Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A brief overview for people who would also consider: There was a fairly thick paint / varnish on ou

Blonko! Blog Archive Flooring barns
A weekend work; but a nice result. We have all the wood floors sanded, sanded and sanded again. We have to rent land for a weekend long "parketkit" qt gold coast buffet rented giving you three machines: a belt sander, a kantenschuurder and slower sander that works with large disks. The principle is simple: you start with a coarse grit sandpaper, and continues until you're a very fine grain. The coarser work you do with the belt sander, qt gold coast buffet the finer grains with the slower rotating. The edges you do with the kantenschuurder. Logical.
A brief overview for people who would also consider: There was a fairly thick paint / varnish on our floors, which had to be off first. M did this mainly. They prefer working with the coarse machine, because "she sees it like to change."
With this we have some unstructured drove across the floor (even a diagonal session than once along the boards, then once across the boards) to almost all paints and varnishes were gone. In the beginning you see some change after a while, nothing more, and eventually everything comes suddenly rough wood. We still needed to get a room. In this state at least two hours
Then proceed with the kantenschuurden to do with those areas where you do not come to the same. For us, this did not work, the paint was too hot and stuck to the sanding discs. This completely burned, and we got black circles on the floor. Where possible, qt gold coast buffet the sides were done, but where it did not work we will first treat them with a product and then sanded with a belt sander.
The floor you going to continue working with the big flat-head sander. A machine that what works odd; you have to either give some pressure on the nearest side of the disc, or the farthest. This causes the machine to the left or right (technically very logical). Once you have that mastered, however, it is quite simple. Sanding discs come with this machine grain 24 to 120 grit, then swabs from 80 to 180 with every drive you have the entire floor thoroughly sanding, and best in a regular pattern. Here I was still easy 3 hours per occupied room.
The result is quite be pretty slippery floors. Now we must still rub with a protective coating, but we went searching for a good solution. Part of the plank bathroom, so we definitely need to have water-repellent solutions. One part is underway, so there should be a "high traffic" solution come. Other spaces are hobby room or bedroom, qt gold coast buffet so it may be slightly less firm. Suggestions are welcome!
This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 27th, 2008 at 03:32 and is filed under blonko. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed. 6 Responses to "Flooring sanding" Dextro Says: August 27th, 2008 at 10:41
Handy guide. Have hesitated at first, but I eventually decided to let it do by an expert. Think it's quite risky to go to a floor sanding yourself. 'm Not so convenient. If they screw up, I'm at least guaranteed that my vloertje will be refurbished. They're my floor sanding in two weeks. I'll put the result on Flickr. wood floor sanding Says: May 9th, 2009 at 07:57
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Monday, September 29, 2014

This is indeed a good idea .... a hat tickles always so ...... anti chafing stick You stool came ou

I never wear a hat, as a child I was already a disaster. Wrap Scarves are fun in a jacket but if I find my winter coat with hood wear a big scarf tricky. That's why I knit halswarmers, which are smaller and more convenient for me. Double is a small scarf and if it is really cold, you can hit him back and do. Halfway over your head I also arranged a lot of things about my mother around, she's come home again today and think they can take on the world again. You come into a world where you never knew existed. The maid goes through the WMO and the shower assistance through the EMEA. There are quite a few changes made to her house, doors removed, anti chafing stick threshold aids fitted, bought a seniorenbed, support here and there made a separate phone purchased outside the emergency phone that she already has. Let's watch and see how it goes and if she can find. Again a little hair twist
Nice and convenient stool alone I found the seat is not really nice, when I was on the blog of Monica read what she had done with caustic stain old oak tree, brought me an idea. I scraped off the layer and smeared the seat in the lye stain.
You've been busy ... you had scarves I find beautiful and easy. Thanks mom gets home, all that gives it but perhaps an additional concern. Fine stuff that was lying stain .... become beautiful. Fine Weekend. Greetings, Inge, my choice Reply Delete
Those scarves are very useful, and not just when you go outside, but also inside a cute sweater or something is nice. And your stool is really cool ..... great weekend Love lia Reply Delete anti chafing stick
A hat I hate. Do your morning you best with a nice haircut to go out the door, then it is for a yard when the cap goes off. We do not start it on. Nice, you halswarmers and beautiful, your stool. Strength with your mother, I hope they can save. Itself with all those tools well again Have a great weekend and love, Ingrid Reply Delete anti chafing stick
Well Tanja become super beautiful. I have 3 of these stools from the Hema, but the small version (with pink, white and blue frame). For the children in the playroom, I thought already to all black to paint them and the wooden seat indeed lied stain, but not that. Want children Oh these are children stools, so for now I leave them so, but the seat with you is really so much nicer, nice stuff hey who lied stain? Strength with your mom be nice that there is so much help! Have a great weekend !! Love Monica Reply Delete
This is indeed a good idea .... a hat tickles always so ...... anti chafing stick You stool came out beautifully .... Strength Tanja your mother ...... I hope they will be able to save. Have a great weekend ... and love, Hanny Reply Delete
I do not happy with knits, anti chafing stick usually tickles me so ...... and I am soon to be hot .... I think they have become very nice .... You stool is super cute with this stain minor surgery .... and very special .... Good luck with your mother, it will be much hassle all. My mother stays even struggling with her health and we also weekly to the hospital ... she has her breast well and now she stays doldrums .... nice weekend for you and sweet greeting Marjon Reply Delete
Phew, you've been really busy! Organize that I can vividly imagine, you are basically on your own devices and should be all but figuring out where / who / how someone can get help and where they even have a right, anti chafing stick a lot of hassle and puzzling occasionally myself! ! Hope they accept any help "from outside", which is not always logical apparently:-(Beautiful halswarmers !! They look very cool as chunky Lots of strength with the hassle, and again, think of yourself, -! ) Love, José Reply Delete
I could have sworn that I had on a recently reported again with you ... Thanks mom's home Tanja again, what a hassle girl. It all brings a lot of care with it. I hope when all is you also get a little rest, once arranged so that you can be. Before your mother in a different way I hope all the fun creativiteiten can maken.Mooie halswarmers made you. You loose your mind And it runs soon run the H. ema dude, now you've shown what a very different stool ... this metamorphosis makes you still really happy! Wish you a nice day and of course a lot of strength with everything. Take care of yourself! Go sign up right away! Love Helena Reply Delete
What a great metamorphosis of the stool !! I had already seen on the website anti chafing stick and found the seat and the legs do not fit properly but you have a super cute twist given !! Thanks mom back home, yes it is a lot of hassle sometimes even somewhat cumbersome (I know from a professional point of view). anti chafing stick Hope

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Democracy is not a dictatorship colored tiki torch fuel of the majority via the market or the gover

