Monday, February 10, 2014

These causes of antisemitism in Russia already sufficient to rulers in difficult conditions, changi

CHAPTER 17. EMIGRATION first serious talk of Jewish emigration from the USSR can be dated 1968 year. In the summer we vacationed in Lithuanian farm Vayshnunae buffet chafing dish set with Jewish buffet chafing dish set friends: Marina buffet chafing dish set and Yasha Rubenchik, Anna and Boris Rabbota, Volodya Gurvich and his mother Malvina (they both have died), Misha Bresler. Incidentally, all of them in the 70s emigrated to the United States. The fate of these people buffet chafing dish set in America has developed differently. But they all worked. With all of them, we support different degree of proximity relations.
Talking about emigration fell on fertile ground. Eugene and I felt our whole life Semitism. At the same time I am more and more I realized that he is deeply connected with the traditions of Russia, where a Jew has always been and will be a second-class person, and that, despite all the blessings given to me - the superintendence department in an academic institute, faculty at MSU, is nothing but a offerings required Jew. (In Germany, Hitler also had about 200 families called Die Nutzliche Juden - dates Jews equal rights to the Aryans). I overcame the liberal ideas that gave hope that the Jews in Russia (as well as Germany, Poland and many other countries) may become as equal people as indigenous people. I realized that liberalism was founded tragic mistake many Jews, who at one time did not emigrate from Russia. Therefore, we emigrated from the country is Russia, not the Soviet Union as a political system, which was derived from the culture of the country.
My analysis of the reasons for rejection of Russian Jews developed. That's how I imagined these reasons in the early 70s. The phenomenon of anti-Semitism has deep biological and social roots. Them, for example, can be seen from comparing the ratio of the three indigenous nationalities who lived on the territory of Russia - Jews, Tatars and Germans. Biological instinct to determine alertness Aboriginal outsider. Naturally, this wariness - a necessary but insufficient condition for anti-Semitism: the Tatars and Germans also treated with caution.
The next factor - a measure of alertness. This factor is expressed in a proportion of between aggression stranger in his quest to get the scarce benefits and opportunities of Aboriginal equal fight to resist the aggression. Hostility, not malice against the Tatars, many of whom live among Russian explained, apparently, that the Tatars en masse do not claim a prominent role in society. For example, in Moscow, a large percentage of Tatars janitors, but this work Muscovites are reluctant. Can be identified as a factor - whether a stranger or alien visitor. Germans were strangers before the Revolution played an important role in politics, buffet chafing dish set management, etc. However, the Germans did not have such bitterness as to the Jews, the Germans were in the Russian guests and not aliens. Behind them stood a great Germany, in which they could always return. Jews trapped in Russia, different culture and higher activity than the local population. I do not know how the Jews as a nation are genetically different in activity and the ability buffet chafing dish set of other nations, but European Jews passed through buffet chafing dish set the centuries, "unnatural selection" against vysokokulturnym European population. In this struggle, the strongest survive. It is possible that the gene pool of European Jewry was in this context shifted upward active capable people. Variations in the other side also has as far as I remember, the percentage of mental illness among the Jews, according to the World Health Organization, significantly greater than among the indigenous populations of the countries where they live. In Russian Jews fell, mainly after the partitions of Poland - they had nowhere to go. Emigration to America was for many of them is difficult due to the high cost of the move.
These causes of antisemitism in Russia already sufficient to rulers in difficult conditions, changing only the form, found an opportunity proekspluatirovat unfriendliness of the population towards the Jews, and the difficulties are always present buffet chafing dish set - this is the nature of human development.
In subsequent years, my understanding of the problem of anti-Semitism has deepened. I tried to understand the reasons for the above anti-Semitism in the broader context of the compatibility between different ethnic groups. My buddy Yefim Mendelevich Manevitch once told me about an interview that he was taking anti-Semitic chief editor of the magazine in America. Manevitch editor asked a direct question: "Why do not you like Jews? For their intellectual superiority, resourcefulness, pride, etc.? "Interviewee replied:" For the Jewish spirit. "
It seems to me that the Jewish buffet chafing dish set spirit coming from the Jewish buffet chafing dish set mentality is the reason for the incompatibility of Jews with a large number of people. Assuming that religion creates ethnic group in accordance with its mentality, more precisely with the mentality of a critical mass of ethnic, ethnicity able to develop this, this spirit is well reflected in the Torah. For the Jewish spirit within buffet chafing dish set Torah

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