylindrical body 180 degree angle to each other and thus works on the principle of accelerating the blood in the tube. Centrifugal pumps; through the pump with centrifugal force induced by artificial vortex created by an electric what were indentured servants motor moves by providing non-pulsatile blood flow.
Hemodilution: reduces trauma to the blood cells and proteins. Na and K enhances the clearance what were indentured servants by increasing the amount of urine. Decreases blood viscosity, flow characteristics better. Oliguria and tubular necrosis is less observed. Hematocrit levels should be kept near 24. Disadvantages of intravascular osmotic pressure may decrease edema.
Heparin: what were indentured servants The behavior outside what were indentured servants of the blood vessels and cardiopulmonary bypass would need anticoagulation due to thrombotic effect. Heparin binding Antithrombin III activates it and allows the neutralization of thrombin. Heparin monitoring the activated clotting time (ACT) is used. The cannula is provided to the patient without leaving ACT 480-500. Protamine 100 is given 1 mg of protamine to neutralize heparin. Heparin - protamine complex activates complement (C4)> what were indentured servants transient hypotension and decrease in cardiac output (50% of cases) causes increased pulmonary vascular resistance. what were indentured servants
Myocardial protection covers all the strategies what were indentured servants for ensuring the preservation of myocardial function during a bloodless what were indentured servants operative field and still required for cardiac surgery. Hypotension, hypertension, tachycardia, bradycardia and are important conditions that lead to low cardiac output, myocardial dysfunction before cardiopulmonary bypass.
The beneficial effects of hypothermia: heart and all the body's metabolic demands are reduced. Metabolism slows provide cerebral protection. Intra-cell metabolic and enzymatic reaction rate decreases. Prevents Apapitozi. what were indentured servants Mild hypothermia; 28-32 C. Moderate hypothermia; 20-28 C. 20 C under deep hypothermia.
Cardioplegia: heart stopped beside applied pharmacological coronary perfusion with hypothermic what were indentured servants arrest for ensuring quiet and bloodless environment. The goal is to arrest quickly as possible to the heart during diastole after cross-clamp placed. Through cross-clamping during a given intermediate doses for 20-30 minutes, accumulating at the myocardial arrest providing what were indentured servants more H +, is removed by washing harmful metabolic products such as lactate. There are two main types of cardioplegic solution; 1) crystalloid (bloodless) cardioplegic solutions, 2) are blood cardioplegia solution. Antegrade or retrograde orally.
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