mankind there is more than 6,000 years - from before there was even a man camp.
For many, not only my friends, chafer grub this information is simply sensational and confirmed by recent surveys the most prominent specialists in the field of genetics chafer grub that we Poles countrymen live continuously in our native chafer grub land for more than 10 700 years.
This message is concealed from the public chafer grub in Poland. Well, she storms chafer grub past research in the field of Slavic origin. chafer grub Until the announcement of the results chafer grub of research by a team of international scientists from Stanford University in the USA and published in the Journal of Genetic specialized chafer grub geneaology, by Peter Gwozdz in 2009, the vast majority of the planet's inhabitants felt that before the stage of their migration chafer grub Slavs inhabited area located outside of central Europe, as the location chafer grub of our original seats. Modern genetic research presented by an international team of scientists have shown that the characteristic of the Slavs is a relatively frequent occurrence of R1a1 gene (M17) - haplogroup occurring in the male chromosome Y. On the European continent it occurs Slavs with a frequency of 30% to over 60%, and for the oldest cradle of clearly identifiable ancestors of the Slavs should be southern Poland, where up to 10 thousand. chafer grub years ago, leading genetic genealogy test results determined by the Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a1 Thus, conducting research on the origin of Ashkenazi Jews in the framework of the project "JewishDNAProject", aimed to define the DNA of Jews was impossible to ignore disclosed Polish haplogroup R1a1a7 and define the genetic cocktail of German.
Well, the latest discovery by geneticists Polish haplogroup R1a1a7 male Y chromosome-DNA, confirmed only preached chafer grub for generations from father to son, the truth about our common ancestry with the rest of the Slavs. It turned chafer grub out that the Poles inhabit their homeland forever, more than 10 thousand. years. So far, false theories were told that all of the Slavs come from the Indo-European (haplogroup R1a1) coming to Europe from the East, and the Polish lands came from the central Ukrainian lands in the fifth century of our era. Germany so far consider the lands between the Oder and the Dniester for Germanic, when there really is not any Germanic nations are only related to each other individuals, and the best example is Tusk, who despite the fact that he studied history does not know if his family are Polish or Germany. I suggest you examine genetically chafer grub all those in power in Poland, public chafer grub officials, starting with Komorowski and Tusk and going on ministers, MPs, senators, judges and prosecutors. Poles find out the nations which individuals exercise power in my beloved homeland.
Most German hybrid, regarded the Poles or recognize still lower subhuman race, while they are mongrels on the basis of published studies. Many germańców left of the doctrine preached chafer grub by Hitler to the present day and probably take it to their graves by Masons and Jews, who in their own commercial interest only they were told such nonsense. What a fool after understands him if someone else is thinking! Previously it was thought that the Germans are typically Scandinavian nation, which has no significant additions of other nationalities. It turns out, however, according to studies, the Germans arose after mixing the indigenous people of Scandinavian (I1a) from the Indo-European (R1a1) and the Celts (1b) in a proportion of 40% -20% -40%. On the other hand, Norway is almost equally 28% R1a1 and R1b and 40% I1a. From this the conclusion that there has not been any larger amounts of Germanic tribes on Polish soil! From the Lausitz region of Vilnius, Hrodna and Zbrucz, Poles are one big family in its more than 10 000 years. This is a scientific reality and the message and the tradition of the Polish Crown.
According to the calendar of Jewish, which is calculated according to the tradition in the same way continuously through the ages, from the creation of the world, we have 5,772 years. Not only Jews count the years in this way, but also their homies in the doctrine of apartheid - the Freemasons also have found themselves their calendars for their freaks. Some of obedience to the occupation of semi-skilled masons of Solomon's temple and various haunted lodge hidden behind a cloak of ignorance that we have eg 6011 AL (Anno Lucis - Year of Light), 2541 AI (Anno Inventionis), 892 AO (Anno Ordinis). Of course, the year begins or ends in September.
From the time I examined human DNA, and then discovered the male Y-chromosome haplogroup-DNA already be verified prior knowledge chafer grub of archaeological, historical and linguistic. Debilom it should be left to their apartheid in relation to the Poles, because chafer grub knowledge could undermine their fragile personality based on deceiving himself thereby causing acute clinical case. The nation is still produced territorial chafer grub collectivity of a certain ethnic composition, produced in a pro
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