Since the outbreak of the crisis, the cuts to the arts is a logical step in the neoliberal cultural politics. And because the social importance of cultural diversity has come under pressure, it is extremely difficult for the sector to come in defense. Because, how come when it is labeled? Elitist for the arts Anyone who dares to break a lance for quickly getting to be the predicate. Undemocratic Culture should the people be. And what this instrument can regulate better than the market?
It is this populist climate that dominates politics and society. Hence, many art institutions sackcloth colored tiki torch fuel attract and inclined to self-censorship to apply. But what is the social importance of the arts (and culture) and what is really democracy? We have our first question was to ask what "people" actually served by market forces: a people who attaches importance to be entertained, a nation that sees culture as a part of the consumer lifestyle. A people so that in large numbers rather comes at a trendy photo exhibition about movie stars in a sexy photo institute, colored tiki torch fuel than it is to propose experimental developments in the field of the arts. Reveals
This populist colored tiki torch fuel approach to culture has now spread to many art education. Who the impact of government policy over the past twenty years watching sees that more and more mainstream programming and that many programs alike. The diversity is at stake. For substantive and critical reflection is little more room.
The arts sector recognizes this mechanism only too well; in Civil times when populism dominates colored tiki torch fuel art is primarily valued as entertainment and investment - art and domesticated tiger stripped of the sharp edges. Hence the media writing in recent years about the success stories in New York; about how a small group of artists, with or without the help of a patron, manages to break through the general public, the people. by Hence, the cultural heritage (Rijksmuseum) is put in the limelight. Much fanfare Art as part of the entertainment industry.
Democracy is not a dictatorship colored tiki torch fuel of the majority via the market or the government wants to impose others. Their Democracy is a consciously chosen diversity guaranteed in ideological and material cost.
The market does not give a guarantee; On the contrary, as the numbers show it undermines diversity. The remediation of the arts is associated with a broader consciousness politics' which the intervention of the public broadcasters and reducing religion to the front door, are a part. There are still artists who want to convey? Social / democratic importance of the arts As history teaches the arts do not need democracy to survive, but democracy can not exist without the arts, without a radical diversity of thought and images ...
The arts - Beyond Neoliberalism Tue 17 December 2013 | 20:00 | The New Love, Amsterdam How culture in times of austerity can continue to fulfill its critical function? The current political culture promotes the opposite: an increase in the mainstream culture. If we want a cultural offering that creates conditions for critical consciousness, which is then should we do? Ann Demeester director de Appel arts center and artist colored tiki torch fuel Jonas Staal, whose work on the relationship between art, politics and ideology frequently has prompted public debate. More info and tickets ( 10 / 7.50) via www.denieuweliefde.com or look here.
"Democracy is not a dictatorship of the majority via the market or the government others want to impose. Their Democracy is a consciously chosen diversity guaranteed in ideological and material sense," this has nothing to do with whether or not a democracy, this has everything to "pay those determined" with so if you want anything else you have to provide yourself and if you want to scour well then a job as a handyman can come in handy, I do not really see what damage the society increases. the real artists here are the victim of which do not come to us know that our party Zoran R, as December 1, 2013 11:32 Reply to Zoran
Barns? No, rubbing, yes, because without friction, no shine, and that is clear to see the inanimate subsidized art today. Art has no subsidy or politically necessary, only enthusiasm and everything will run on subsidies is not art. roher bird, as December colored tiki torch fuel 1, 2013 18:21 in response to Zoran R Reply to roher
So something is art only if it receives no subsidy. colored tiki torch fuel That's a whole new definition of art. Delicious

Saturday, September 27, 2014

And what about with prime? This is also not always necessary. It strongly depends on the surface an

This post I posted last night on our Facebook page. To my surprise, I received much acclaim. Immediately via Facebook and email, it is an issue that apparently is not just my heart, so I put it also stopped here on this blog.
Chalk Paint can be applied without sanding or priming Wow, a dream for anyone black ground beetles who hates that rotklusje! I often get the question if this story is true. You do indeed NEVER sanding or priming? My answer is usually: be realistic, what do you think?
Number 1 is your own choice. Would you like to have a rough surface? Fine, be my guest. Regarding 2: well degreased and porous black ground beetles surface will paint simply easier to record and immediately adhere well. It works nice. As a painter this job leaves so he will win first time, but when you apply again losing time because the paint less fine uitstrijkt and less beautiful covers or adhesive. This applies also for chalk paint. All chalk paint!
Is it always necessary to sand? Surface bare Absolutely not! Untreated wood is usually already smooth and porous enough so you only have to degrease. And this always do before sanding. With a glossy lacquer or paint, it is enough to just sanding off the shine. Barn so not all the varnish or paint off. For example, oak you better leave even the paint intact.
And what about with prime? This is also not always necessary. It strongly depends on the surface and how important you think your paint job. That sounds a bit weird, but personally I do for example a candlestick, vase, table or stool not as crowded. I want to fast another color, then I brush away lustily.
But it is a difficult surface (bleeding bare wood, rusting metal, plastic) and especially in combination with an extensive job (flooring, black ground beetles exterior painting, kitchen cabinets) then I do prefer to have this trouble. Especially bleeding untreated wood, such as oak or some hardwoods (eg merbau frames, stairs, etc.) can be a crime, especially if you are going to work. With white chalk paint The discoloration can drive you to despair. And that applies again for all chalk paint and other paints are water based.
The moral of the story? Use common sense. Keep in mind that paint likes to have a somewhat black ground beetles porous and non-greasy surface. Take advantage of the information on our website, in my book and on this blog. And when in doubt; mail us.
170 color chalk paint
slate effect
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Friday, September 26, 2014

ECONOMY Philips wins British patent define chafing case Nintendo With blacklist ANVR travel compani

