Tuesday, October 22, 2013

tip When you feel intense discomfort, heartburn and stomach pain, chew a sugar free gum Chios. H an

Nobody can resist the lamb or the intestines during Easter - and rightly so. Often, however, overdo the laminated tables in friends' houses, while slamming the meal and several glasses of alcohol, which hinders xoi vi further digestion, thus burdening the stomach and gain a strong sense of discomfort. For the treatment of indigestion, the solution is usually ... an antacid. But there are other, more natural and more enjoyable ways to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms. We five drinks recipes with herbs and fruits known for their beneficial properties in cases of digestive disorders. Eseis you have to choose, depending on your mood and the flavors you prefer! The best herbs for stomach Herbs such as cardamom, anise, chamomile, mint, fennel, coriander and caraway to calm the stomach, improve digestion and relieve you from pain and discomfort. Combine them to make drinks or add them to your food. Tis these days also Include in your diet fresh and soothing foods, such as yogurt, bananas, beets, cabbage and carrots. Will relieve the irritation and heartburn.
tip When you feel intense discomfort, heartburn and stomach pain, chew a sugar free gum Chios. H antacid action will relieve you faster. 1 | Drink chamomile and mint The chamomile and mint are ideal for digestion and also very refreshing. Xalaronoun stomach muscles and relieve irritation and inflammation. Add to your drink and meadowsweet, herb known for its antacid effect. Materials (for 1-2 servings) 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers 1 teaspoon dried mint leaves 1 teaspoon dried meadowsweet 300 ml water Execute: Load the herbs in teapot with hot water. xoi vi With the lid closed, leave the mixture for 10-15. ! You can daily drink a cup after each meal, since, among other things, it will not weigh you down with calories. 2 | Exotikos H papaya juice cools and relieves bloating and pain, and thanks to papain help contain xoi vi the stomach enzymes to "digest" food. O pineapple, beyond the anti-inflammatory action, containing bromelain, xoi vi an enzyme xoi vi that balances stomach acids, and coconut milk soothes acidity. Materials (for 1-2 servings) 1/2 papaya 3 large pieces of pineapple (preferably fresh) 300 ml coconut xoi vi milk 1 pinch grated nutmeg Execute: Load a papaya, pineapple and coconut milk in a blender and beat. If desired, dilute the mixture with a little water and add the nutmeg. ! Drink a glass after a meal. Remember that this juice has enough calories. 3 | Tsai licorice and mandarin peels H Licorice has soothing properties, soothes the stomach from heartburn, while increasing the body's ability to fight stress. The mandarin, on the other hand, greatly facilitates the process of digestion. Materials (for 1-2 servings) 3 g. licorice 3g. dried tangerine peel 300 ml water Execution: Set the ingredients in a saucepan and allow to simmer for 20. Then, drain the mixture. ! Drink two cups a day. The particular tea will give you a few calories. 4 | The Tsai lemongrass lemongrass helps digestion and helps to relieve abdominal bloating. Materials (for 1 serving) 15 g. lemongrass 300 ml water Execute: Load the lemongrass tea in hot water. With the lid closed, leave the mixture for 20. ! Drink a cup after each meal, since it will not weigh you down with calories. 5 | MIDDLE EASTERN drink is a traditional drink that combines xoi vi oriental rose water, xoi vi honey and spices. The cardamom and cinnamon greatly assist the process of digestion. The yogurt, rose water and honey with similar effects and is beneficial for the intestinal flora. Materials (for 1 serving) 1 yogurt 100 ml rose water 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Execution: Beat the ingredients in a blender. ! Should you ate too much on lunch, xoi vi this drink is a perfect dinner. vita.gr
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