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Those who suffer from skin, they know how stubborn sometimes these diseases. Above all eczemas. Usually treated with medications. But there are many plants which, as evidenced by the experience lo vi song sharp of the people, have miraculous healing properties.
1) Boil walnut leaves, and a little of the bark of the tree and the decoction wash the affected area. 2) Boil the green peel and nuts do local washes in eczema. lo vi song sharp
4) Boil 100 g clover in three cups of water and wash the affected area. Excellent for stubborn lichen. If you use dried clover, should put less quantity.
8) Disinfect fresh cabbage leaves with a slight dissolution Lizol and do local patches in pimples, inflammations, boils and in any skin irritation. The change three to four times a day.
11) Boil 6 grams of the root of the strop with a half glass of water, until you are left in a glass and drink a cup of herb tea a day, not completely full. It is good for lichens, eczema and almost all skin diseases.
From the slurry will eat a teaspoon in the morning hungry and another in the evening before lo vi song sharp sleep. If our body withstand, we can take the night two teaspoons instead of one. It is effective for all skin conditions, and even for some persistent eczema. In addition it helps us to keep skin clear and youthful, because it is light laxative for the body and especially the intestines.
14) For scabies, but pimples can make the following ointment with sulfur (sulfur flower will ask the pharmacy) pour into a saucepan 15g sulfur, 30 g pure beeswax and 155 g green soap. Put the pan into a larger pan with water and put the fire to boil (called "bain-but-pi '). With the steam will dissolve the mixture in small saucepan. We're working constantly, until paste. Put the ointment on the affected area.
15) three cups hot water, add 20 g of flowers and dandelion leaves, let stand fourth and strain. Drink three cups of tea every day. It is famous for rashes, boils, lichen, skin irritations.
16) In a glass of hot water, add 2 g of the flower of pansy. Leave ten minutes after souronoume.Pinoume half in the morning lo vi song sharp and half in the evening. It is good for various skin diseases, eczema, lichen pimples and various rashes. lo vi song sharp For the same conditions, boil 10 g pansy in a half glass of water and do local washes.
Epigenetics and prevention of breast cancer
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