UvA researcher Sylvia Holla (27) worked five months undercover in a dancing to observe it. "Tienergefriemel ' The research resulted in her master's thesis. It turns out that sanding is important.
What did you like teenagers talked about their budding sexuality? "I was shocked by their conservative views, especially those of young teenagers. They find for example that anything goes beyond kissing is only allowed within a relationship that has lasted a few months. Classmates that exceed such a standard, there are hard to account. As teens get older and gain personal experience with sex they otherwise have milder. Then they discover feelings, fantasies and desires to himself that exceed their own standards, and they sing a softer tune about what others can and can not do. " Sanding is in your research frequently discussed. Why is that so important? "Sanding define chafing is the new shuffle: a boy and a girl dancing close together, with the girl for the boy is standing and her buttocks against his crotch rubbing. It looks like dry humping and it is a kind of sexual practice. By being with their entire body close to someone and move together teens learn how to do and what excitement it brings. The sanding is bound by strict rules. So guys have to take the initiative. If a girl in a boy dismounting, define chafing is seen as desperate. The result is that both timid boys and girls that are not found, sexy fall by the wayside. " What will be the impact? "That's for psychologists, but if you are locked out, long of sexual learning, I can imagine that you do not get to know - and state - what you find fun and delicious, and that you therefore are uncertain in later life in bed . " The double standards in relation to sexual define chafing behavior of boys and girls there in teenagers already? "Yes. That double standard is embedded in society and thus pick children up. From commercials, films, from parents and from each other. My research shows that those standards applicable define chafing popularity hierarchy crossed at school; The sluts stigma attached only unpopular girls. For example, I spoke Blackbird, a popular girl from 4 havo. She looks mature and go on weekends to escape with her fake ID. She told how she was abandoned there, a boy was sitting on his lap and he had danced and kissed. Her classmates are full of admiration for her courage and not see Merel as a slut. " Why is that? "It has to do with legitimacy. As unpopular girls make it clear that they want to have sex, it will be interpreted as if they have no sexual feelings, define chafing but just want pleasen. They suspected that they are, as it were up to abrasion. " The study of Holla is part of a book on sexuality in the Netherlands: The gender paradox define chafing - Netherlands after the sexual revolution. That book was published by Boom Lemma Publishers. (By: Marieke Buijs)
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ECONOMY Philips wins British patent define chafing case Nintendo With blacklist ANVR travel companies blackmails to get parliamentary questions on vacating member social housing Ymere Consumption shrinks slightly, business investment will increase Mega-info screen NS Schiphol should prevent confusion parks are close and dangerous 30 percent of Britons living below poverty line Cleaning Industry approves new CBA Home Sales Ymere drives brand new coalition apart Topman bank UBS Belgium arrested on suspicion define chafing of money laundering
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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Adolescent hormones Fresh has not received any complaints in the past five years and is therefore u

Better abrasion than kissing | Spitsnieuws.nl
The first teenage disco with a barn ban is a fact. In partycentrum Alcazar is not hit against each other on the dance floor as it would go. 'Too far' But according to the organization of the celebrations condition is especially rutting pubergefrunnik without evil intent.
Someone barns "is actually the term in teen lingo. At parties, this form of dancing been popular for years, zoom factory shop the boy behind the girl standing and rubbing against her buttocks to the music. It is actually a kind of balance between zoom factory shop the old and shuffling 'daggeren', where a dance couple who inhabits a swingers club, but with clothes on.
Reason for partycentrum Alcazar to sanding zoom factory shop no longer allow was an empty condom machine. According to owner Leen Streefkerk the teens had the device taken out, the condoms fastened under their clothes then ready to come on the dance floor, while sanding. "We have banned zoom factory shop direct (...) We want a proper disco are." According to the owner was as clear as daylight that the vending machines were empty by sanding. No, since he had not done it, but the toilet attendant had used copies have been found on the toilet and from that moment was scouring taboo.
Benno Niham, organizer of the Fresh-parties for teens will find a barn ban absolute nonsense. "It used to shuffling, now the barns. Of course, shooting the children sometimes zoom factory shop through zoom factory shop daggeren goes too far. Is there a girl over with her hands on the ground with a guy behind it, then some of it said by the invigilators who walk around zoom factory shop at our parties. Nine times out of ten they have no clue what they are doing. They see it in clips on the Internet and in Oh oh Cherso but hardly know what it means. "
And so is 'cozy' on Fresh parties also sanded. In sandwich formation in the order of course boy girl boy girl, and are then bragged about how much and with whom there that night sanded.
Adolescent hormones Fresh has not received any complaints in the past five years and is therefore unwilling to prohibit rubbing. It is, Niham just a way to channel. Howling adolescent hormones Side effect might be that other sticky situations disappearance of the parties. Was ten years ago kissing with multiple partiers still normal, now it is reduced to a sticky dance without zoom factory shop a tongue being involved. Niham: "I think you can kiss better sanding than ten by ten different people."
Is not entirely innocent barns. "When sanding, there is certainly sexual opgeilen" says Ineke van der Vlugt Rutgers WPF Foundation. "Especially for boys, but there is still little known. We do not know what impact barns has sexual zoom factory shop behavior and how it actually is sexual behavior. We also do not know whether these children are resilient enough to say no. Especially when it comes to a party where age differences are large. "
Ban is certainly not the way, according to Van der Vlugt. "But we must be aware of the risk that a norm will arise where you look is if you do not play. You should supervise children. "
Why is this piece in the latest news? Enne, sanding should be able to but you have idiots who go too far ... In that case, a girl just needs her friends zoom factory shop in the event of coercion, to come point or, for her!
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Economy of Meaning (English blog posts) Fear of failure and learning: fear at a young age affec

Hear what rubs in the bushes ... it becomes a moral panic? | X, Y or Einstein?
Namely gobleni viler abrasion refers to a form of dancing in which you dance as close as possible to each other so that certain parts of the body are already 'scouring' stimulated. Now if you think that it was called dirty dancing? LTA, the music is different and the consequences more explicit. Learn with us:
"There is a ban on barns in the disco Alcazar in Puttershoek. "Girls complained to the guards that they were sexually groped while dancing," says owner Leen Streefkerk against AD. It ran the scuppers according to him.
"Then gobleni viler we noticed that the condom dispensers in the toilet after the parties were virtually empty. Guys do a condom and so hard rub against the girls, they will cum in their pants. We therefore immediately banned. "(Source, found throughninjaah)
Even for those who are thinking about writing, gobleni viler Flanders: Is it new? No, not for a while if you look at the various youth forums, but do the media attention in the Netherlands (and automatically in Flanders). The children's got in Flanders has a question about the beginning of last year. Does this trend really in the Netherlands, for slimming was also fake? Might. gobleni viler In Flanders? Not that I know, probably, but otherwise gobleni viler it's a matter of time, especially if everyone is going to write. About Is it bad? For the vast majority of young people probably do not. You see that these clips are terrible? Uh, depends on your taste off. Know that most young people now are pieces prudish than they used to and that they can indeed distinguish gobleni viler between clips and reality. Usually distinguish What can I do about it? Ban does not help, talk though. Oh, and maybe a little a little extra reading about moral panic.
TED talk teen Natalie Warne: 'no one is too young to change the world." Really forget you when you leave the room? (Research) Actions Comments RSS Trackback Information Date: November 23, 2011 Categories: News One Response 25 11 2011
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The Economy of Meaning (English blog posts) Fear of failure and learning: fear at a young age affects attitudes to learning in later life Interesting read: Why Girls Tend to Get Better Grades Than Boys Do Elements That can influence students Evaluating teachers: fog, rain for the good, better gobleni viler teachers for the worse Low-cost, one-time intervention in May preventinfo increasement depressive symptoms during transition to high school Children bullied by Their siblings twice as likely to report being clinically depressed as young adults on Sunday Funny: how not to mail me, dear students Smart teens rub off on teammates, Odds of going to college double with the right club or team Interesting read: Solutions for the Finnish school The future of educational research? Computers 'learn' student behavior and 'think' as students would Interesting read: 'Close Reading': Effectiveness Questionable without Outside Knowledge gobleni viler
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From our staff's magic of the last time the Amsterdammers in 2007 is a bit faded. When The Scene came after almost ten years of silence with a best of trotting, linked to a series inspired concerts. The main hall of the AB did not run this time full and was reduced with black cloth, so that it became a theater concert without seats. Loyal fans who are showing up wearing their group as always a warm heart. We saw a lot of forties and fifties ...
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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Roger Stassen: Thanks for your virtue doing comentaar best Fred ,. We they return from the end of J

