For this diary "inspired" me CikaVelja who wrote: "A political background of all this is equally important. Family physicians are now before the renewal of concession contracts and they are given contracts by which (at best) for the same amount chafing on balls of work they can get 40% less money. (CikaVelja @) http: // ...
Government ministers were given tasks to make savings. For savings in health care, as decided and former minister, were selected just family doctors so that "for chafing on balls the same amount of work can get 40% less money," and that they supposedly could substitute-earn sewing chafing on balls the wound, washing the ears and the like. (as they are now doing, but such jobs can earn up to 1,000 per month).
It will not hurt you a little math to see why physicians have not accepted the same proposal of former minister and did not sign the contract offered, as are left without their income-wages! Those 40% less money causes that funds intended for physician their salary is nil.
Family physicians receive a "head tax" which is about 20 per patient per month (for younger people get less, and the older more) and an average of 1,500 patients receive around 30,000 in your bank account. Being a doctor from capitation paid nurse (whose income is protected by a collective agreement and can not be reduced) chafing on balls and pay all contributions and expenses, starting from renting the space in which it operates, chafing on balls accountants, chafing on balls tax, medical supplies, insurance, electricity, cleaning, replacement , sick leave, phone and internet, transportation ... to the sheet of paper, which is approximately 18 000 kn.
If the 30,000 capitation reject 40% to 12,000, which is about the gross amount (together with contributions) monthly income of doctors. So, if the family physician capitation reduce 40%, SETS ASIDE get pay. Currently I do not know anyone from other professions, who would, if she does not realize suicide, signed such a contract. A familial such a contract prepared for signature at the end of the year ...
A family first introduced computerization to allow them to measure their work and to be paid by the works executed, because each procedure is scored, a point comes at a price - of course ridiculously small. They gave up this method of payment because the doctors get much greater benefit than paying capita.
Family physicians receive a head tax for which they Ministry and CIHI will not tell us what kind of services they fall in it (so-called. "Basket chafing on balls of services"), because if they have mentioned chafing on balls only the basic services, along with current income, hour of work family doctor would be ridiculously small.
In addition to overcrowding job for daily visits to patients, which is more than double the European standard of thirty patients a day, each year the family is overwhelmed with new administrative duties and obligations for the same amount of money, thus reducing the time that the doctor can devote to the patient.
Well when you fuck? from: Fifty tiny numbers to $ 1 per day from: shiky Should family physicians to sign a contract for a salary of nil? By: Francis How to prevent cheating of corruption in health care around the traffic of pharmaceutical products on account CIHI? from: bet Another absurdity from the kitchen Croatian birokracije- "Stupid criteria CIHI in the selection of candidates for internship" of: ppetra
Should family physicians to sign a contract for a salary of nil? The thirst of vampires, blood, water, oil With EU referendum and a referendum on NATO + referendum referendum War in Libya: It's not over when it's over ... The so-called. The Allies attacked again: The war in Libya!
Francis, the problem of family chafing on balls doctors in the public health system is certainly an interesting topic, but it is discussed chafing on balls not be discussed in this way !? Unfortunately, your diary is based on a completely chafing on balls false and incorrect information about the new system of payment practice of family physicians !? Or you do not know this subject, or do you do malicious disinformation about the alleged reduction of family doctors get to 40%!? You have not heard of "Pentagram", which is introduced from 2013g.!? Answers
The new "contract model" ("Pentagram"), which is explained, depending on the number of patients, "development funds" for small, medium and large team (team are you a doctor and honey. Sister), is slightly modified old program, the former Minister, which was not adopted.
Francis, family doctors have signed a contract which runs until signs a new contract, a new contract will be sure to sign in January 2013g. Like it or not! Today I had the opportunity to read the internal mail KoHomovca in which the agitprop methods advise your members not to sign the new contract but waiting to see how this contract reflected in the practice of those physicians who are not members of your association !? How is your diary appeared on the official website KOHOM, I guess you're one of the members and MALNAR medical group (Balint group), which is increasingly behaving like unbridled trafficking