Friday, November 22, 2013

Inside the cathedral in Hamburg Durillo The journey has been, but Michael holds like a rock. Touch

I now give the floor to Magda who was the architect of the daily route. Part 1 was: Wed DAYS OF HONEY .. 30 -5 - 2012: 1. - Come NCA adventure Leave Reus at 11 am. Put water in the caravan lunch in Villefranche Junquera. The Traffic and everything he shoots first.
Our AC Transit's hot. Since when dinar.el thermometer 34 degrees. 're Doing camí.Les areas of the highway are renewed and no place to wash dishes. chafing 're Doing inputs and outputs, and then wash and leave. Costs us find a place we like to spend the night, and in the end the blunder, so just passing it between trucks, of which more than one camera freezing, and we have hourly concert night. I forgot that after dinner, we missed the ride because he routinely deluge. Finally! Directions: Reus Valence.Sempre autopista.Velocitat to average 81 km / hora.Consum: 9.91 liters 100.Kms: 681 Costs: 153 (water and bread: 2.80 ; highway: chafing 25.20; highway: chafing 25.20; Diesel 105 . Accumulated Total: 153. Th. 31-5-2012 2. blanket-Road and 22.5 graus.Tot fine. lunch and use the services in the area, certainly comfortable and clean, and leave before 10 direction of Lyon, Strasbourg and up. Finnish contemporary music Sounds chafing FM Music! that good!. Rhone.No We just transferred le m strange that President Pujol in trasvassament. Isere Only, its tributary Southeast, it's like our Ebro! when we approached Lyon, take the A-46 towards Strasbourg. paid as a vehicle class 2.Ara Strasbourg continue chafing to Bourg-en-Bresse and the way it makes you feel unsafe, they also route to Geneva and was not interested in entering the intersection Suïssa.A follow the A 42. M'estreno driving up to 250 km when driving dinar.Total the traffic .. Ouch! forward trucks , m'estressa much, but instead relies on Michael. chafing engulfed kms ..... Let canning pantry for lunch, between Dole and Besancon. Afternoon kms more. mistake We went to Germany but the road again to recuperar.Tot is under construction: chafing machinery and cranes alternate ear while unemployment if I understand something of ràdio.Arribarem to Baden-Baden to advance kms demà.Finalment sleep in a large service area in Bruchsal-Ost the area of restaurant.20 degrees and walk down a small xàfec.Fem night. Directions: Valence-Karlsruhe. Average speed: 86 km / hora.Consum: 9.81 to cent.kms: 670.Acumulat: 1329 kms expenses: 173 (highway: 42.30; diesel: 90.02; highway: 2.90; highway: 37.60) Cumulative total 326 Dv.1-3 chafing 6-12. - More road and blanket 19 C. We very well. We spent a quiet and restful night in front of the restaurant with few neighbors propers.Els lluny.Després trucks were showering, washing dishes, breakfast, put oil and water, leaving the 11.Toca chafing pass through the two-lane chafing autobahn and obres.Veurem we wait for today. (I do daily practices chafing Deustch!.) To go to the toilet must pay. autobanh The has 4 lanes to bypass Frankfurt.Passem right beside the airport more traffic in Europe. On the right we see the skyline of the city skyline and the tower is a lot of traffic to telecomunicacions.Hi Vormittag (12 hours). Klassik IMF to engage the topic we love Ennio Morricone and then the Wedding chafing March from Mendelsson. calm have lunch in an area of the autobahn and leave when planned: the 3.Si everything properly, at 7 and 8 to Hamburg càmping.El GPS is already programmed and indicates that we will ride an hour less. vaaaaaaa That! Jam monumental.Retenció 45 minutes inexplicable in the area of Kassel! Hanover and we still have! sleeping new route? 64 kms of Hamburg, are 3 / 4 of 8 degrees and the wind blows vespre.15 fresquet.Haurem remove outerwear.
Inside the cathedral in Hamburg Durillo The journey has been, but Michael holds like a rock. Touch descansar.A will see the entrance to the city ... It was easy. Just linking to the autobahn, following the GPS have entered in Hamburg, Free tunnel under the Elbe and then we planted camping .... but it was closed and there was places.Ens touched circular the city, guided by a German long distance amable.Hem made night route discovery and we finally parked, dined and slept on a street near the port. We just water and battery and full of gray water and black. We do not know what to do tomorrow. We sleep peaceful enough, each passing car rocked veil

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