House of Mercy Stone hauling, sanding, painting, asphalt | Thailand blog
Roger Stassen: Thanks for your virtue doing comentaar best Fred ,. We they return from the end of January, keep yourself and your bike ... Loeng Johnny: Thank you all! You have us well informed. Now we can go with confidence .... Christa: Hello Peter, I agree with Henk. We have been 3 times in Thailand, just buy a ticket and a hotel in ... Rina: We do hetbal years itself. Book flight with hotel in Bangkok. Home decide what to see and how long will you be true ... roy.w: What is still lacking here in the nice row mulberry bes.Heerlijk acid / sweet unfortunately limited how to deal with chafing shelf life. Thus, you find ... Alphonse: "It starts so devout ... I quote Andre L. Right, you put us in the beginning on the wrong foot ... erik: Ask about it at the advertiser in this blog insurance in Thailand. I know that a farang ... Wim van Beveren: how to deal with chafing First Greenwood Travel, next time you can do everything yourself, but dee first time everything themselves can. Cees van Kampen: how to deal with chafing I miss the opium museum, we found that very rewarding waard.De White Temple was badly damaged in the ... Ceesdesnor: Moderator: Readers submit questions to the editor please. trees Hi Lex, when were you last in Amsterdam? It is certainly not the case that there is every 5 meter dog poo .... henk: Very good. Self-regulate your ticket. Possibly a ticket includes 1 or 2 night (s) at a hotel in Bangkok. (Look ... Sir Charles: The reason why I do not interest how to deal with chafing many temples and hence will be is that they often ... Andre van Leijen priori not visited:. Enjoyed your story, Roger It starts so devout ... roy.w : I used to be solved by the nameplate on the tempel.Tegenwoordig ... the problem of location how to deal with chafing op.Door a photo
Background Activities Water Parks Advertorial Blog Sightseeing Chinatown Zoos Excursions Festivals Caves History Museums National Parks Palaces Shows Temples Theme Park Gardens Bizarre Buddhism Book Reviews Column Alphonse Wijnants André van Leijen Bert Brouwer Bert van Balen Chris de Boer Colin de Jong Cor Verhoef Dick Big Dick Koger Dick van der Lugt Eric van Dusseldorp Gerrie Agterhuis Gringo Hans Geleijnse Joseph Jongen Khun Peter Paul Bremer Piet van den Broek Ronald van Veen Willem Hulscher Culture Architecture Superstition Dance Arts Legend and sage Literature Music Thai films Diary Alex Ouddiep Bacchus Bart Hoevenaars Bert Jansen Bert van Balen Bob Dunes Chris Verhoeven David Diamond Do van Drunen Alder late Fred Holt Mans Gerrie Agterhuis Hans Struijlaart HenkJansen J. Jordan Jacques Koppert Jan Hegman Jeroen Kees Roijter Khun Peter Klaas Klunder Mariaberg how to deal with chafing Monique Rijnsdorp Paul Habers Paul van der Hijden Pim Hoonhout Roger Stassen Sander how to deal with chafing & Mariska Siam Siem Sjaak Schulteis Stefan Theo van der Schaaf Thomas Elshout Wim Jonker Life in Thailand Dating Week of Ambassador Joan Boer Chris de Boer Cor Verhoef Dick Koger Gringo Hans Geleijnse Jacques Koppert Joseph Jongen Mariaberg Martin Carels Tim Poelsma Tino Chaste Dossier Death in Thailand Schengen Visa Tips for expatriates Traffic how to deal with chafing Citation Thailand Residential address Thailand - Belgium Residential address Thailand / NL Health in Thailand Diving Economy Islands Koh Chang Koh Kood Koh Lanta Koh Larn Koh Lipe Koh Phangan Koh Phi Phi Koh Samet Koh Samui Koh Taen Koh Tao Koh Tarutao Koh Yao Noi Cook Mak Phuket Food and Drink Events and festivals Balloon Festival Buffalo races Candle Festival Ubon Ratchathani Chinese New Loi Krathong Lotus Festival - Rub Bua Naga Fireballs Festival Ramayana Rocket Festival - Bun Bang Fai Royal Park Rajapruek Songkran - Thai New Year Fireworks Festival Pattaya Expats and pensioners AOW Insurance Proof life Condo Buying Emigrating House rent Cost of living Dutch embassy Death Passport how to deal with chafing Pension Drivers License Weddings in Thailand Benefits Insurance generally Visa Working Hospital Health Insurance Festivals how to deal with chafing and Events Full Moon Party Songkran Flora and fauna Photo of the week Gadgets App's Money and Finance History Health General Dengue - Dengue Prevention Traveler Advice Dentist Hospitals Charities Burmese children Elephant World Hilltribe orphanage House of Mercy Foundation how to deal with chafing Operation Smile Thailand Street Dogs Hua Hin Hotels Review Submitted Isaan Khun Peter King Bhumibol how to deal with chafing Readers Court Readers Submissions Readers Call Readers Tips Readers Ask Society Medical Tourism Environment Fashion Music Nightlife News Bangkok shutdown Coup in Thailand Short News Dutch embassy Featured how to deal with chafing Entrepreneurs in Thailand Education Research Opinion Remarkable Call Flooding 2011 Flooding 2012 Flooding 2013 Flooding 2014 Overwintering Politics Elections 2011 Poll Travel Travel Relationship

Monday, September 22, 2014

I personally find it very annoying when suddenly a boy against you to be able to rows while you

