Tuesday, June 10, 2014

hello vishal!!! well i noticed that when i right click on empty space on desktop and click on new i

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In Windows, whenever we right-click on Desktop or in Windows Explorer, we get " New " menu which allows us to create new folder, new shortcut and new files using various known file types. It helps us in creating new files, folders and shortcuts easily and quickly.
Sometimes you may want to remove a few unwanted items from "New" menu to shrink its size or to restrict others from creating new files or shortcuts or you may want to add a few new items to "New" menu such as new file types, etc.
Posted by: Vishal Gupta | Categories: Troubleshooting , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows XP Other similar articles that may interest you How to Fix Annoying chafing dish roll top Folder View Type Problem in Windows Vista and Later? Download Free Windows 8 (vNext) Skin for RocketDock Download SevenVG RTM Theme with Normal Thin Taskbar for Windows XP How to Add “Disk Cleanup” Option in Drive Context Menu in Windows chafing dish roll top How to Change Power Button Action in Windows Vista to Shut Down the System instead of Sleep? [FAQ] Things to Know Before Downloading or Installing Windows 8.1 Preview Comments
hello vishal!!! well i noticed that when i right click on empty space on desktop and click on new i could see worpad,,,etc but when i open my drive for eg local disk d and then i clicked on an empty space and again pointed towards in new i could ony see new folder...nothing else....i am using vista home premium sp2 fully updated..:-(
in regedit go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt, right click on default, change value to txtfile and VIOLA! somehow the default value got changed to something else, that's chafing dish roll top why "create new text file" wasn't showing when i right-clicked.
Thanks for this tutorial , this was what i was looking for, now i can get rid of the nagging bmp file being created instead of using the short key for creating a folder Win Key+F, bmp shortcut was created chafing dish roll top by Faststone Image Viewer which i didn't want.
I just downloaded Ruby for windows and was trying to add something to the "new" menu that would allow me to open a new Ruby program. I'm new to programming, so there's probably a simple solution, but I can't figure out what file to use (by your method) chafing dish roll top to add Ruby to the new context menu.
Hi, I wanted to add WordPad to the New menu but this doesn't work. Just to be clear I want to R-click the empty space in FileView of WE and get the New menu to show the option to create a new .rtf file like it does with Notepad.
The directions on this page say about adding Keys here: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\* (for adding an option in All files context menu) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory (for adding an option chafing dish roll top in folders context menu only) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive (for adding an option in Drives chafing dish roll top context menu only) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Unknown (for adding an option in unknown files context menu)
I tried adding the option to ROOT\Directory - this added an option to open a Folder with WordPad when it is R-clicked! Obviously I don't want this, but even though chafing dish roll top I deleted all reference to it, the option still appears in the context menu??? Can you tell me how to get rid of it and how to achieve the New .rtf option please.
Moody Mason
I'm using windows 7 and can't get rid of the briefcase that shows up when i right click looking for a folder .. i've read many instructions on the net about going to regedit, expanding HKEY etc. where there are many abbreviations but there's no briefcase there to delete .. I've expanded all the B's and it's not there .. i found a site that said i could download "disable-newbriefcase.reg" and it would work but it was a speed test .. I could sure use some help .. thanks
Hey ,I am using Windows 7 ,when I right click for new folder the options are changed , like there is option for bierfcase, MSword, MS Access, Contact.........etc. But No new folder create option , How to reset this new option to default...? I tried the above ,options to delete and add, but I am not getting it ,Is there any way to get the default options.......
Hi I'm Tim and I had the dreaded no Folder event happen in the New context menu. My simple fix was to add the text in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder Default data = Folder in the Registry file by using Regedit. chafing dish roll top I know it looks simple, but I spent a good 20 hours finding the answer instead of running any kind of fix I could find. If the Registry is blank in that data area, it won't secure chafing dish roll top a spot for Folder to show up in the New context menu.
Problem: Windows 7 comes with New Bitmap image in the context menu just as previous versions of Windows did. If I'm taking a screenshot, having a new .jpg file to open in an editor and paste into is much more u

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