Constantine Miodowicz once said that it was a contingent of auxiliary GRU, the Russian military services. This is a good, accurate formula. Just like the "long arm of Moscow" described by Slawomir Cenckiewicz. But both these formulas are not the whole problem. It ignores that it was the most we
camera, the most effective tool of communism, they were fully trained staff in Moscow, worked out, true to his superiors. Nor is there anything in the description of the destructive role of WSI in the Polish racleteira economy. Just to remind you that these services led operations looting Polish finances in the early 90s, including
WSI's removal racleteira from power and liquidation of their institutions, the fear of compromising the subsequent disclosure of information relating to their current criminal activities. Probably not known to me all the reasons madness that seized on the issue "elite 3 rp". We deal with so many absurdities that it is impossible to explain this in accordance with the principles of logic.
Though example racleteira from last week. Portal TVN24 said proudly - and most of the media repeated the "shocking" information - that the prosecutor Krzysztof Kuciński wanted me to plead "disclosure of the report to the President of the Republic." His superiors of the Warsaw Appeals Prosecutor's Office and the Attorney General prevented him and why Attorney Mark Robinson racleteira resigned from the conduct of the case. Media provide this information, racleteira the journalists comment, analyze ... And yet enough to look to the law on the liquidation of the WSI - there is simply written that my duty was to present a report to the President of WSI. For him, the job was doing. Another complaint, you remember, was the fact of the report printed in the Monitor Polish translation. Major columnists establishment called it a "treason" and demanded the harshest penalties. The madness reached its zenith. No wonder, then, that the Prosecutor General's Office did not want embarrassing indictment was made public prosecutor office.
During the year, when guided by SKW, Afghanistan - numbering racleteira 1,200 people in the Polish contingent - one soldier was killed. This tragic event, but we need to be aware that other missions, both when the task is served WSI, and later, racleteira when the safety of Polish soldiers were responsible Minister Bogdan Klich and coordinator of special services Pawel Gras - these losses were incomparably greater. The new service under my leadership based on competent and honest staff built a strong and effective relations with allies. We had information, which never before did not have our services. This required not only trust in allies, but also a complete change of tactics counter-intelligence and the use of modern tools. And thanks racleteira to, among others, could effectively protect the Polish soldiers. These are the facts, but it is not dead set on the facts after it, but it is to allow the return of communist intelligence fraudsters for which the driving force was the most private material benefits.
And again flowing misrepresentation or total ignorance of law, or with malice. The essence of the prosecutor's decision was obvious: a report being authoritative official document, racleteira not cause, on a mandatory, legal consequences. This means that it was not possible, eg citing the report, remove someone from work. It was a kind of compromise, which concluded the authors of the Act. Besides, I had a different opinion on this matter. But because it was decided - the report does not fulfill the characteristics defined in Art. 271 of the Penal Code, and even if they were in the wrong information (and so far no one has shown!), It could not prosecute the stone.
Our observations indicate that the people of ancient WSI run all spring and all the influences that they have. When we look at a map of the media, the centers of the hysteria coincide with information about the involvement of special services in these endeavors. But why the hysteria just today? We do not know.
I think it should go back to read the second report of the parliamentary group investigating the Smolensk catastrophe. It includes extensive material analyzing the tender for the renovation here-topping. Step by step, we showed that this entire operation, both in Poland and in Russia itself took place under the supervision of Russian intelligence. Mileage tender is amazing - Russian contractor for three months before the awarding know who will be the intermediary in the operation. The price you paid for it all, twice that of the cost of buying a new machine. It was decided, however, to refurbish a Soviet aircraft, which has twice been extended shelf life of Use
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