Last week the Algemeen Dagblad with a special article: Forbidden sanding. For what? Sanding! It seems to be what is increasingly done by guys in clubs anything. And the explanation of the word alone, palarver I become what sick. Men who are against the body of a woman grinding while dancing and hereby hope to get ready.
But why is sanding then banned? Well there is the teen disco Alcazar Puttershoek ban came in this barns because a lot of girls at the security present complained about this annoying, transnational palarver behavior.
It was also found - please note, this is going to sound dirty - the condom vending machine on hand at the end of the evening was always empty. The boys bought them to get it done during sanding. * Puge *
I personally find it very annoying when suddenly a boy against you to be able to rows while you're dancing. "Fuck" I think and push him away. How do you experience this? (Would all chickies - listen song - sanding) and is here to ban come in all youth clubs?
OMG, that that climax palarver O: I did not know 'tz went far .. Bah. yeah .. teenage discos palarver nowadays are full of children who are in a rather palarver coarse way of dancing, hoping for the parents that hype blow over quickly.
Gatsiedarrie. I like it best when my boyfriend turned to me during the dance, but he does not need to scour all try in public (especially Alsie that comes ready puny), and a stranger does it all helemaaal palarver not try. But mostly can I best 'sweet' get it out. I often turn around and scream in their ear that I'm busy. They usually dripping off quickly. haha.
that people should not whining, I shed myself whenever I go out, it's just fun and I'm sure the guy I shed because it has no intentions, just like me. just let them do what they want to do ...
I find this very exaggerated hear -.- so bad sanding not? I always do when I go to a party, it's fun. if I tell what I'm doing then you are going to certainly abominations. but it's just nice to dance, sometimes even after kissing (tongues), but that orgasm is silly thought though -, - really pathetic when you cum from sanding. owner who has just figured out that there was geneens evidence. maybe people found it funny to buy and they are just having fun with it, or to be sure, but where I'm going (fresh), she sheds not so hard, a lot, but it's not much. everyone scours there. if you mind this though, ahahah, I'm still a nice clip for you than spacen him at all; ******* Not post links ********* ahahahh I want to do is see your faces. (: Xoxo PS: do not go thinking what a hooker or something about me that you are doing it so weird. find, I do not know how old (or young) you are, but this is quite normal., palarver and later you will find it nice / good.
Mutually "barns" Nothing wrong with that, to a minimum if you are enough "mature" to have to judge and to act accordingly. Done often enough, Maare !!! Maare which is different from barns to cum !!! The time has changed so bha I feel old, but I am what I think compared to most here;)
I live in Amsterdam, where a lot of youth festivals are as fresh, speakers, generation, only vip etc. and I do not know, but right here is really normal abrasion. Those guys really do not to cum, but to be a bit tough stuff .. Sanding I find just fun to do with an attractive guy. Sometimes I talk first with a boy, then I have a dance with him, I kiss him sometimes, and if he is really nice, we exchange palarver our pings off. For me, I'm 14, that's just normal and my friends do it so yeah. You can say that it is so slutty but you just dancing with a guy, who cares. It's my body, I decide what I do with it. , S
I'm just going to cool for sanding without sanding I would not come !! Sanding is just ff lkkr and I already have 1.5 years no friend so I just need the hope that I get raged because've never kissed and'm 15 !!!! So sanding is just horny
daily: It really is not funny when you're on your 15th yet kissed, though. And just like the first time sex is something special. Would you not rather ragged by someone who cares about you than someone drunk rubs against you, probably nothing bakes from that kiss and after 5 minutes you already forgotten?
I think it Flashy not mind sanding. Personally, I think it's actually fine, $ a few friends find it scary and exciting. Of course, that orgasm is it far, but then again there are so many 'too far' in real life. xoxo "justme.
I'm only almost 13)))) sanding is actually gwn dry sex enne tongues LKR and abrasive

4 - For difficult stains such as soot or ink If such spots are on the surface, then you really an i

Many people detest sanding, degreasing, filling, stripping or whatever else may be involved in the preparation of a paint job. Require further Just as the removal of hardware from a table or unscrewing sockets. Sometimes they find it so bad that they would prefer a quarter busy to fool around, masking tape along the relevant outlet or deurklinkje then invest three minutes in unscrewing.
It is also understandable. You bought beautiful soup chafing dish paint. You see your locker or table certainly pimped in full glory on your retina. What will it be like !!! The temptation is very great to just immediately (or as soon as possible) going to go. But (thankfully) still plays often the conscience. We hear that persistent little soup chafing dish voice in our head; Should not I do something bad before I can go do something fun Should I not clean anything. soup chafing dish Unscrew something? Something filling? Do something nasty that I tired of being?
I also get a lot of questions soup chafing dish about the preparation, along the lines of: Do I really have all the paint off barns? Is it really necessary to degrease? soup chafing dish I just can not go over that wax? The one time I can tell you that it is not necessary that not everything has gone, that it is sufficient soup chafing dish to simply degrease. And if you just paint a little thing, for decoration, not for eternity, but for fun, I would certainly not make me too busy. But sometimes, especially if you're going to take a nice piece of furniture construction just have indeed. Unfortunately. Is no different.
1 - If there is an old wax sit on your furniture if you want to be painted is all was off. (If you're going to put a new layer of wax, you may slightly less strict with yourself and just gives you the most away.)
The obvious question is of course: "How can I see if there was sitting on a piece of furniture?" Usually this is pretty easy to find; scratch but agree with your fingernail across the surface. If accumulates a greasy layer under your nails, there almost certainly was. You notice the way too quickly when you start sanding. The friction wax will be soft and there will be a caked layer of wax on your sandpaper shapes. Also proof that you're dealing with an old wax.
The next question is usually "How do I get that wax in an easy way out?" soup chafing dish My answer is adamant lovely people; remove old wax is just hard work. You need to work with steel wool and wax remover. And you will begin to feel your arm muscles! Nice workout! The Wax we sell is low odor, low solvent and friendly to your furniture. But if you are not afraid of a horse means you can get started with a chemical stripper, although this may be a rotklusje because ultimately that drab there anyway.
2 - With a glossy lacquer or paint a glossy layer means; smooth and dense in texture, so a tough adhesion for the new paint. Paint would like to have a bit of grip. This can be so easily solved by sanding with a medium to fine sandpaper until it looks dull. Those shiny low light But one consolation: more effort is not needed, just dull enough. It is even unwise to old paint by sanding, as paint formerly soup chafing dish often contained lead. Unnecessarily Through scouring this leaded dust then spreads through the room again. Therefore it is smart to put a substance. Mask with that kind of chores The coating on oak furniture you better leave intact as oak tannic acid and can cause discoloration in the new paint (so-called. Bleeding wood).
3 - If the old paint flakes or peels If the old paint off or peeling, and you do nothing, look at the new paint will flake fun with it and let go. Waste of work involved. So Remove loose paint by sanding. Failing that you should come up with stronger measures; bite or burn. Sit here and there wear spots but you doubt whether it is necessary to remove all the paint Then do the tape test: slice here and there a piece of tape and cover with a yank. If paint comes along, the surface is not stable enough. All sanding so. This also applies to a powdery surface anyway.
4 - For difficult stains such as soot or ink If such spots are on the surface, then you really an insulating primer (isolate foreground) application first. Ink and soot and other stubborn stains will even keep coming. Tens of layers of paint over Fighters fight and so do not do it, but rather that first preparation. It will be a lot of work and aggravation you save later.
5 - Bleeding timber Some types of wood contain coloring agents (such as tannins, tannic acid) which are soluble in water. This is a he

Sunday, September 21, 2014

If you, as one of the many chiefs at NZa years an honest civil servant knowingly so reviled and tau

