Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The conference at the Salon of Agriculture left the good old allotments - today or family associati

Association of Friends of the Insectarium de Picardie for the support and promotion of tourism stainless steel chafing dishes and educational equipment for scientific and cultural mediation devoted to entomology and biodiversity in Picardy in the territory of Pont-Sainte-Maxence
L'Express No. 3274 of April 2, I came across a very good article "On the rooftops of Paris ... firm." Good as you will agree, but what a disappointment for me. Why? Simply stainless steel chafing dishes because a few weeks after my visit to the Salon of Agriculture, I wanted to write a paper on the subject. That said I will still not compare me to this great magazine which covers stainless steel chafing dishes me the post.
AgroParistech on the stand, I had a conference on this subject see the point of this urban agriculture for biodiversity monitoring in effect. Documenting, I had spotted excellent pictures on American achievements including the Brooklyn Grange in New York that the speaker had mentioned. I asked permission to Brooklyn Grange to use one for my article, but bad luck, it was possible, but had to pay duties, that our little blog associative can not yet afford. So I put my paper in the pile of draft articles waiting to make myself a shot somewhere.
The conference at the Salon of Agriculture left the good old allotments - today or family associations gardens - on the outskirts of cities to achieve a gardening agriculture or even within stainless steel chafing dishes cities, including and especially using roofing.
She was referring to the experiments stainless steel chafing dishes conducted by the School of Agricultural Engineers AgroParisTech, which operates since December 2011 an experimental urban garden (Topager) on the roofs of Claude Bernard in Paris Centre, in collaboration stainless steel chafing dishes with researchers at INRA Versailles-Grignon , of the Ecole Normale and the National Museum of Natural History. Culture is a mixture composed of organic waste for recycling household waste after vermicomposting highstreet and products pruning trees of the city. The project also examines the potential harm crops by urban pollution, stainless steel chafing dishes including air by gas or dust.
The results stainless steel chafing dishes are positive and pollution on the roofs would clearly be much lower than street level. Artificial soils on roofs are also often much less polluted by industrial benefits, among other heavy metals, the market gardens or fields urban periphery. In addition to city, fewer pesticides are used.
Short culture roof can be very interesting in the cities - where more than 50% of the world population is found - especially if it is practiced in an environmentally friendly way. Course in Paris, it seems difficult to transform the roofs of Haussmann buildings in hanging gardens, but there are also many flat roofs, especially in recent quarters office, which could become beautiful gardens. In the article by L'Express, a Parisian elected said that an area of 2.5 ha could feed 450 people. Vegetables grown without added pesticides and chemical fertilizers are particularly healthy.
In its program the candidate to Paris, Anne Hidalgo, today elected proposed addition to revegetate 100 acres of roofs and façades, 30% to produce fruit and vegetables, at a cost of 114 million. According to the Institut Montaigne, the Paris Workshop Planning has identified nearly 80 ha plantable, including 14 belonging to the municipality, stainless steel chafing dishes the rest belonging to private owners it will subsidize.
This is a residential bar Romainville (Seine-Saint-Denis) has already been fitted and there are projects in Roubaix, Lille and Bordeaux, in the Val-de-Marne. UrbAgri company was created, stainless steel chafing dishes as part of the social economy, which aims to promote urban agriculture projects stainless steel chafing dishes in brownfields and on rooftops, with job creation in the key.
We already knew the bee hives Opera, whose honey is said to be (I have not tasted) stainless steel chafing dishes excellent. These gardens on the roof, which could represent Paris and its suburbs several hundred hectares, would be a blessing not only for residents or small farmers, but also for many apiaries honeybees and other pollinating insects: thrips , wasps, flies, beetles, moths and other .... I obviously do not forget the many species of wild bees that can be found in urban areas. The European Urbanbees program ends, besides studying the conditions for development in the city of these wild bees

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