Sanding | Burger Gazet
Current Culture Culinary Literature - Arts Satire Sounds Feuilleton Financial Economics Nature and Environment Opinion Philanthropist Henk Mulder Jaap Dekker Leo Dorrestijn From the Editor Politics einzelkochplatte Europe Netherlands Judiciary einzelkochplatte International
Political language is woolly, slippery, and barely concealing einzelkochplatte follow. einzelkochplatte Before the 'normal' citizen During the so-called NZa debate this week returned one word again and again, and that was chaffing. Constantly scoured "something" along the edges of the law, was constantly told. What has exactly scoured, einzelkochplatte was now not clear.
I was immediately reminded einzelkochplatte of that phenomenal, hilarious act Toon Hermans: "What is rustles through the thicket" Never Again was entirely clear what it is exactly that geruist bushes. But that was then to laugh and when NZa debate jumps you the tears of misery in the eyes.
Besides, for those who love a bit of the following: In an article by Roger and Michael Steehouder I read that the "scrub song" originally came from Germany and was founded in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War. It would have been a soldier's song. Here are the first two verses of the song:
And by "Napolium 'is naturally the emperor Napoleon einzelkochplatte III intended. But we return to 'our' political prietpraters, then we will never get a sensible answer to many 'abrasive' problems. It was or not in order, it could have been better and it had better be done, but only shocking, years of official terror, including all those improper junkets and regal claims are pushed under the carpet with the stamp on it: 'This has sanded down the edges of the law. "
All other extremely reprehensible acts are not punished but are covered with the love of verbal sandpaper. If you are driving 125 km / h on a 120km road called, you have violated the law and you are not sanded down. In other words, you will be punished. Are you in one way or another einzelkochplatte connected with NZa and you declare an overnight stay for 700 euros, then you belong precipitously to sanders and you are obviously not punished.
If you, as one of the many chiefs at NZa years an honest civil servant knowingly so reviled and taunting, making him the death as an outcome looks finally as the only way out, even then you are a 'sander' proven and you are rewarded with a different function within the organization. Of course, keeping your princely reward.
Because in this world of directors and top officials still applies einzelkochplatte the credo "That's just the way agreed. Well, and some dead officer; there who has chosen not? Actually, it's sickening that one at our expense meets one day (plus evening), Leutert on barns and such 'murder' remote actually obscures.
I write 'murder' in this case just as in quotes, because the official language artists einzelkochplatte who sanding invented, will be "a road to freedom" but never mention this if necessary murder.
But as a tax paying citizen may I nevertheless look at something else. Arthur Gotlieb, because we are talking about, has for years tried to be extremely careful to deal with the many billions einzelkochplatte where NZa supervision over claims to have.
That was not appreciated by his superiors in thanks. In a television episode of Zembla we recently able to see and hear, the horrific methods were used to adjust. Gotlieb einzelkochplatte Arthur 'frien' einzelkochplatte So here was really no premeditation. Broadcast missed http://www.npo.nl/zembla/04-09-2014/VARA_101369811 einzelkochplatte
'Men' clearly wanted einzelkochplatte this man off. People in this organization that have to do with judging people and who you may assume that the human psyche is not strange to them, knowingly created such data, which Gotlieb had to go. Eventually fail
Just the way he broke down, was not fixed. It came from the superiors of course the best, if the victim was hit, which eventually happened. Committed suicide May I then, because of the intent einzelkochplatte to Gotlieb speaking and writing by making make him in speech and writing, einzelkochplatte and call or even premeditated, a form of murder impossible?
There is, I think there has been prolonged mental abuse until the moment to kill the victims by Gotlieb, especially when I look and listen to the well-known information in the relevant Zembla broadcast.
And all this terror, the death of an employee integrity, the tampering with declarations, expensive trips, fumbling with millions to destinations that were not there before and are intended; all of which is referred to as. "along the edges of the sanding law '
Greater Europe extremist Guy

Saturday, September 20, 2014

2014 (51) September (6) August (8) July (4) sloshing, gouging, pasting and sanding What dra

People, I have a hard time. These extreme temperatures, I just can not have. Many others, of course, but that does not make me less nasty jaaah. Well I have been never been a zonaanbidster but in recent years the shadow really my best and dearest friend. If I have to walk in the sun or sit fikkende I get very fractious, no what I say bloedchaggerijnig, au bain marie neerpelt so ... My blood clots like molasses in my veins, I slosh, guts and stick to places I did not know you there may be sweating. uberhaupt Fortunately, I do not stink of sweat that horrid pungent scent that we all know, no, fortunately. It's more a little damp, gistig, hazy. And I find themselves quite nasty but my lovely housemates. Smell that So apparently I can smell it just. Well, fortunately, because if I'd fumes so I would be even more toxic. I'm just not myself in this kind of weather. Here in the Netherlands it is often so very stuffy. As if a thick woolen blanket is pushed down your throat. While foreign sun holidays, I am always fighting with the sun, myself and the temperatures and my memory of all those holidays are always sticky and taut. That nasty pulling sensation on the skin, if you've been in the sun. I mean, I'd rather have the sun shining over the weeks in a row gray and rainy but it can also be heard to much eh. Plus mixes that I always get very nice thicker limbs, hands and feet swell somewhat, well, sometimes I just feel like an elephant room. And that, irritates me and I still get irritated by all the wet spots and my mood drops toward zero, then what would be ..., cool weather, and then I feel that clotting blood in my veins, and sticky hairline, and virtually no breathable bras that make the whole lot there bliksemse completely sweltering. au bain marie neerpelt Ooo, and let's not forget the most terrible; the adhesive and abrasive inner thighs. Aaaaaaaaaaaargh ...
yep, very recognizable. I walk always puffing. It may here also never normal. Just do nice 25 degrees, ready, everyone's happy. It's pouring here really love the rain and I think it heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerlijk just that cool! Reply Delete
Haha, that sticky thighs yes-) To huh. I catch myself that I still diaper. Just at home on the couch, do nothing. This weekend I was in action, with 25 degrees through an amusement park lugging ... poof! Reply Delete
2014 (51) September (6) August (8) July (4) sloshing, gouging, pasting and sanding What drama Happy camping! au bain marie neerpelt 43 June (1) April (1) March (6) February (8) January (17) 2013 (96) December (9) November (9) November (15) September (13 ) August (5) July (4) Soon (10) May (6) May (5) March (3) February (7) January (10) 2012 (55) December (16 ) November au bain marie neerpelt (19) November (18) September (2)
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Friday, September 19, 2014

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No, no fresh artichokes. No way I start to peel and everything to do with fresh artichokes. The intention artichokes in olive oil is also sold in jars in various delis around the country.
Turn off and leave off the pan for another minute.
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Tagged artichokes in olive oil, roasted artichoke cafe in Nes Ziona, cafe Ziona, healthy recipes, quick recipes rescho for dairy, quick recipes, easy recipes, easy recipes, yogurt sauce. Bookmark the permalink.
So: Mhnioda market rescho stall I found this cheese, I think his name was regarding. In the Tel Aviv Port, delicatessen elite and I think the nature of the point of it in jars. I think it says just artichokes in olive oil. The cafe is in Ness Ziona, Weizmann Street 18 Ah of course, if you tell me and we'll rescho meet :)
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In recent decades the home were used in the microwave oven. Since entering this device, completely christmas beetle south africa changed the face of cooking at home: it is no longer cook with a tool that emits heat, but by the small waves that penetrate food and cause it to simmer (without christmas beetle south africa heat the oven or the tools). Did this cooking workshop included the father of " cook? "Talmud Shabbat Lett CA allow to cook in the sun and cook the history of rabbinic law prohibits hot. Therefore, one may assume egg to steam directly to the sun, but can not put it in clothes or sand basking in the sun. This law is based on the fact that cooking is forbidden by Torah law only fire and its history, but cooking by other means not prohibited by the Torah. The reason that the sages forbade cook hot history is that this will lead to confusion: people see someone fry an egg on the pan, the pan will learn no sunning, and think it's permissible to cook on a real fire warmed pan. This statement indicates the rays of microwave christmas beetle south africa cooking is forbidden by Torah law (for There is no microwave no fire), and it also does not seem to rabbinic forbidden, because the microwave is not considered hot Pageant. "So, apparently, microwave cooking is not allowed because the" christmas beetle south africa cooks "on Saturday. Indeed, if we look at Rashi gives a flavor of cooking in the sun appeared permit things christmas beetle south africa are not simple. Rashi explains that the permit to cook in the sun due to the fact that it is a way of cooking - something that can not be said for the microwave cooking tool we use daily. For this reason, Agro Moses "(OC III C-PS) ruled that cooking Shabbat is forbidden by the Torah in the microwave because the "cooks", just like cooking on the fire. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (IAF complete damper Si-XII Ha d) Agro disagree Moses ", and explained in other words: christmas beetle south africa when Rashi No way of cooking it," his intention was cooking Hama is considered not cooking because cooking the Tabernacle, and Sabbath prohibitions learned Mishkan. In his view, therefore, is not considered a microwave for cooking because the Tabernacle is not cooked in this way. Usually, this controversy practical implications Because christmas beetle south africa Ann microwave-Saturday Sabbath prohibitions involve christmas beetle south africa other: Clicking on buttons, use of electricity, lighting the lamp by opening the door and more. Nevertheless, this controversy has implications for the judgment of a patient. Entire table book (H ' C C 'Sc"h Ha-Nev) Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ruled presents christmas beetle south africa instead of saving christmas beetle south africa lives, it is better to cook endangered patient microwave, and electric oven, cooking it because the prohibition is only rabbinic. Know Agro Moses "on the other hand, there is no difference between a microwave and an oven then, both the cooking and the prohibition is from the Torah. See page Aviad Bartov christmas beetle south africa was welcomed virtual Beit Midrash of Yeshivat Har Etzion, Alon return
All articles advertised on the site above are the sole responsibility of the author or the specific article, website owners no Alex Levine, David DRUMER responsible for what is written if they did not write and essay or article. Each story is written as if the author is a site for all legal and everything. Written by: Alex Levine, David DRUMER
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Come on - work. Formally, it actually Krembo Italian meringue (whipped egg whites with sugar syrup)

Home Contact us on the blog, and little me Subscribe to Entries types of breakfast cuisine appetizer rundstück warm salad entree fresh addition to holidays and special rundstück warm requirements Kids love celebrating something gluten-free testament and the United simple / quick impression Restaurant Review
When I was a teen, I learned rundstück warm in high school "harvest" in the streets. Adjacent to the entrance to the school was a kiosk that belonged to a couple who lived next to the school. Their daughter was my friend in the seventh grade to a whole two weeks (I swear, I asked her to friendship and everything, like a book).
This kiosk was everything that a standard kiosk - bags of snacks, candy, and even a hot dog bun because this couple had belonged to the people who can do wonders with flour, water and margarine - was also the owner of the kiosk was Malawach rundstück warm alone makes the pan and burner. If I'm not mistaken, she was called Ziva, the owner of the place, but I'm not sure.
But, the best saved till last - and now you bless the one you are following my blog with such devotion. Now I'm going to reveal the secret to making the streets of this amazing city, a city that everyone wants to live there, citrus and Science City. Capital rundstück warm degradation, and amazing perfect place for all ages. Because of this secret rundstück warm streets have become the secret weapon, a doomsday weapon and the city from which the stars were like the king Zohar Argov, Eyal Golan Prince, Nir Zuk rich (not Chef Nir Zuk, but Check Point, NetScreen, and Palo Alto), Aki Avni handsome, and more Lots and lots of "considered" originated rundstück warm in this city.
It seems disgusting to you? Not something? Extensor just something special rundstück warm too? You are mistaken. This, friends, is amazing delicacy that you can not imitate him in any other place on the globe, and probably in the country. At the time there were rumors that the neighboring birch Gedera even a little distant from the streets trying to emulate the Krembo Pita, but have failed to comply with the strictest standards and reach perfection in question. This is not just a compression of Krembo grasp - quickly and professionalism was a kiosk performs a surgical incision accurate with Japanese knife, peel Krembo one or two (according to what you wish to), put the biscuit on the side, put in the Krembo (im) and gives Chester, one that brings the pita exact thickness by a device that is so strict.
Friends - this is about integrity. Not less but even more. Clouds pita. The only thing that marred the perfection is the fact that biscuits should be eaten at the beginning of the process rather than the end - Lovers Krembo divided into three parts - one eating the biscuit before Krembo, one could follow Krembo, and one that I could at the time (ie, taxes that are also a biscuit and Krembo) - And this is the real currents, just like the ultra-Orthodox denominations rundstück warm who are willing to kill anyone who wears the wrong angle shtreimel. I belongs to prefer the biscuit at the end, but for completeness as Krembo pita, I'm ready to defect to other current moment.
So who have not guessed, today we make Krembo. I do not recommend this put Krembo grasp, mainly because this kinda Krembo less "dense" rundstück warm commercial Crumb, and because of the special taste of Krembo commercial, coated Htzimkao, just goes better with pita than Krembo we would make today.
Come on - work. Formally, it actually Krembo Italian meringue (whipped egg whites with sugar syrup) and placed on a cookie coated in chocolate melted. Life, we make it a cloud of chocolate-covered crunchy biscuit (but not too much), that the truth, once after prepare these Lkrmboaim look for a different name, simply because they do not really mention what you buy wrapped in new money (not bad commercial, But they just, how to say different). By the way, since the bakery rundstück warm it's something rundstück warm that really makes me feel threatened, I believe this post will be a bit disturbing level of explanation, I'm just afraid I'll forget something ... two weeks ago I discovered a new store accessories Kitchen and raw materials - "hidden" in the confectionery lights called "Dana" - Dana is a place and confectioner (if I'm not mistaken she never completed formal training, but who cares) who together with her husband Yuval made cakes and desserts for restaurants in the "workshop" Aifhshua the north, and has also decided our common people come to taste the breads and cakes and desserts and quiches her - so she opened the bakery. And while, rundstück warm so why not shop for materials and accessories? What fun to talk to her, to consult, get ideas and most importantly - have confidence in what you are going to make ... The problem is that instead of that I sometimes lose control ... I bought (finally) thermometer for cooking (more about that later), cocoa butter, Silfat (silicon surface work and baking) inhalation behooves marshmallow host on the very near future. rundstück warm In short - a smart, Bakery Café also those who live in the north, and also for those tired of having to travel to Haifa or even to buy a chocolate center Kalibo or Valrhona or even just pectin.
Start preparing cookies - they must be at room temperature rundstück warm with the whipped Snitzok, so try to make them as soon as possible. The cookies I make Bmg'imix, if you have a Magimix (I have this Magimix my stick blender connects) - it's great because it is a relatively small amount of dough. If you do not Magimix, also can be prepared in a mixer or even by hand. The dough is very delicate and requires concentration and the ratio of a spoiled north of Tel Aviv, but no go. It's worth.
First of all, we separate three eggs - the egg whites in a bowl and say to them come to room temperature. We will use only one yolk, then you will find you what to do with the other two. Did not find? Your problem, if my mother is Polish hear I encourage you to throw them out, I have a problem. You see, food, friends, do not throw away.
Suppose Hmg'imix bowl cup plus tbsp plain flour. Also add two spoonfuls of cornstarch. rundstück warm Cornstarch gives the biscuit rundstück warm crispy not impaired even if we worked the dough a little too much. Suppose the flour 50g butter we cut into small cubes relative. I like to make some cubes, and shake the flour a little rundstück warm bit to cover the butter

Thanks to the wonders where to buy sterno fuel cans of the internet I found the simplest method for

Thanks to the wonders where to buy sterno fuel cans of the internet I found the simplest method for replacing where to buy sterno fuel cans fresh pastries egg. No need to drag my lazy ass to the supermarket and buy some egg substitute with suspicious where to buy sterno fuel cans ingredients! All you need is a 3-syllable word. Banana !! Not only is it probably healthier than other egg substitutes, it also adds great flavor just pancakes! So thank you, Internet, for saving my breakfast. And by the way, for those wondering (if at all there are people who read this blog) What does it mean vegan food then refers to food without milk, eggs, meat or any other product of animal origin (eg, honey., But I do not what "our nature orthodox" not for honey at all ... What do bees have no soul. simply just. Geez I'm terrible. I'm not totally vegan because I can not give up my vegetarian burger where to buy sterno fuel cans that contains egg! but vegan god forgive me for that. Whoa. dug. sorry). Ingredients where to buy sterno fuel cans (4-5 tiny pancakes) cup gluten-free flour pancakes Bob's red mill's half a banana (banana = one egg) cup (Then I added a little more then the amount is not accurate) soy milk with vanilla-flavored olive oil (or any Other oil) maple syrup (optional) cherry garnish (optional) Prepare the batter recipe instructions on the bag of flour pancake. Just mix all the ingredients by the desired amount, and egg substitute Bananas. Mash the banana well before stir the milk and flour together. It is better to mix hand blender but it works well! Stir until the flour banana and milk into the mixture becomes uniform, not too runny and not too thick. Heat a pan with olive oil. Once the oil is warmed up a bit, give medium heat. Put one tablespoon of batter in the pan, for testing. When you start to see bubbles in the batter frying, turn it and cook the other side until it turns golden brown and no more signs of liquid batter. If something is not going well, fixing the batter (add flour or milk as needed, one teaspoon at a time). If the test goes wrong on the pan, you can continue to fry the remaining pancakes. It is advisable to put a thin layer of batter on the pan that when you put a thick layer of pancake where to buy sterno fuel cans from the insides not cooking. Besides Be careful not to burn the pancakes P: Dish out and put her napkin or some paper towels, to absorb the oil. Place the pancakes into the willing plate with absorbent paper. Wait a minute, until pancakes are a little cooled where to buy sterno fuel cans boiled, then put on a plate and serve with maple syrup, chocolate syrup, whipped cream or cherry. <: Appetite where to buy sterno fuel cans !!! There is no picture. I'm too lazy and I devoured the pancakes before I could take pictures. Bye.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

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Last days of summer vacation. Princess got on the train and sailed to the amusement park, the prince was sleeping at a friend. Righteous work. Hepatic what is chafing dish Hepatic and I, in contrast to the girl from the song of Miriam Yalan Stklis- I did not cry. I decided it was a good opportunity to prepare myself for severe Philippine Orly Cohen (link below) custom index I desired what is chafing dish spiciness. I opened the pantry. Noodles? There. Coconut milk? Curry sauce? There. I opened the refrigerator, took out the ginger and suddenly I heard a voice: "Do not, do Tslichini for old age what is going on here? Avihu Medina came to my fridge? Perhaps this is the effect of a short night's sleep too? I was about to close the door of the refrigerator, but the singing voice became stronger and pleading: what is chafing dish
"After my power to Tazbeiiieini" Ahhh! Here they are: an aging yellow pepper, one leek cabbage strips together looking at me and begging. Since I do not want to be responsible for the separation anxiety, I decided to combine the vegetables Filipino recipe of its oral and Pad Thai recipe. But all this was just a prelude for the visit of Lord Murphy. what is chafing dish At the vegetables have been tossed in a wok, and chicken breast has already passed its phase one, happily opened a can of coconut liquid only to find that Aichssss. The fluid into blocks. Now what? Improvise. I returned to the refrigerator, this time not even then sang there, I got peanut butter, softened, stirring, I added, I bounced. The result Yummy !! But with all due respect to the stories, you'll want a recipe. Please:
Phase One small pan with a little bit of oil fried chicken fillet strips (you can certainly use chicken breasts) just to whitened both sides. Phase two heated on a high flame wok pan. When the pan is very warmed added canola oil, I tossed yellow pepper strips, thin leek rings, one clove of garlic, cabbage strips (I used a ready-made bag straps), chili pepper rings, and a little grated ginger. I added the chicken. I softened smooth peanut butter in the microwave (about 2 heaping tablespoons) I added 2 tablespoons red curry sauce. what is chafing dish I stirred and added the mixture in the wok. Bouncing light. I also added the pre-cooked noodles according what is chafing dish to the manufacturer's instructions. More bouncing and turned off the flame. I spent a plate decorated chives and roasted peanuts.
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